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Hello guys,
I am playing a Juju Oracle 4 / Necromancer 3 / Mystic Theurge 6 / Agent of the Grave 5.
While neverending hordes are a fun concept, it's tiring on the table, so I want to have the least in number, but most powerful undead minions I can raise.
I have Undead Master, Spell Perfection (Animate Dead) & Spell Specialization (Animate Dead) & Mage's Tattoo (Necromancy), and I have an orange ioun stone and Magical Knack (Oracle), so as an Oracle my Animate Dead is at Caster level 20 and as a Wizard it is Caster level 13.
As an Oracle, I can control up to 156 HD.
As a Wizard, I can control up to 52 HD.
My Command Undead are 7 HD (Oracle) and 3 HD (Wizard), so I don't believe they are worth mentioning, but oh well :P
So, what are the most powerful undead I can raise and permanently control?
Nohwear wrote: How does this homebrew work with existing archetypes? Case-by-case examination (Pathfinder is too vast). Any recommendations?

Good evening people,
I decided to play a Red Mantis Assassin on a homebrew campaign. However, our DM crew has made several changes which open up for so many possibilities that I am lost.
1. Paladins/Antipaladins, Warpriests and "traditional" Clerics have been merged into a single "divine warrior" class called "Templar". It uses the Warpriest's BAB, Saves & Spellcasting progression, along with some Paladin abilities plus Paladin spells added to the cleric list (traditional clerics and oracles have been replaced by the "priest" class, a d6HD - 1/2BAB full caster class using the arcanist's casting system).
-If needed, I suppose the Mantis Zealot archetype will be valid.
2. CHA is used on Will saves instead of WIS.
3. All fighters get Combat Stamina for free.
4. The Sawtooth Sabre is a Finessable weapon.
5. Rangers have taken Studied Target from Slayers.
6. Ninjas, Slayers and most other hybrid classes have been removed.
7. We use a 25-pt buy, but can't dump a stat below 8.
I chose to be a half-elf for Ancestral Arms and the Sleep Immunity/Enchantment resistances.
My (rearrangable) stats are STR10 DEX19 CON14 INT10 WIS10 CHA14
I am considering going Ranger 1 (Trapper Archetype), Unchained Rogue 4 (Waylayer Archetype), Shadowdancer 2, RMA 10 and I don't know what else. I am considering Fighter 2 for the bonus feats and combat stamina and perhaps Templar 1 for the Weapon Focus and access to divine spells. Any more suggestions?
Fretgod that's what I thought at first, but then there would be no point in taking NSC for the claws, since I would only get 1 attack with them anyway... I suppose that since natural weapons get a fixed number of attacks and don't increase with BAB, NSC is a sort of a tax to compensate for natural attack builds.
Hello all,
I am a bit lost in how exactly this works.
I am playing an Eldritch Scion (Draconic) 6 / Dragon Disciple 2 (plus Dual-Cursed Lore Oracle 1, but it doesn't matter in this case). My DM has ruled that the DD advances the Draconic Bloodrager bloodline, so we're good.
I have picked Natural Spell Combat twice (Claws & Bite).
So, my full Spell Combat attack should be: 2x Claws & Bite with a -2 penalty, plus a spell (with +2 bonus when cast defensively).
With Spellstrike, this means that I get an extra (third) Claw attack to deliver the spell (if I cast a touch spell), or one of my two claw attacks delivers the spell? I am confused...
...oh, and a second question:
If I hadn't taken Natural Spell Combat for my claws, how would it work?
My GM allows it, I was more fishing for an answer like "X spell does it better" (until she gets Control Weather) and I was hoping for a definitive answer and RAW definition of "terrain" :P
A 40-ft garden of exotic plants would definitely count as jungle terrain in my opinion, by the way.
@Fernn, the reason I came up with all this is that our Winter Witch could flavorfully cast a Sleet Storm around her and feel "stronger" while in a non-wintry environment, her player is all about flavor and I found it to be a cool idea.
The rules do not define what constitutes a terrain.
Filling a dungeon with water could actually be aquatic terrain, as no weather effects define it (as in desert). Sleet Storm is not the ice on the ground. It is the result of the 20-ft high sleet, making a 40ft raduis x 20ft high area a snowstorm above frozen ground.
Sleet Storm spell description: "causes the ground in the area to be icy"
Ranger Favored Terrains entry: "Cold (ice, glaciers, snow, and tundra)"
Is it possible for a Winter Witch to cast Sleet Storm on her area, effectively being in icy terrain, gaining the Druid Spell SLAs?
