
Lini - Serpent's Skull's page

14 posts. Alias of Rathendar.

Full Name





Druid 15




S 3' Tall, 32# Weight



Special Abilities

Lion Shaman Archtype


Neutral Good




xps :2000


Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Druidic, Polyglot, Azlanti, Aklo,Undercommon



Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 23
Charisma 14

About Lini - Serpent's Skull

Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 125
BAB: +11/+6/+1
AC: 21 Touch: 13 Flat Footed: 20
CMB: +10 CMD: 23
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +11
Reflex: +6
Will: +17

Gnome Racial Traits:
Low Light Vision
Small (20' speed, +4 stealth)
Defensive Training (+4 AC vs Giant Subtypes)
Hatred (+1 on attack rolls vs Goblinoid and Reptilian Subtypes)
Keen Senses (+2 Racial Bonus on Perception)
Weapon Familiarity (weapons with word 'Gnome' in the name are treated as Martial)
Academician (+2 Bonus on Knowledge-Nature)
Pyromaniac (+1 level with all spells with the Fire Descriptor. SLA's 1/Day Dancing Lights, Flare, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame. Caster Level = Character Level, Save DC is CHA Based.)

Druid Powers:
Nature Bond: Droogami- Large Cat
Nature Sense: (+2 Knowledge(nature) and Survival)
Wild Empathy: +17 (Level + CHA) (+4 vs felines, only full-round action.)
Woodland Stride
Resist Nature's Lure: (+4 saves vs Su/SLA's of fey)
Totemic Transformation: Move Action
(speak with felines at will, 1/min per level)
- +20' speed,
- Low-Light Vision, Scent,
- Bite (1d4), 2 Claws (1d3)
Trackless Step
Totemic Summons: Summon spells as Standard Action when calling felines, felines get temp hp = to druid level(+15).
Wild Shape: 5(7)/Day,13(17)hour duration, D/H Animals(Beastshape3) OR H Elementals (Elemental Body 4) OR H Plant (Plant Shape 3)

Animal Spirit: Lion - Benefits:
1/adventure - +5 sacred bonus to a Disguise, Perception or Stealth skill check
1/adventure - (Su) may roar as a lion. All enemies within 30' must make a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Cha modifier or be shaken for 3 rounds. This is a sonic, fear, mind-affecting effect.

Favored Class:
Fire Resistance 10
Electrical Resist 5

Focused Mind: +2 Concentration Rolls.
Genie-Caller: 1/day +2 Caster Level with Conj/Summoning Spell

NPC Boons:
+1 will saves vs compulsion.(Aerys)
+1 CMB/CMD when wielding swords/similar weapons.(Ishirou)
+2 concentration checks.(Jask)
+1 initiative.(Sasha)

Feats: 8+2B
Spell Focus: Conjuration
Augment Summoning
Craft: Wondrous Item
Sunlight Summons
Skill Focus: Perception
Iron Will(B)
Improved Iron Will(B)
Metamagic:Empower Spell
Elemental Focus: Fire
Elemental Focus, Greater: Fire

Skills: (rank/bonus)(75 total)
Appraise: 0/+1
Bluff: 0/+2
Climb: 1/+4
Diplomacy: 5/+7
Fly: 9/+15
Handle Animal: 10/+15(+19 Droogami)
Heal: 5/+11
Intimidate: 0/+2
Knowledge(Geography): 1/+6
Knowledge(Nature): 15/+23
Linguistics: 3/+4
Perception: 10/+24
Ride: 5/+9
Sense Motive: 0/+3
Spellcraft: 5/+9
Stealth: 0/+5
Survival: 5/+13
Swim: 1/+4

Druid Spells:
Level 0 : 4
Level 1 : 4+2
Level 2 : 4+2
Level 3 : 4+1
Level 4 : 4+1
Level 5 : 4+1
Level 6 : 3+1
Level 7 : 2
Level 8 : 1

80933 gp -session 77

Gear: L/M/H 33#/66#/100#
(Small)Scimitar+1 +7/1d4+1
(Small)Hide Shirt +1, +5 AC 10g 7.5#
(Small)Large Wooden Shield+1, +3 AC 7g 5#
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Handy Haversack
Wand of CLW (8 charges)
War Mask of Terror(scare 1/day, +2 intimidate, +1 deflection)
Golden Lion Figurines(2) Sari/Mari
Headband of Wisdom +4, Intelligence +2(Diplomacy)
Pearl of Power: Level 1+2
Portable Hole
Boots of striding

5 alchemist fire
1 potion cat's grace
1 potion water breathing
2 potions cure serious
1 elixir of fire breath
1 water walk
3 potions cure light
1 potions lesser restore

Cure Mod Wounds
2 Lesser Restore
Remove Disease

Large Cat(Oversized Snow Leopard);
Size Large;
Speed 40 ft;
AC: +13 natural armor, +11 armor, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, -1 size;
Attack Bite-Pri (1d8), 2 claws-Pri (1d6); WA Rake (1d6);
Str 26, Dex 20, Con 19, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 10;
SQ Low-Light Vision, Scent, Pounce, Grab, Rake;
HD 12; BAB +9;
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +6(+10);
12 Skills: Acrobatics 4/+12, Climb 2/+13, Perception 1/+6, Stealth 4/+8, Swim 1/+12;
6 Feats(Light Armor Training, Dodge, Power Attack, Toughness, Blindfight, Combat Reflexes);
6 Bonus Tricks(15 total. Combat Training: 6+1 for Unusual Foes);
Overall AC 39, Flatfooted 34, Touch 15;
CMB +19(23 grapple), CMD 34;
HP 114 (rolled);
Attack Bite +17 (1d8+8), 2 claws +17 (1d6+8), Rake 2 claws +17 (1d6+8)
Specials: Link, Share Spells, Improved Evasion, Devotion

Magic Item slots available to felines:
Armor: Elven Chainmail Barding +5, Armor +11, Dex +4, ACP -2, Weight 40#
belt (saddle),
Neck: Amulet of Mighty Fists +1