Nameless Assassin

Locken's page

50 posts. Organized Play character for Ganryo.


The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

One of The Exchange goal is to resolve a combat encounter nonviolently through diplomacy, trickery, bribery, or a similar tactics.
This is season 8 I believe.

Locken then tell every one in common that these creatures are only recently arrived a day ago and are looking for a new place to call home. He then further explained that we can possibly use them as potential allies in term of information gathering of any threat around these parts if we play our cards right. By negotiate the treaty between the gillman and the kobald, to help them co-exist in a form of symbiotic relationship.
He switch back and forth between common and Draconic to ensure elevation of trust, and non-aggression, emphasis beneficial of team work, and safety.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken continue in Draconic"We want to understand the history of this place and it's inhabitant by way of observation."
As he gesture his hand to the cavern interior, and the ritual site formations. He continue,
"We only need 2-3 hours to study, then we will leave this place for you to do as you wish. If you want us to leave sooner, then perhaps if you would be so kind as to inform us of what you already know of this place. We shall then leave within the hour. Your present here will be kept confidential, we are not concern of who comes and goes only it's history. Thus your present here will be kept confidential, however if you wish to coexist here along with the gillmen whom we met and have understanding with, we can arrange a meeting with them and can help you negotiate a term where you and your people along with the gillman can coexist here peacefully, and whose to say that such union won't benefit both your people to greater strengthen to better defend this sacred place."
Locken paused for a moment to let them think for a second before he continue.
"If you agree then shall we proceed?"

If this is successful may I tick off one of The Exchange faction goal?

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Awesome!! Thanks for all the hard work GM Batpony. Great job every one.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken address the creatures in Draconic,"We are not here to fight, nor attempt to intrude, as we are explorer wondering into the cavern in search of new discoveries, violence is not our intend. If you welling to assist us with this task the sooner we can leave, and let you all be. However we are not defenseless and we will defend our self if we have to. Please we rather avoid blood shed, as I am sure you all have family to return to and as we all are. If you agree then let us talk in pace."

Using a soothing tone of voice Locken hope that it is enough to make them think twice before acting rashly.

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 10

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

"These creature are frighten of our sudden presents, lets not spill blood when its not due."
Locken put his hands up, but at the same time his feet shift to a small crouch incase he need to side step the immediate danger.
Locken gone into full defense action to increase his ac and hold his move action for when hostile action against him occur.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken took one last glance at the Minotaur for any clue to it's origin. Not sure what to make of it, he spun and then dash ahead then flip across the stream.
Acrobatic: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Landed successfully he continue on.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Ahh.. ok, so back to drawing board for re-adjustment. So from what I learn AC and HP is the most important for Locken since he is a melee rogue, thus changed a few feats, and swapped some stat around to have higher Con. Ended up with 14 hp, and 16 AC at 1st level.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

The drawback is from this site, in the Rules Archive section, it is a penalty you place on your character to allow 3rd trait, instead of just 2.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

I see, well so far Locken haven't die yet so I guess all things considered, Locken character still valid. Also does society also allow character to take, drawback to get 3rd trait from character creation?
P.S. I'll update Locken now.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

I would love another opportunity to join your game again GM Batpony. It's been an enjoyable journey.
As I mentioned earlier I am rather new to this PFS so unfortunately I only have Locken as an active character atm, which I hope to build up as a main for the game.
Though he is level 2 now after some RL session during the PbP of this game, I would like to continue the tradition of continuing with this community.
Also is PFS allow some changes between session on character build during level 1-4 period like ALDD 5e games?

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

"Don't let your guard down just yet. We are at a disadvantage if more enemies are to come."
Locken continue to scan the surrounding, even though it's difficult to see.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Thank you GM Batpony for GMing for a noob like me. It's been an absolute pleasure to play along side every one here, I love reading your dialog, and role playing your character. Though more character interaction would be nice, since PbP style really open up to that by design, I think.
For my part I choose to play a rather secretive character with a dark past, thus trust don't comes easy especially meeting new people for him. If we are to run into each other again in the future, and interact character proves to be trust worthy, I am sure Locken would open up a bit more.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken seeing the conclusion of the encounter, he kneel down to pick up his dagger, then cautiously approaching the fallen beast. Not letting his guard down, while hand gesture others to see Janira.

