Any of you going to get the boon "emerald elixir" from The Pathfinder MMO Kickstarter site.
$5 Pledge amount: Pathfinder Society - Pass the time until Pathfinder Online's release in the massively multiplayer OFFLINE Pathfinder Society Organized Play worldwide tabletop RPG campaign! You'll receive a special in-campaign chronicle sheet PDF detailing an unusual one-use magic item called the emerald elixir, stolen from a bizarre pool in the Emerald Spire Super dungeon. When used at an official Pathfinder Society game table, drinking the elixir grants your hero the advanced simple template for the duration of the scenario. Alternately, the elixir can be spiked with experimental agents to trigger a beneficial permanent mutation randomly determined on a huge chart included on the certificate. If more than one player activates an emerald elixir at the same table, all drinkers can choose their preferred mutation from the list rather than roll randomly.
Estimated delivery: Mar 2013
Pathfinder Online: A Fantasy Sandbox MMO
5,999 Backers $747,907 pledged of $1,000,000 goal 3 days to go.