Moreover, since Fruian mentioned some spells, what level 4+ spells do you guys suggest?
And regarding gear? My gear plan:
Head: Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier (flavored as a circlet)
Headband: Headband of alluring charisma
Belt: Belt of Giant Strength/Physical Might (STR+CON)
Armor: Silken Ceremonial Armor +3 (and then add Spell-Storing, Determination and upgrade it to +4)
Body: Robe of Arcane Heritage
Wrist: Bracelet of Bargaining
Feet: Tremor Boots
Chest: Quick Runner's Shirt
Ring 1: Ring of Sustenance
Ring 2: Ring of Feather Falling
Hands: Deliquescent Gloves
Neck: Amulet of Mighty Fists (+2 Spell-Storing, Conductive, Furious)
Fruian Thistlefoot wrote: I'd go with Sorcerer.
8th level spells and more known never hurts.
In this case it's only Form of the Dragon III, I won't have another spell due to being Crossblooded. It's more spells/day though, offering slots to burn for Metamagic!
Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:
Or you could go Paladin 2 for CHA to all saves. 1/day offers to bypass all forms of DR. That is about all it offers but grabbing the right item you could get 2/day smites as a 6th lvl paladin.
I am Lawful Neutral, unfortunately, I would definitely go Antipaladin in an evil campaign... My Oracle Revelation and Curse partially cover the CHA on saves though (Fortitude & Reflex). Hm... Perhaps a level of Hellknight then? (Smite Chaos is nice too, although I would have to sacrifice a feat for Heavy Armor proficiency :/ )
Thanks for the spell suggestions :D

Hello everyone,
I am currently planning the advancement of my character. I have solidified the build up to level 17, but I need some advice for 18-20.
So far what I got is Oracle (Lore) 1 / Crossblooded Sorcerer 6 (Draconic-Orc)/ Dragon Disciple (Green) 10.
Currently I am level 13 (Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 4 / DD 8) and this character rips things apart with ease!
Race: Aasimar (Angelkin)
Base stats (25pt buy): STR 18, DEX 8, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 20
Traits: Magical Knack (Sorcerer), Reactionary
Feats: Skill Focus (Stealth), Eldritch Heritage (Ghoul), Warrior Priest, Ability Focus (Ghoulish Claws), Noxious Bite, Ability Focus (Breath Weapon [extends to noxious bite]), Improved Eldritch Heritage, Intensified Spell, Elemental Spell, Spell Penetration.
Bloodline Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell
His playstyle is with natural weapons, holding the charge on Corossive Touch and delivering devastating alpha strikes (combined with a spell storing amulet of mighty fists) while forcing high-DC Fort saves causing nausea and paralysis.
I chose a dip in Lore Oracle in order to get the CHA instead of DEX in AC and Reflex Saves (starting as an Oracle, a few more precious HP as well). The curse I chose was the 3rd Party "Branded" one (for the CHA in Fortitude saves later on, but the extra D6+ fire damage via adding Conductive to my AoMF doesn't hurt either. Thankfully, my DM approved it).
With a Robe of Arcane Heritage, I max my bloodline at level 17, being a 13th level sorcerer (15th caster level).
From that point and on, I am considering the following 2:
1. Take 3 Eldritch Knight levels for further BAB, D10 HD, a bonus feat and 2 caster levels becoming a 15th level sorcerer (17th caster level, max spell level 7).
2. Take 3 more levels of Sorcerer for access to 8th level spell slots (Form of the Dragon III plus metamagic options), boost the DC of my bloodline powers and gain a bonus bloodline feat.
Spells Known remain the same in both routes, the second option offers 1 more level 7 spell/day and 3 level 8 spells/day.
Like I said, he is going heavy melee with buffs & defensive abilities as well as Acid spells coplementing his melee attacks which cause Nausea and Paralysis.
By the Way, what level 5-7 spells would you recommend for such a build?
Of course, additional advancement options are welcome.

Lune wrote: I was thinking about Lithras' build. I can't think of any necromatic spell that does acid damage. Its too bad too as a cross blooded (black draconic / ghoul) with sorcerous bloodstrike could activate both bloodline arcanas and regain a use of his claws. Even without sorcerous bloodstrike (as it is kinda a crappy feat) it is a pretty strong combo. But I don't think there is a spell that fits the bill. Corrosive Touch is fine in the sense that adding +2 damage per die is perfectly fine as well. The Alpha strike is still tremendous. My previous DD rolled fine with that one, I was considering switching for shocking grasp on this new, more optimized version of him but thanks for pointing it out.
