
Lilianna Thraller's page

316 posts. Organized Play character for Gummy Bear.

Full Name

Lilianna Thraller


HP: 31/31 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 13 CMD: 12 | F+6 R+2 W+6 | Init +1 | Perception +2, Constant Deathwatch


Tracked Resources:
Wand CLW 37/50 Wand Bless 34/50; Touch of Glory 5/5; Channel Positive 7/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/4+1 2nd 2+1/3+1


Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4 |

About Lilianna Thraller

Female Human Cleric of Sarenrae 4
NG Medium Age 26
Init +1; Senses Perception +2, Constant Deathwatch
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 dex)
hp 31
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.


Ranged Light Crossbow +4 (1d8) 19-20x2
Str 7, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 19
Base Atk +3; CMB 1; CMD 12
Traits Sacred Conduit and Cleansing Light
Feats Improved Channel, Selective Channel, Extra Channel
Diplomacy 11
Knowledge Religion 8
Linguistics 5 (1 rank via FCB)
Sense Motive 9
Spellcraft 8

Languages Common, Osirion, Kelish, Ancient Osirion

Special Abilities:

Aura: Moderate Neutral Good, Lingers for 1d6 Minutes

Channel Positive Energy: 9 (3+2+cha) /day
Harm: 2d6+4, reroll 1's DC 21, no channel resistance for undead
Heal: 2d6

Reroll 1's on channel due to Cleansing Light Trait

DC Breakdown:
DC=10+1/2 lvl+cha mod=10+1+4=16
Improved Channel +2 -> 18
Sacred Conduit +1 -> 19
Heroism (Glory) Domain +2 -> 21

Glory (Heroism)
You are infused with the glory of the divine, and are a true foe of the undead. In addition, when you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is increased by 2.
Touch of Glory (Sp): You can cause your hand to shimmer with divine radiance, allowing you to touch a creature as a standard action and give it a bonus equal to your cleric level on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. This ability lasts for 1 hour or until the creature touched elects to apply the bonus to a roll. You can use this ability to grant the bonus a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Sun's Blessing (Su): Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.


Spontaneous Casting: A good cleric can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time.



1d20 +4 vs SR, 1d20 +7 vs SR on Outsiders (FCB 3)

0th Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light (at will)

1st Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Endure Elements, Open Slot +Shield of Faith

2nd Burst of Radiance, Consecrate, Resist Energy +Bless Weapon



Silver Holy Symbol
Lamellar Cuirass
Hot Weather Outfit
Crossbow, Light w/ bolts
Mwk Backpack
Alchemist's Fire
Alkali Flask
Holy Water (3)
Exorcism Kit (Abjurant Salt, Holy Water, 25gp Silver Dust, counts as an altar)
Silver Dust (100gp worth)
Deathwatch Eyes
Handy Haversack

Scroll of
Resist Energy (5)
Lesser Restoration (5)
Remove Paralysis (5)

Wand of
Cure Light Wounds