
Lindir87's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Here's the mechjokey, and i added the rules for personal mech (all mechs that can be operated by a single pilot) each mech jokey receive one free on the first level and is very similar to the eidolon but the mechjoky must operate him in person.
I have to finish to fix the rules for combat but will be very similar to the original ones.
I also added the ability to have a Power Armor, very similar to Ashigaru of Ironthot tribe and that obviously do not follow the mech conbat rule.
Let me know what you think
LINK HERE, and in the first post

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thanks for the advice, I read the Golemoid and I must say it is very similar to the Steamborg, to have known earlier I would have saved myself a lot of work, I like the mechanics who use it and maybe I implement some for my Steamborg, but I liked the idea of maintaining the power ups and artificial parts divided.
For sure I will copy something from that manual and take inspiration from Thunder Scout for some powers of MechJokey, i already had an idea to give him a basic mech like an animal companion.

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Hello everyone, this is my first post and my first work of conversion.
I introduce myself, my name is Gabriel and I am Italian, so you will excuse me if my English is struggling a bit.
I'm trying to convert to pathfinder, in a balanced manner the classes and mechanics of Dragonmech, is a very complex work, although I have several ideas, for now I managed only to put together the Steamborg class.

this is the link

Seeking feedback and advice from anyone, especially on the balance and the powers that I practically invented from scratch inspired by other classes.

thank you all.