![]() “ANTARCTICA OR BUST!” Renowned Adventurer Sets His Sights on the Bottom of the World New York (AP)—World famous explorer James Starkweather announced today that he would lead a party of scientists and explorers into uncharted parts of the Antarctic continent this fall. Starkweather, accompanied by geologist William Moore of Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, intends to continue along the trail first blazed by the ill-fated Miskatonic University Expedition of 1930–31. The Starkweather-Moore Expedition will set sail in September from New York City. Like their predecessors, they intend to use long-range aircraft to explore further into the South Polar wilderness than has ever been done before. ------------- For the last several months, the Starkweather-Moore Expedition has been in the news. Newspapers and radios feature occasional coverage about Starkweather and his plans. Recruitment has been accomplished by telephone or by telegram. ![]()
![]() Fighting Specializations: Axe (15%): use this skill for larger wood axes. A small hatchet can be used with basic brawling skill. If thrown, use the Throw skill. Brawl (25%): includes all unarmed fighting and basic weapons that anyone could pick up and make use of, such as clubs (up to cricket bats or baseball bats), knives, and many improvised weapons, such as bottles and chair legs. To determine the damage done with an improvised weapon, the Keeper should refer to the weapons list and pick something comparable. Spear (20%): lances and spears. If thrown, use Throw skill. Sword (20%): all blades over two feet in length. Whip (05%): bolas and whips. ![]()
![]() Sailor, Naval
Sailor, Commercial
![]() Some Example Occupations Mountain Climber
Mechanic (and Skilled Trades)
Animal Trainer
Doctor Of Medicine
These are just some examples. I have a lot more if you don't see what your looking for. ![]()
![]() Master Skill List Accounting (05%)
![]() Ok I am going to post character creation info for those without access to the rules. I am going to use the Quick Fire Method from page 60 of the Investigator's Handbook. Quick Fire Method for Character Creation 1. Allocate 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 80 where you like
2. Apply age and EDU modifiers.
20s or 30s (20-39 years of age):
40s: Make 2 improvement checks
50s: Make 3 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 10
60s: Make 4 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 20
70s: Make 4 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 40
80s: Make 4 improvement checks for EDU and deduct 80
To make an EDU improvement check, simply roll percentage
3. Figure Damage Bonus and Build.
4. Figure Hit Points (CON+SIZ divided by 10) and
5. Decide an occupation and select eight appropriate
6. Allocate the following values among the eight
7. Pick four non-occupation skills and boost them by
I have a huge list of occupations just ask and I can give you the particulars. ![]()
![]() As for character concepts, just ask yourself if your character would be a good fit for a Antarctic expedition. I plan on starting the game with your characters writing letters or telegrams to Starkweather and or Moore asking to join the expedition. Oh and Aubster if you need any advice on your Masks game just ask. I have run it about four times online. ![]()
![]() Renowned Adventurer Sets His Sights on the Bottom of the World The Pillar Riposte, May 26, 1933 New York (AP)-World famous explorer James Starkweather announced today that he would lead a party of scientists and explorers into uncharted parts of the Antarctic continent this fall . Starkweather, accompanied by geologist William Moore of Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, intends to continue along the trail first blazed by the ill-fated Miskatonic University Expedition of 1930-31. The Starkweather-Moore Expedition will set sail in September from New York City . Like their predecessors, they intend to use long-range aircraft to explore further into the South Polar wilderness than has ever been done before. "This is not about the South Pole," Starkweather explained this morning, in a prepared speech in his hotel in New York. "Many people have been to the Pole. We're going to go places where no one has ever been, see and do things that no one alive has seen." The expedition intends to spend only three months in Antarctica. Extensive use of aeroplanes for surveying and transport, according to Starkweather, will allow the party to chart and cover territory in hours that would have taken weeks to cross on the ground. One goal of the expedition is to find the campsite and last resting place of the twelve men, led by Professor Charles Lake, who first discovered the Miskatonic Range, and who were killed there by an unexpected storm. The mapping and climbing of the mountains in that range and an aerial survey of the lands on the far side are also important goals. "The peaks are tremendous," Starkweather explained. "The tallest mountains in the world! It's my job to conquer those heights, and bring home their secrets for all mankind. "We have the finest equipment money can buy. We cannot help but succeed." Starkweather, 43, is a veteran of the Great War. He has led expeditions into the wilderness on four continents, and was present on the trans-polar flight of the airship ltalia, whose crash near the end of its voyage on the North