Lichemaster's page

45 posts. Alias of Chris Wojcik.


Thank you!

I seem to recall seeing a picture in one the Pathfinder books with a quarter cut of the same picture in different stages of vision.

Can some one point me in the right to the book/PDF I need to buy?

Looking to find a Group in the Windsor, Ontario, Canada area to play some Pathfinder 1e,2e or Starfinder.
Please contact me so we can meet up for a coffee and see if we are compatible to game with.

Can anyone in Paizo confirm that my Deck is correct.

The box says 54 card deck.
I have 53 critical hit cards, one OGL agreement card and one The Rules card.

Is it missing a card or does "The Rules card" count as a card towards the number (54 in the deck?

I will take that suggestion, thanks

Carrion Hill
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
Down the Blighted Path

These will be played by 2 experienced games and 2 players that have very little experience.
Only one player has experience with Pathfinder, the other 3 are D&D 5e players.

I need a module I can finish in two 4 hour blocks.

FYI, All Canadian Buyers.

I cancelled my order with and ordered from Chapters/
It is in stock and will have it August 8th.
If you collect plum points from chapters today only online purchase is x5 plum points. I got 1608 points for my order and at 2500 you get $5 off.

Can someone direct me to a blog for Pathfinder games that has great write ups and pictures of games.
Looking to do some reading.


Can anyone please post a link to corpse tokens I can print out for my Pathfinder games?

Basically looking for one inch squares and 2 inches squares to print up that have a dead body on it (prefer monster and human).

Something to mark a fallen monster or NPC (PC) to hinder combat.


Would holy water take them out in mist form?

Trying to find out what a level 10 Inquisitor/level 1 bard can do to kill a vampire while in mist form?

My Knowledge Religion is +17

So even casting firball on a negative HP mist form vampire? Or channeling from a cleric/paladin kill a negative mist vampire with channeling against undead?

We are playing right now, need help!!!!!! :-)

So if it becomes mist and I use a +3 flail on it does it die if I do enough damage to have it die?

How can you kill a vampire in mist form?

Is it just spells? Or can magic weapons do anything?

Thanks in advance....

Fixed that, thanks for the catch.

the most cheapest way g.p wise to increase my CMB only.

What items out in the realms increases your CMB?

Looking to crank it up a little bit more.



Please give this to a podcast to review, i know i would purchase it if say know direction gave it a thumbs up?

Need these now! make it happen Paizo!

Can the spell Paladins sacrifice from the APG book allow a character who failed a save from a Werewolf bite and has already become a werewolf (for one night) let the curse go from him/her to the paladin and in essence destroy the curse?

Thank you........

Thank you so mush.

Very helpful link.

If a creature bite has poison and you have to save once per round for 6 rounds, 2 consecutive saves cure it.
Effect is 1d3 str.
Does the character take 1d3 str. Damage per round they fail a save, till they save 2 in a row?

If yes, someone could take 6d3 str. Damage if they failed all the saves? That sound right?

Nefreet wrote:
The Octopus can strike with a tentacle, grab, pull the fighter adjacent, free action let go, and repeat for arms 2-8. Then make the bite its last attack. It should have 1-8 tasty targets conveniently in reach of its beak.

Wow that was my next question.

Thanks will make sure I get the swimming and drowning rules (hold ones breath) down.

Thanks a bunch......

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ipslore the Red wrote:
Now: what happens when the octopus grapples a succubus?

Only read the first page, but Brilliant!

mplindustries wrote:
Lichemaster wrote:
I have a huge Octopus attacking the group this weekend and want to see if I will play it right?

Ok, if it's huge, I'm assuming this is a Giant Lake Octopus, then. Tell me if I'm wrong.

That is the Octopus I'm using, it's from an Adventure Path and did not want to say which one for fear of others learning what should not be known.

Lichemaster wrote:
If the Octopus successfully grabs someone can it bring the P.C adjacent to it's self? or does it have to grapple the opponent first then move it adjacent to it's self?

Anyone that is grappled is automatically moved to a square adjacent to the creature grappling them. This is actually required--there's no way to grapple them and keep them at a distance.

In general, unless the PC's absolutely can't handle the water at all, the octopus is best off not bothering to grapple--9 attacks (beak plus tentacles) is way better than a single grapple each turn.