Then with his foot he kick the broken axe away from the beast. Kneel down and slide the dagger into it's jugular vain.

Coupe de grace on the minitaur.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

With a quick assessment of the situation, Locken notice that it's more advantage to lure the monster away from Janira. Quickly he changed tactic from a charge to a gorilla tactic of hit and run.
He dropped his knife, and draw his short bow and begin fire at the beast.
Free action to drop knife, the move action to draw the short bow, then attack.
He took aim, although it's not in ideal condition all he need is a chance to distract it and move it toward him. Then he let go of the bow string and hope for the best.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 76
Dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 2

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

"Symphony brace yourself, I will keep it occupy!! Frostwind If you got any more of them bombs better throw it now before I charge.!!!"
With that Locken Draw his dagger and prepare to charge on the count.
5.... 4.... 3... 2...

Would I be able to charge with my dagger drawn, in this round after the delayed action? Or next round?

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Now from what I red from others, full move sprint is =4x base movement speed, correct? In this case I'll sprint 120 ft then use acrobatic skills to jump across. Also on 2nd note the move diagonally is the same 5 ft or I have to pay penalty for that? 3rd if I move wrong please correct my position.
Locken dash forward using the most direct route to jump across toward the Minotaur, using the momentum of the speed he build up, somersault upward and with a twist, landed on the other side of the river.
Underneath his mask he grimace at the thought of violence.
Drawing his dagger, and brace it with both hands.

Acrobat: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

P.S. I accidentally moved Obaekwon token by mistake cause I thought for a sec that he was my token, lol. I tried to move back where he was, but I am not 100% sure, I think that's where he was meant to be.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

"Agree, we end this now. I'll try to flank it from the right."
Locken said as he armed himself with the short bow, though it's not his favorite choice, but still to have advantage at range and not take the opportunity would mean the death of any who underestimate their foes, as proven by many battle he witnesses. He began moving to the right using stealth and guile as his allies, and using the woods surrounding as cover.
Hopefully I can roll stealth again in the new scene, otherwise it's the last roll of 9 I'm afraid.
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken walked over backward to retrieve the short bow he dropped earlier and some of the arrows, while keeping an eye on the now deader zombie corpses as if not quite convince it was all over.
He began to move carefully over to the said opening behind the stone, and check for any unusual mechanism.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Seeing an an opening, Locken drop his short bow, and draw this trusty dagger. While Giving Symphony a firm nod hoping she would pick up the signal to flank the unnatural creature, as he stepped forward and readying to finish it off.
Your time to rest is long over due.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Thanks for clarify that last action I did, so .. Presuming that last action was to draw short bow..
Locken continue the volley of arrow into the zombie in blue rag. He took a moment to draw half a breath and using simplicity of form, while minimizing movement and unnecessary distraction,moving 5 foot step at midway through the breath he let go of the bow string.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 2

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Seeing others had make way for an opening, Locken tumble his way to where the zombie in yellow rag was standing and fire away with his short bow at Zombie in blue rag.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Am I right to assume that characters can moves through friendly square? Also awesome discription GM Batpony!!!

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken listen to the Gillman's tales in shadows, as his companion continue to gather information regarding the mission at hand. While his eyes scan for the danger the Gillman's mentioned.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Locken nodded seeing that suspicious creature lurking about.
Also tries to blending into the surroundings, in hope to watch for it's intention, and behavior patterns.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Looking around the caves further in reveal that, this place is more than it appear to be. Locken attempting to recall from his past experiences..

Perception: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 - 2 = 6

But alas nothing comes to mind. Looking around to see if any of his companion would recognize what he could not.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Seeing every one working in tandem to get down. Locken wait a moment to make sure that Mathilde able to perform as said.

Once she is on the other side, he slowly and carefully climbed down along with the rest of the party.

Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Not sure what to make of it, he pressed on.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Taken advantage of the light source Symphony provided, Locken simply examine the entrance of the cavern in hope of spotting details others aren't able to pick up, even though the the condition is rather unfavorable for Locken as he is a stranger here.

Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9

Out of his element, he turned to his companion.

"Obaekwan, if you would lead the way, I shall cover your flank"

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Nodded once toward Janira and another towards his companions. Without hesitation Locken move quickly out of the creature line of sight, then proceed with caution toward the cave entrance.

Brave girl, let's hope this mission is worth it..

With precision and feline like grace he uses the surrounding natural terrain, the shades to mask his form, the wind, to mask his scents, and foot step to mask his sounds. All in sync with the environment, a trick he learn from his travels.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Totally agree with you there Symphony. Being a middle age man myself I can attest to that. I got a friend who is trying to get into the busniss of creating table top rpg for kids and he started the project about 5 years ago since then it is still in development even now.
Well my initial interest in PbP was to try to catch up to my oher PFS guys we played regularly as I myself been away from gameing the last 15 years due to study and work. Only until recently I manage to have the time to set aside on a regular basis. Looking closely after a bit of playing PbP it is rather refreshing cause I can play while working.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Sorry that last post was meant to be posted just before Obaekwan's post. Just kept getting interrupted from work so it got delayed.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

"Obaekwan get back!!!" Locken shouted at his comrade in hope of not only intimidate the critters but also to reassure Obaekwan who is in obvious crisis.
As a move action Locken will attempt to intimidate the mass of snake in hope of scareing them away.
intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

While continue to slash at the masses with his dagger. Eventhough it may not be effective he hope it would help as a distraction so Obaekwan can escape the current situation.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
if hitDmg: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Wow didn't know the statistic is that bad. I thought the imaginative narrative that encourage the usage of creativity muscle would be more fun and appealing. I can see this as a tool for a lot of would be fantasy novel.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

How many other PBP you had played in Frostwind? And how do you make those button, I want to do the same to organised the character a bit more.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Also I just realized that the attack was within crit range, I'lll let GM Batpony roll the confirm and if it is a crit then he can add the damage.
Cause there is no way for me to know the result of the roll after I posted.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Also my 1st combat post in this game I didn't see the snake at our feet and only see the large mass to the right from the map provided so I thought that the snakes are at the edge of the map, so I had to edited it to reflect my correct action.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

As a foot note I would like to thanks every one participating in this game,especially GM Batpony as he introduce the game to me and allow me to play PBP for the 1st time.
I really enjoy the narrative style of play PBP offer which rarely seen on table top. So far I really do enjoy reading every one dialog and style of play and hope that we all can keep up this standard, and pace.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Sigh, Snakes.. why does it have to be snakes??

Locken carefully move 5 feet diagonally to the right aligning with Obaekwon, then crouch down as he draw a dagger. He then use his other free hand gesture to Symphony and Obaekwon suggesting a flanking maneuver on mass of snakes where its lies. Then he proceed to slash the dagger downward using small and precise circular motion to the ground where the mass of snakes lies.

Moving 5 foot-step using Obaekwon as flanking point, free action to do hand gesture, then strike at the snake using sneak stab, then end my turn.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 2 = 25
Dmg: 1d4 + 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (2) + (3) - 1 = 4

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Seeing each companion chattering away, displaying their arcane nature, Locken can't help but feeling nostalgia as it reminded him of the better days long pass where one another can joke and laugh at leisure without worries. But those days are behind him, the only thing now is the mission at hand.
The brief moment of respite is not a luxury one can afford if one to survive the battle field. Thought Locken. Once again return to scan the field.

Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 13

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken give Janira a slight smile as he put the parchment and chalk given from her into his belt pouch. A quick glance behind then back to his usual vigilant self as if he is now entering a battle field, his eyes dart around looking for approaching danger once again.
Alas a familiar scent of war's devastation, what men do to one another at what cause, what price, in the end its the land and it's people that suffer...

