<He looks at Mike's pipe bombs and starts tugging at him ammo harness.> "Give me 3 or 4 of those pipes." <He tosses the harness to Judd.> "The yellow ones are flashbangs. The green one is red smoke. Suppressors too. Don't last much more than one clip before the baffles go, there're spares for both guns. Ammo too: blue paint means cold loaded." <He pulls off the helmet and tosses it.> "Nightvision. You'll figure it out. Should still fit with the mask." <He kicks a colt m4 carbine with a suppressor toward you. Unholsters a pistol, also with a suppressor.> "All of you go but one goes back down the tunnel to the next room. The fast one stays. Pulls the pipe - let's the door swing open. Runs. I don't know how many are in there. Maybe I get them all, maybe I don't." "Either way, last mission for me." |