Thinking of grabbing the fighter(the group will be on the warf) grapple him, drawing him into the water, then as a free action letting go.

Now he has to start swimming?

Then second turn attack the rest of the group and with all the attacks each one is a free grab and as long as I don't try to do a grapple I'm at a large minus to keep them grappled? that sound right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First off, I have my books in my night stand and my wife is asleep so doing this from memory, sorry if my terminology is a little off?

I have a huge Octopus attacking the group this weekend and want to see if I will play it right?

If I have a Octopus arm grapple someone, I can only move the Octopus 15 ft in water? usually 30 ft but a grappled person makes the Octopus move at half move.

If I have 2 Octopus arms grapple someone that counts as aid another in the grapple?

If the Octopus "jets" with one or more P.C's it moves 100 ft? (half the jet distance of 200 ft)

If the Octopus successfully grabs someone can it bring the P.C adjacent to it's self? or does it have to grapple the opponent first then move it adjacent to it's self?
I ask as I want to know when the P.C enters the water.

Have not read the thread, sorry if anything has been mentioned before.

Aboleths. We've heard a number of times that they have something planned for the aboleths, typically when mentioning how they keep shooting down races being connected to aboleths because something is planned and they want everyone to be in attendance.

An underwater ans/or darklands AP is probably the place that would happen, but there might be a hardcover Environment book tied to that. A big revision and update of all the environment (and hopefully weather) rules. Lots of terrain, both mundane and magical. Rules for deserts and arctic and more.

Make it Digital?
When you buy the add-on at the end of each year you get the existing digital product with all the years additional information, reorganized so that everything is organized alphabetically.

Like a living compendium rulebook.

You also make it in print friendly format so people who want that instead can print it up and organize how they want?


Thanks for all the help.

In the end he went with Cyrad's bag that has charges per day.

Appreciate the advice!

MagiMaster wrote:

For a different take, you could also build it as a X/day use-activated item for the highest level spell that come out of the bag. The chance of getting something weaker than that would be worth a 0%-30% discount depending on how many spells there are, how situational they are and what the lowest level spell is (in other words, the GM would have to guess). If you counted each wall as heightened to the level of the highest one, I wouldn't give more than a 15% or 20% discount. A bag like this would generate or enchant up to X stones per day and you'd have no way to control which ones you got out. (I'd reduce the discount a bit if you rolled at the beginning of the day rather than when you drew them.)

Another version would be to price it as 1/day for each stone. Then the bag is actually just a bag and it's the stones that are magical and each can be used once per day. (Probably with the same discount if something forced you to chose one randomly.)

This option sounds good just as well.

Forgot the mention never made a magic item before so the core rulebook would have all my choices? correct?

[QUOTE=On the other hand, if the Runestones are permanent or if the bag never runs out of Runestones, then I would treat this item exactly like a magical Staff. I would use the same rules for creating a Staff, except he's making a magical Bag - but mechanically it should be exactly the same thing - 10 max charges, multiple spell abilities, and a recharge mechanic that lets him replenish Runestones by spending spell slots. In fact, it would not matter to me whether he called it a Bag of Runestones or a Staff of Walls, the game mechanics would be identical - the only thing different is the fluff about what it looks like and how he uses it. This gives him a huge advantage in that the Bag of Runestones would use his caster level rather than the (very low) preset caster level that wondrous items normally use.

If you use that last option, it takes the "random" element out - staves don't require the user to to randomly roll for which spell he uses. If you want to add the randomness back in, you might simply reduce the casting cost of the Bag of Runestones by, say, 20%. I wouldn't go lower than that since he knows, at least, that he will always get a wall.

I hope that helps.

I think he would like this option more, reuasable and have to cast into the stone. And yes the bag is just a simple bag that randomizes the spell so a reduction is needed.

One of my more enjoyable players (wink) wants to create a magic item.

He likes to add fun to the game as well, so something that has a negative is encouraged.

His current item is a deck of Summon monster cards that summon creatures at random to the battlefield even if it's a Dolphin in a Dungeon :) He enjoys the use of props so has a special Taro card deck he uses for this.

The next venture I need help with he plays a Halfling Wizard who just had to kill one of his long lost exiled brothers who had turned to the Whispering way, Ala lichedom.

