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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks !
Now it's time to learn for me ;)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks a lot Anguish !

I didn’t know it was called a layout program, thanks again, I’ll take a look at Adobe InDesign.

I will use a close design as with another color I think.

If Paizo wants to share the program they used, I’ll be happy to know:)

Have a good day!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hello everyone!

I started writing a campaign for my colleague and I was ready to have the same frame as the Starfinder.

What tools do you use? How do I get these frames?

Take a look at the Starfinder kernel rules on page 60 (first page of the sent),
I would like to create my own classes by replacing the image with my own class name, stamina points and any type of text, but keeping the same position for them and keeping the background, pagination..

Still on page 61, keep the same kind of table, and the "short summary" on the right (starting with Overview and ending with the Pthfinder legacy in this book).

If you don’t want to share your own frame, can you at least tell me what tool you used to do all this?

Thanks in advance!

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Tactical missile

Explode is miswritten
need : Explode (6d8 B & P, 30 ft.)
instead of:
Explode 6d8 B & P, (30 ft.)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here is an other issue with type for parsers:

Cathode cannon, elite
is range have "ft" and not "ft." the "." is lacking.

Again no difference for a human ^^

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hello i'm working on an app and I'm building my own Database directly from the core and armory rulebook (others will come later)

I have find a little inconsistency in the armory, if I find something else I will post it here;

Paste from pdf:
Sonic suppressor, murmur 3 1,430 1d4 So 40 ft. Stifle 20 charges 2 L —
Shrieking larva 5 2,800 1d8 So 30 ft. Deafen 20 Charges 4 L Living, thought,
Dirge pistol, resonant 6 4,950 1d8 So 40 ft. Sicken 20 charges 1 L Antibiological

Here the Shrieking larva have a capacity of charges with charge with the first letter in uppercase. (all are in lowercase)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hello Paizo !

I'm a game master of Starfinder since .. the first FR version of the core rule book, by the way my collector edition is actually in a pretty bad shape (used every single week with ~6 player).

I'm actually tired of waiting the French version of every book (I already buyed almost all the french rulebook version from Black Book Editions ), Can I buy a full collection of english version and the pdf of each ? as a bundle? for what price ? possible discount ? can I pay in X times ?

Also did the price in the shop include TVA ? shipping ? did shipping is free with a cart > 100$ or € (Yeah i'm french)

I wish to include :
All rulebooks (with the core in collector and pocket)
Rulebooks subscription
And the starfinder Pin ;}

And About adventures, buy all of it again have a bigger price... but as a full bundle, what's the price ?

Thank you by advance !

From France : Paris.

Just for information this is my Fr Starfinder Library:
- Collector CR
- AA 1&2
- Armory (arsenal in Fr)
- Pact Worlds
- Attack of the Swarm (vol 1 & 2 in fr it's all the campaign in two books)
And we wait for more..