Samaritha Beldusk

Lial Siannodel's page

2 posts. Alias of Peebo.


okay...not sure if this is correct, i wasnt sure on a few things, mainly starting money and traits, so i left the trait option open.

but this is my (Peebo's) character.

i will fill in traits when i get confirmation on the character being as your rules are written.

i will post this in the OOC thread too, just incase you dont see this post, although, the other thread could use a bit of dusting, and the medium monstrous spiders have covered everything in spider webs!

well i assume that way we can make Paizo Forum brand silk rope :P

Female Half Elf Druid 1

okay...not sure if this is correct, i wasnt sure on a few things, mainly starting money and traits, so i left the trait option open.

but this is my (Peebo's) character.

i will fill in traits when i get confirmation on the character being as your rules are written.

i will post this in the hookup thread as well, as this thread looks a little old and dusty...hehe.