Seaweed Leshy

Lilting Rill Rodophyta's page

17 posts. Organized Play character for Sedoriku.


HP 18/18 | AC: 17 (18 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +7 | Perc +7 | Speed: 20, swim 20 feet | Spell DC 17 |1 Hero point


Exploration Activity: Repeat a Spell (Shield) | Active Conditions: None


N Agender Seaweed Leshy Bard 1 |

About Lilting Rill Rodophyta

PFS Information:
PFS Number: 108507-2011
Experience: 1
Home Region: Finadar
Gold: ???

Training: Spells

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 0
Grand Archive: 0
Horizon Hunters: 0
Vigilant Seal: 0

Minor Factions
Radiant Oath: 0
Verdant Wheel: 1
All Faction Reputation: 0

Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 1

Purchased Boons:

Character sheet:

Ethnicity: Seaweed Leshy
Nationality: Finadar Forest
Birthplace: Finadar Forest
Age: 8 Months
Gender & Pronouns: Agender, They/Them
Height: 2’
Weight: 45 lbs
Physical Appearance: A small leshy in the form of a pnagolin. Has unusual coloring for a leshy, starting as a dark red from their tail to a vibrant blue around their face, the color of abyssal tainted algae. Carries a pack on their back, and a long rain stick they use for a walking stick as well. Moves slow and methodical and speaks with a surprisingly deep voice.


Leshy (Seaweed)
Finadar Leshy
Bard; Level: 1; Experience: 1
Small Leshy, Plant, Uncommon
N; Diety: Jalaijatali (not in PF2 yet, so only venerates. PF1e information (link))

Languages: Common, Sylvan, Hallit

Perception: +7 (2 wis) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) [E]
Special Senses: Low-light vision




AC: 17 (10 + (2 dex) + (3 prof) + (2 item)) [T]

Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [U], Heavy: [U]

Fortitude: +5 ((2 con) + (3 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Reflex: +5 ((2 dex) + (3 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Will: +7 ((2 wis) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) [E]



Spell DC: 17 (10 + (4 key stat) + (3 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Speed 20 feet, Swim 20 feet

Ranged Strikes

Telekinetic Projectile Cantrip, Attack, Evocation
Attack Bonus +7
Damage 1d6+4 Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning

[dice=Telekinetic Projectile]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=P B S damage]1d6+4[/dice]


Sling Propulsive
Attack +5
Damage 1d6 Bludgeoning

[dice=Damage, Bludgeoning]1d6[/dice]


Melee Strikes

Rapier Finesse, Deadly d8, Disarm
Attack +5
Damage 1d6 slashing

[dice=Damage, Piercing]1d6[/dice]



STR +0 (10), DEX +2 (14), CON +2 (14), INT -1 (8), WIS +2 (14), CHA +4 (18)

Skills and Languages:

Acrobatics: +1 = (2 dex) + (0 prof) + (-1 item) [U]
Arcana: -1 = (-1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Athletics: -1 = (0 str) + (0 prof) + (-1 item) [U]
Crafting: -1 = (-1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Deception: +7 = (4 cha) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Diplomacy: +7 = (4 cha) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Intimidation: +7 = (4 cha) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Lore (Herbalism): +2 = (-1 int) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Lore (Abyssal): +2 = (-1 int) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Medicine: +2 = (2 wis) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Nature: +5 = (2 wis) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Occultism: +2 = (-1 int) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Performance: +7 = (4 cha) + (3 prof) + (0 item) [T]
Religion: +2 = (2 wis) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Society: -1 = (-1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Stealth: +1 = (2 dex) + (0 prof) + (-1 item) [U]
Survival: +2 = (2 wis) + (0 prof) + (0 item) [U]
Thievery: +1 = (2 dex) + (0 prof) + (-1 item) [U]

Languages Common, Sylvan, Hallit

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special 1st: Low Light-Vision
Heritage Seaweed Leshy Gain a swim speed equal to land speed, land speed is 5 feet slower. Can breath under water.

1st: Leshy Superstition
Gain a reaction to get a +1 vs. spell saving throws.


Skill Feats

Background: Intimidating Glare


General Feats
None yet


Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Muse: Gain a muse. Maestro Muse Chosen, giving Lingering Composition Feat and Soothe as a spell known.

Feature 1st: Composition Spells, gives focus pool with 1 point, Counter Performance composition focus spell, and Inspire Courage composition cantrip.

Feature 1st: Spell Repertoire and Occult spellcasting
Gives spells and spells known


Bonus Feats
None yet

Divine DC 17, Spell attack +7 [T]

Telekinetic Projectile
Ghost Sounds
Wash Your Luck

1st level
Magic Weapon
Biting Words


Combat Gear:
Studded Leather, Sling, Rapier, Dagger (Stowed), sling bullets (10)

Magic Items:


Other Gear:
Backpack (w/Bedroll, 10 pieces of Chalk, Flint and Steel, Rations, 50 ft. of Rope, Soap, 5 Torches, Waterskin), Musical Instrument (handheld, long rainstick)

Bulk: Carrying 3 Bulk 4 Light of 5 Bulk max

Coins: 7 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp

Temporary Items:
Pathfinder Training Items

Discovered in Scenario
None Yet

Scenarios and Tracking:
To be Completed
Lilting tries to set up a lingering Inspire courage as soon as they can, before either casting magic weapon on someone nearby, healing a heavily hurt companion, or throwing a projectile at the closest enemy. If forced into close combat, they reluctantly use their rapier.

[dice=Lingering Composition, DC 〇〇]1d20+7[/dice]

[dice=Telekinetic Projectile]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=P B S damage]1d6+4[/dice]

[dice=Damage, Piercing]1d6[/dice]