Polar ice cap received worldwide attention. Moore, 39, a full Professor of Geology, is also the holder of the Smythe Chair of Paleontology at Miskatonic University. He has extensive field experience in harsh climates and has taken part in expeditions to both the Arctic and the Himalayan Plateau. "We're going back," Starkweather said. "The job's not done. We're going back, and we're going to finish what was started and bring the whole lot out to the world. It will be a grand adventure and a glorious page in scientific history!" Professor Moore, sitting quietly to one side, was less passionate but just as determined. "A lot has changed in the past three years," he insisted. "We have technology now that did not exist three years ago. The aeroplanes are better, brand new Boeing craft, sturdier and safer than before. Professor Pabodie's drills have been improved. And we have Lake's own broadcasts to draw upon. We can plan ahead, with better materials and a knowledge of the region that none of them had when they prepared for their voyage. Yes, I am optimistic. Quite optimistic. We will succeed in our goals." When asked what those goals were, the two men looked briefly at one another before Starkweather answered, leaning forward intently. "Leapfrog, gentlemen!" he smiled. "We shall leapfrog across the continent. A base on the Ross Ice Shelf; another at the South Pole. One at Lake's old campsite, if we can find it; and, gentlemen, we plan to cross over those fantastic mountains described by Dyer and Lake, and plant our instruments and our flag right on top of the high plateau! Imagine it! Like a landing strip atop Everest! "We'll have the finest equipment, and skilled men. Geologists-paleontologists we've got Professor Albemarle from Oberlin, he wants to study weather. Glaciologists, perhaps another biologist or two; the team's not all made up yet, of course. We're not leaving for another five months!" "It is important," added Moore, "to try to find Professor Lake's camp and bring home whatever we can from the caverns he discovered. The prospect of a wholly new kind of life, a different taxonomy, is extremely exciting. It would be a shame if, having found it once, we were unable to do so again." The two explorers plan to land thirty men on the southern continent, half again more than the Miskatonic Expedition. The expedition is privately funded and owes no allegiance to any school or institution. ------------------------------------- Hello, I am intending to run a play by post game of the Call of Cthulhu campaign 'Beyond the Mountains of Madness' using the new 7th Edition rules. There is a free Quick Start Rule Set available. You don't need to know the rules to play. I will walk everyone through the character creation process and teach the game as we play. I would like to have four to six players if possible. ![]()
![]() I thought I knew how this worked but I saw a different interpretation on a character sheet that I am using. Archaeologist's Luck (Ex): Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune's favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist's luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance. Like bardic performance, it cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level. So do you get the bonus to all your attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls while the luck is in effect or do you get one bonus to one roll? ![]()
![]() Jadeite wrote: They trade their poison related abilities for trapfinding, the ability to disarm traps at range and landmines. I take it that landmines are bombs that can be placed and go off when someone triggers them? Does that ability effect the normal bomb ability or is it an addition. Sorry for all the questions but Trap Breaker sounds perfect for a new character I am building. I just have to wait until Wednesday for the PDF to become available. :P ![]()
![]() Hello,
Concerning Matsuro. Doesn't his presense kind of complicate things some what since he is also a possible future emperor of Minkai? Why does the group go and see the Walthus instead of directly heading towards the Licktoad camp? With Scribbleface to lead them they could go directly there. ![]()
![]() Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:
Humm I hate to see what would happen if a evil/neutral player character decided to eliminate Ameiko and the other PCs to become the only living heir. :) ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
I am still a bit confused on this. I am running my second game tonight and the players are most likely going to be going down to the undercrypt. I cannot find the eastern door in A18 to the Laboratory? Do you have to go down the stairs to get to this door? Also where does the secrect door in the A12 come out in the undercrypt? ![]()
![]() Somnambulist wrote: The gnolls may hate the pugwampi, but they're not stupid. In my virtual tabletop game (maptools) the Kulldis tribe often bring a gnoll cagebearer into the fight using s special double-walled cage (can't have the pugwampi shattering the cage and getting out). Since the gnolls are immune to the bad luck aura, they just have to make sure to keep the cage out of range of any allies. You most likely don't need a cage since pugwampi worship the ground that gnolls walk on. And yes I have thought of the deadly combo of gnolls with pugwampi allies. My PC would kill me though.