
Lochar's page

Organized Play Member. 520 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

Just got this fixed with the Paizo folk on the phone, as I'd moved, deleted all my payments, and stupidly didn't have them added back in when it tried to authorize.

Making sure I'm still going to get the subscribed one, as I read that the March subscription run was finished this morning?

Scarab Sages

Alright, we'll split off to here.

Basic premise: Part 1 of Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth has Iomedae bringing the PCs to her realm. The PCs at this point are 15th level with 7 tiers.

There, she poses three questions to the PCs to ascertain their character. Upon failing to answer the questions as she is looking for, Iomedae calls 'Where are my heroes of the Fifth Crusade? We must wake them up!' and then an unseen choir blasts the PCs for 5/10/20 d6 worth of sonic damage, depending on the question answered wrong.

Please read the actual encounter before commenting in here.

Scarab Sages

Hello all you happy people. Or at least those who will be happy.

The worst part of downtime, in my not so humble opinion, is adding up the costs of all those rooms and teams, to see what the modifier is for the daily checks for Buildings and Organizations.

Therefore, I have solved ALL your problems. Simply download the below spreadsheet and copy/paste in the building rooms or the organization's teams and it will give you the output bonus of the group.

1. There MUST be a space before your first entry, otherwise the first one won't be counted.
2. The entry must be formatted in the same manner as the PRD if you're building customing buildings/organizations. I leave costing custom buildings/organizations to someone else. See here

The spreadsheet

Scarab Sages

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

As seen here.


Whenever you use Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, multiply the Strength bonus, magic bonus, and other bonuses that would normally be multiplied on a critical hit by the number of weapon damage dice you roll for that feat.

Extra damage from sources that wouldn't normally be multiplied on a critical hit isn't multiplied by this feat.

Bob McFighterson, our 7th level Mythic Fighter is swinging his longsword two handed with a 22 Strength and Vital Strike.

1d8 goes to 2d8 for Vital Strike.

Mythic makes all the critical items multiply as well.

So his 9 from 2 handing strengthing the weapon goes to 18.

The question is, if Bob switches to a scythe that already does 2d4 and goes to 4d4 with Mythic Vital Strike, does him two handing that scythe make his 9 damage from strength go to 18 or 36, as multiplied by the 4 weapon damage dice he is now rolling?

Scarab Sages

So, I'm having some issues with one of my players. Specifically, the Paladin of Ragathiel.

She built the paladin in a very min/maxed fashion but considering I'm throwing the enemies as stronger than normal at the party that was fine.

A few things though. In the Mongrel Lair, they managed to find Radiance but she didn't connect the 'sword to be corrupted' from Hosilla's note to the sword they found. She took the pretty gold longsword that detected as magical however, because hey loot and I want! (I'm running that the sword doesn't shift to the favored weapon until it actually bonds with a mythic Paladin).

When they got out, I ran the commoner stage battle. She calmly watched a party member drop two of the commoners for being in their way to the Quasits, not a peep out of her. Here she figured out that the gold was only skin deep and it was actually cold iron.

After the session however, she commented that as soon as she could, she was going to sell the sword because it wasn't a bastard sword. (her favored weapon).

I had to come out from behind the DM screen at that point and go WTF?

I'm looking for people's thoughts on whether or not I should start pinging her for a possible fall.

Scarab Sages

Alright, so my players just ended for night. They ended up in a running battle that drew all the way through Hosilla. Hosilla got down to 3 HP, drank her potion of invis, and ran away.

However, two of the party tanks were unconscious and the players weren't willing to push forward.

Would Hosilla have left orders with her two cultists as she ran through for them to wait it out, then go get her lockbox?

Mainly, I'm wanting to know if the players should lose Radiance.