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Lol, Thx Frostwind, I guess I did the Sir Robin pretty good to get here.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Not sure where Brevoy is in comparison to our current location. If any one here have some knowledge of Pathfinder lore geography, would give me better perspective to how far my character had travel to join the Pathfinders Society.


The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

This expedition is going a little too smoothly. I best be careful..
With that Locken gives both Symphony, and Obaekwon a slight bow. Then he gallop ahead to the front of the group along side Janira, and started scanning the field for any unusual activities.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Same here I am also human, so my feat, is Dodge(1st lvl chr), Fast learner(human), weapon finesses which is free from 1st level Unchained rogue I believe.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Heeding Janira's words, Locken returned to his horse and add a few essentials to from the saddle bag to his backpack. As he catches up to the group, galloping from behind.
Blanket, bedroll, ropes, thieves' tool, and waterskin are added to his backpack.
"Yes I too would like to learn about Absalom, and Hei Feng, as I myself had travel from afar. Everywhere I look all seem unfamiliar, though not an unwelcome changed of scenery. If you do have time I would like to hear the tales of such places."

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

"I don't have much Janira, but you are welcome to inspect the gear I have. I normally travel light, and only carry minimal with me. Most of my gear I left at the stable, though non too valuable."
With a gesture he lift up both his arm to reveal the content beneath his cloak. You find only 2 dagger tugged under the belt, and a short-bow along with some arrow in a small concealable quiver strapped to the back of his belt.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Lol sorry for that last posted , as I think while I was typing GM Batpony posted just before I did. It was meant to be right after Mathilde Goruunslag post. sorry about that.

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Locken ponder for a moment then reply.
"Master Shaine mentioned that you had previously ventured to the caves entrance for your own confirmation a few months passed, and you will come with us. During that time do you also happens to noticed any note worthy locals and wild life around the area that we should be aware of? If so would you kindly share a map of the area so that we best prepare for the journey?"
Turning towards several others Locken stepped back and then give a confirmation nodded to others at the bar.
"It's seems that if we are to travel together, I best introduce myself. My name is L, and I hope that we may have a pleasant journey together, as I am also in your service in this excavation trip."
He paused for a moment to catches eyes contact from each individual in the room, as if he is assessing the individual's worth but do so without malice or ill intend, merely curiosity.
If the journey is long it's best to prepare my horse. I wonder...

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Stepping out of the corner of the room, Locken move cautiously to Janira. Carefully and methodically he gazed his eyes upon other patrons in the establishment and finally toward Janira. With that he nodded and then bow.
"My name is L, and I am at yours service. But first please tell me all you can about the detail of this mission. I'll listen to it over by the bar." Locken spoken with a gruff voice of a harden man.Then he proceed to make himself comfortable towards the bar

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Hello every one as you may all aware most of us are new, and I am no exception. If you guys/girls can gives me some tip about posting etiquette, format layout, or if anything to help improve my current PBP experience, please do so. Also in the future ref in regard to tips on where and how to join more PFS, PBP game like this current thread, I would appreciate the guidance.

Thx in advance,

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

Seeing a crowd gathering in an unusual manner, Locken shifted his position to better accommodate his visual range to see each individual's motives, as well as possible exit and entrances within the inn.
stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
sense motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

The Exchange

Human, Unchained Rogue/ KnivesMaster Lvl:4 HP39/39|AC17(Tch14,Fl13) |CMB+6|CMD15 Saves:Fort+5|Ref+9|Will+3, Init+6, Perc+8

(Ganryo posting using Character post)
A human male, roughly middle age of 30 by appearance, wearing black leather armor and covered with ragged black cloak that once may have seems to be in fine quality but now either from long travel or long use it is partially teared in several places making him looked even more warned down. His eyes belong to one who seems weary and sad. He has jet black hair, gray eyes, and olives color skin, with rugged look of some one who either lives away from city or civilization for a few weeks, or did not care for appearance, yet it is not an unpleasant nor does he give off any displeasing odor rather if any one care to smell or try to he leaves no scent at all even to trained individual.

As he entered the Pig's Paunch he quietly sat down in a dark corner of the room and started scanning for any one he may recognize or look suspicious, while blending in to the crowd.