Yes, I forgot Black dragons and I mistook Copper for Brass (it was morning at work), thanks for pointing out my mistakes, Oterisk :)
In a 25-pt buy, an Angelkin can be STR18 DEX8 CON12 INT10 WIS8 CHA20. Take 1st level as Oracle (Lore Mystery, Branded Curse) and you start with great AC & Reflex.
With 16 rounds of claws/day you don't have to take Sorcerous Bloodstrike. And compared to high DCs for the Paralysis and Nausea, there is no room for Improved natural Attack either.
Here is my build. It sort of falls into the "Beast Caster" category in the guide. Good STR but focuses his level up points to CHA, since they empower his trick, which is Paralysis & Nausea. This build also focuses a lot on an "Alpha Strike", striking hard on the 1st round of combat to deal as much damage as possible while also incapacitating the enemy. Most encounters with a similar build would end on round 1, as me and the party's synthesists would rip Bosses to shreds before the rest of the party even got to act. The tradeoff is favoring DC enhancing feats instead of flat melee damage boosting ones. A D4+12 (14,5 avg) claw with a Paralysis effect rocks my day more than a D6+15 (18,5 avg), the difference in damage is not that big, and the "as high DC as possible" mindset makes it more sensible to increase the chances of a Nausea/Paralysis than single-digit more damage per attack. You will coup de grace them later anyway ;)
Moreover, this build is a viable swtch-hitter, like Oterisk says, you can also afford to sit back and blast with Acid spells if you wish to stay back in a fight.
Bloodlines: Orc/Draconic (Green)
Traits: Magical Knack (Sorcerer), Reactionary
1: Skill Focus (Stealth): for Eldritch Heritage
3: Warrior Priest: Low DEX, we got AC and Refle covered with the Oracle level, but even with Reactionary we are only at +1 Initiative and Improved Initiative as a Bloodline feat will be available at level 7, so this will help a bit for now.
5: Eldritch Heritage (Ghoul): Double claw rounds (16 total for 20 CHA, that's more than enough for a day's fights)
7: Ability Focus (Ghoulish Claws): Contributes to become a game-breaking machine.
9: Noxious Bite: See above.
11: Ability Focus (Breath Weapon): See above.
13: Improved Arcane Heritage: Free Haste and Bleed for your weaker damaging claws (why care about damage when you can coup de grace most opponents anyway)
15: Elemental Spell: I couldn't put this one earlier as we need to cheese out our Bite & Claws (do so if you are Human or Half-Elf), helps with acid-resistant or immune opponents.
17: Piercing Spell: Never underestimate the power of your Alpha Strike, hitting as hard as possible even if the enemy has high SR. Before the fight, cast a Piercing & Intensified (Rod it) Corrosive Touch and hold the charge. Moreover, put a Piercing & Intensified Corrosive Touch in your Amulet of Mighty Fists. Your first round of attacking will HURT with a bucketload of damage and Fortitude Saves to take the BBEG out of the fight entirely. Also good if you choose for some reason to sit back and blast (with this build, you have enouch CHA to viably do so).
19: Spell Penetration: Being 4 caster levels behind (2 with Magical Knack), now you are back on track.
Bloodline Feats: Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Quicken Spell, Power Attack
I guess you could switch a feat for Sorcerous Bloodstrike, perhaps Warrior Priest if you don't plan to Oracle or can wait with a sluggish Initiative until level 7.
Must-Have Gear:
-Metamagic Rod (Intensify Spell) to store your alpha touch to your AMF and to do your first casting with.
-Spell-Storing, Conductive Amulet of Mighty Fists (I also recommend to add Ghost Touch and anything else you like. Leave the enhancment bonuses for Permanent Greater Magic Fangs, as oterisk states in the guide).
-Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier (in the form of a circlet, triangular hats don't look cool).
-Silken Ceremonial Armor (or Armored Kilt) +1 (add other enchantments later, don't waste on a further enhancement bonus).
-Belt of Giant Strength
-Headband of Alluring Charisma
-Robe of Arcane Heritage
-Ring of Protection
With this build (Oracle 1-Sorcerer 9-Dragon Disciple 10), counting only a Robe of Arcane Heritage, a +6 STR Belt and a +6 CHA Headband, at level 20 you will be at STR34, CON14, INT12, CHA30. Your Breath Weapon & Noxious Bite DC will be 33 and your Paralyze DC will be 32. A level 20 Fighter with CON16 and a +6 CON+STR Belt has +18 Fortitude (needs to roll 15+ to avoid Nausea and 14+ to avoid Paralysis). A level 20 Paladin with 14CON and 20CHA with a +6 CHA headband has +20 Fortitude and still needs to roll more than 10-11 (average D20 roll) to beat your DC, it's absolutely killer. Your AC will also go through the roof (AC27 only from CHA and Natural armor, goes up to 35 with Mage Armor & Shield, and then add any other bonuses you might have from a Ring of Protection, Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier etc.)