So he is a specialty Evocation Wizard of 9th level and has a set of rocks with runes on them. At 8th level he has been using the Elemental wall theme from his School and wants to carry on the theme.
With these rocks he wants to place them in the bag and randomly pull one out and use it to cast a random wall?

So how the heck do I price out something like this, I myself am not to well versed at item creation, so please help out a D.M to make this?

Finally got the kids to play!

Buying the Beginner Box today at my FLGS but need,

Can someone please point me in the direction of a 5th pregen character for this box and any and all downloads for this box too?

Thanks in advance............

I would prefer a pawn set, but will take even paper mini's for this AP.

Please Paizo make this happen!

Can anyone at Paizo please consider having a variant subscription (or allow this variant for International subs) that does not give a PDF of the item purchased?
I ask as with shipping cost I can purchase your products cheaper through amazon, for example my September, November and December orders will be approximately $30.45 cheaper allowing me to purchase a hard cover book through amazon.
If the cost per book is reduced $2 per book with no PDF I would be happy shopping here. A free book every month if I choose to buy a novel instead is just to hard to pass up.
I do not use the PDF's and frankly do not even download them, please paizo check.

Please post here if you also would like a variant subscription also?

If you are posting to justify I (and others) should support Paizo stop now, you are actually derailing the conversation, I will STILL PURCHASE PAIZO PRODUCTS but from another source and Paizo will still make money from that purchase but they can make more by selling to me directly.

Please keep it civil..........

With a heavy heart I have to decided if I want to stay with Paizo or go to another source for my needs?
My September order is over $11 cheaper on amazon.
I will still purchase paizo product just not directly, that kind of savings will allow me to purchase a novel a month for the same price as I'm paying now and a pathfinder novel (more produce seems to be winning).

Please I need a link, thanks!

What Divine and Arcane level 1-3 spells should a wizard and cleric take?

They would be for a 6th level character.

I ask as the most knowledgeable players in are group are no longer playing with us and the 2 new (really all of us are new) need help with what spells should are wizard and cleric take?

Thanks for your help.

No 6 players of which 2 are new.
If the scenarios are 4-5 hours then I'm looking for one that has and equal amount of skill checks/ROLEplaying and combat.

Ant help on which one has these elements I'm looking for would be great.

First off I know nothing of the Pathfinder Society.
How long does a scenario take?

I'm looking for a Pathfinder Society Scenario (or Scenarios) that will fill 5-6 hours of playing to introduce 2 new players to how skills,combat and ROLE playing.

Can someone here point me in the direction of some Scenario(s) that will fill that many hours and have a good mix of ROLE AND ROLL playing?


Thanks Bluescale for all the work, good to know.

Still waiting for this to get to Canada? the local hobby store has it but it's over an hour drive one way, with my gas tank I can buy almost 3 boxed sets from

waiting but not patiently....... :(

Thanks for the comments.

I'm running the second book in the Carrion crown series and the trap is set for 6th level players so they are not that weak, mend will really repair anything that survives.

It's the minor stuff (low hardness) that will get really hurt.

I may modify the spell to give items a save of a d10 and they save if they roll equal to or under it's hardness value? thoughts?

I will also let the party use hero points to save say d6 items per hero point? thoughts?

I have the trap coming up for my party which is Acid Fog.

the spell deals Acid damage to creatures and objects in the area of effect of 2d6 damage.

Potions should be fine, glass should not get affected by the spell, should the item that seals the potion get damaged and ruin the potion?

Also how would you handle a party of adventures in an acid fog?

I can see scrolls on a belt getting destroyed right away but how about a spell book in a back pack be handled?

Great to know , thank you!

Been awhile since I have played getting slowly back into it and have a Question about the feats creatures have in the Bestiary.

The group is going to be battling a Huge Air Elemental.

Do I add a +4 to initiative from the Improved Initiative feat? or is it already worked into the Initiative stat for the creature?

Do I add Iron Will to the Will save for the creature? or is it worked in?

I assume Mobility is added into anytime it moves?

Thanks for the help..........

harmor wrote:

This post from BigNorseWolf was ingenious!

What trick would you need to teach your horse or animal companion to eat the apple with its core removed and filled with a Cure Light Wounds potion?

The DC would be to train the animal to eat the apple whole so no potion gets spilled out of the horses mouth (excuse the pun)