You have forgotten the power of Eldritch Heritage (Ghoul), the most powerful claw attack in the game. I mean, you mention it, but there is not enough emphasis how powerful it can be combined with Ability Focus and Noxious Bite (plus Breath Weapon Ability focus) for a Green or Brass DD.
Combined with Noxious Bite (being Green or Brass) and 2 Ability Focus Feats (Ghoulish Claws & Breath Weapon), the Beast Caster can destroy anything not immune to Nausea and Paralysis with insanely high Save DCs (add a Cloak of Arcane Heritage to increase the DCs even more...). Depending on how your group plays the DD, (RAW it says "use your bloodline power to grow claws), it also extends your Bite ability.
With the aforementioned setup, you can force 3 high-DC Fortitude saves in a single full attack action. In that playstyle, I recommend you start with max CHA (20 as Aasimar) and very high Str (18 as Aasimar), get Crossblooded (Orc/Draconic) so you get great STR bonuses plus +2 damage per acid spell damage die. Get a spell-storing amulet of mighty fists and store an Elemental (Acid), Intensified Shocking grasp. Congrats. Before battle, cast the same spell again and hold the charge.
10D6+20 Acid damage x2 plus bite damage plus claw damage plus 3 Fort Saves for Nausea/Paralysis. Having dipped 1 level of Lore oracle (CHA instead of Dex in AC & Reflex) and having taken the Branded curse, making the amulet also conductive adds even more (fire) damage.

Add 1 level of Lore Oracle (Branded or Legalistic curse), the AC and (stacking with the paladin's) Reflex Save increase will be insane. On level 20 you should be DD10-Sorcerer 7-Paladin 2-Oracle 1. You will be able to cast Form of the Dragon II, smite things and have loaded Saves & AC. Add a Robe of Arcane Heritage and your Sorcerer level for bloodline powers will be 21..! I am playing one such character and giving a lot of hurt already. Be crossblooded too (Abyssal & Draconic) as it advances both Bloodlines!
Being crossblooded asks question 1. Double time for claws ;)
2. DD only advances sorcerer casting.
Items to consider:
Cloak of Fangs
Amulet of Mighty Fists (Holy, Spell-Storing, Keen, Bane)
Quick Runner's Shirt
Belt of Giant Strength
Headband of Alluring Charisma
Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier
+1 Spell-Storing Armored Kilt (or silken ceremonial armor), later add Determination.
Boots of Speed
Ring of Feather Falling
If your DM allows custom slot items, Gloves of Natural Armor & Armwraps (bracers) of Mighty Strikes.
I have done so already. And a spell storing ceremonial silken armor for the same purpose (for when I get hit) ;)
Gauss wrote his reply while I was writing mine, exactly what I thought :) So, elemental touch + either of the others will do the trick 3:) Are you guys aware of any additional spells to add to the combo for a devastating "alpha" bite?
I suppose the confusion with calcific touch was that "1 creature/level", it was translated by many that the caster actually bestows them the ability to use a touch attack :P It's all clear about it now.
Elemental Touch is a completely different story, however, it has a "Range personal", "Targets: you". RAW, it is a spell providing a touch attack, and not a touch attack spell by itself (Jason Nelson mentions it as being "the oddball" in your link).
My character is a Dragon Disciple with 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks. I am trying to figure out if I can cast the spells first and then use Calcific Touch + Shocking Grasp with the Bite and Elemental Touch with a Claw (or all 3 spells with a single Bite for a really nasty "Alpha strike").
Calcific Touch and Elemental Touch are spells which provide touch attacks, they are not touch attacks themselves like Shocking Grasp is, and thus, they are not affected by the "holding the charge" rule. That's why I mentioned Shocking Grasp as being cast last.
A simple, but confusing to resolve question. Can a character cast Elemental Touch, then Calcific Touch and then Shocking Grasp to deliver all 3 spell effects in 1 touch attack on round 3?
My attention span dropped from reading multiple threads hahaha! Thanks :D
Threadomancy, but I can't find a proper answer anywhere:
Vampire template: "Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +6."
"Improves". Not "bonus", not "increase". "Improves" means existing natural armor gets improved. It is not even mentioned as a "bonus" to determine whether it is typed or untyped... So, what happens to a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer becoming a vampire?