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amulet of the blooded says the following:

"If a creature that already has the associated bloodline wears the amulet, the wearer does not gain the abilities listed below; instead, the effective level of his bloodline powers increases by 2. This effect does not stack with other abilities that increase the effective level of bloodline powers."

Does other abilities count Robe of Arcane Heritage which states:

These elegant, dark purple robes are usually decorated with gold stitching suggesting a particular sorcerer bloodline, though some might indicate a family tree. When a sorcerer dons a robe of arcane heritage, the stitching pulls itself apart and reweaves to match her particular sorcerer bloodline. The wearer treats her sorcerer level as 4 higher than normal for the purpose of determining what bloodline powers she can use and their effects.

Would they stack?

my question is simple and probably no but can you use, use magic device to fake having a particular deity.

For example
Droskar's Guiding Ring
has a requirement for its special effect that Droskar has to be your patron deity, can use magic device fake this?

yeah incompatible traits is a small issue for the build but most of the homebrew campaigns i have seen doesn't care as long as the flavor is equivalent

you only need one grab of additional traits, since you can just take a drawback

but if you take 2 you can get merchant family and duskwalker agent for a 10 discount in your home settlement and 20 to sales price in your home settlement, for a decent profit margine of 32,5 %

though it is questionable rather the Trait discount stakes since they all come from traits

exemplar traits and additional traits allow it

So just add them together cause they all affect the base price?

so 100 5% 95 5% 90 5% 85 10% 75

How are percentages added together?

Are they added together multiplicatively or additive.

Lets say i want to craft an item worth 100 gp and i have hedge magician 5%, eldritch smith 5% and spark of creation 5%, and the the evangelist boon of Torag for an ekstra 10 %

Would the discount add together to 25%
or would it be

1.05* 1.05* 1.05 *1.10 = 27,33% discount


5% discount 95gp 5% 90,25Gp 5% 85,7375 gp 77,16375 gp

I'm going to be playing a kraken caller and I might take the giant squid as my companion. Does it only have one tentacle attack??

I'm going to be playing a kraken caller and I might take the giant squid as my companion. Does it only have one tentacle attack??

So i'm planning on playing a character that used to be a demon worshiper who sold their soul. Are there anything a demon can do with my soul to mess with me before i die.

Mostly looking for things he can that requires my soul specifically.

Grue wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Since one of the titles of House Thrune is "Thrice Damned", I am wondering whether they might have used this trick and then found a way to sell their souls a third time.

I'm sure there is an abyssal themed 'damned' PRC... at least in 3.5...but I don't remember the name of it.


yes i know necro thread dont mind me

it doesn't to my knowledge. unsure if it interacts with bane weapons

TxSam88 wrote:
Probably not, if so, it would be listed in the AON entry.

Seems likely since non of the other fleshwraped have it. But the monster entry could just be a drider born from two driders rather than a fleshwraped drow

Like the question above says I want to know if I can ignore the requirement of having the spell by increasing the craft dc by 5.

Aon link
https://www.aonprd.com/ConstructMods.aspx?ItemName=Spell-Like%20Ability%20M odification

I know that the sample creature doesn't but driders breed true so it's unclear if the sample creature was transformed or not. So would a creature transformed into a drider be augmented?

Why 2925 instead of 2275?

Also i do realize that brew potions does not allow spell levels that high but the price matching doesn't feel like a coincidence

Valandil Ancalime wrote:
New math.


Yeah that's why I'm surprised. But the source book and srd agree on it which is why I'm surprised.

My theory is that 4550 is correct and that the craft price should be 2275. The reason being that it requires regenerate a seventh level spell. So following the rules from brew potions would be 13*7*50=4550.

I know the rules for brew potions aren't relevant, but intuitively it makes sense for an elixir especially when the price matches

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Trollblood elixir costs 4550 gp yet its crafting requirements call for 5060 gp.
At First i thought i was a mistake on the SRD but it matches the item price from the giant hunters handbook

You have to take fiendish obedience if you want to take boons from fiends(or at least the fiends in book of the dammed). You cannot use deific obedience to qualify for any of fiends prestige class, including evangelist exalted and sentinel.

my hope was adding commando construct and enlightened construct. and if the gm was willing figuring out a price for steam powered clockwork(+50% to price, no clue what the craft price could be but basing it off some mix of homunculi and golems seems fitting)

but apparently my gm has inner hate for templates after some clown showed up with some bs backstory to justify starting with templates. So i need to clarify the difference between construct templates and that.

I'm seeing some conflicting information about rather Haagentis second evangelist boon altered state works with cognatogen. Can anyone clarify for me?

Oh i intend to break it a lot...
I dont have an alchemist i have a homunculi with enough templates and modifications and a carrier pigeon(another homunculi) with extracts.
it being a construct makes it one of the most overpowered creatures possible

Thanks my homunculus will have a ridiculous ac then with such a high dex from the archetype and templates

I love it but also imagine like 1 body is a construct and some are driders

Hi im playing a promethean alchemist. Its AC is listed as AC +2 natural armor

So that would be 10+2 from natural armor + other bonuses

now lets say i spent 9000 gold improving my homunculi
Toughened Hide: By adding diamond dust and cold iron to the homunculus, a crafter can increase its natural armor bonus to AC by 1, 2, or 3. Price: +1,000 gp (+1), +4,000 gp (+2), or +9,000 gp (+3).

Does it now have 15 or 13?

and lets say i add a few templates

from commando construct:
Armor Class: A commando construct’s natural armor bonus increases by 4.

is it now 19, 17 or 14?

Yeah i get that but if i create a homunculi using the blood of a doppelganger simulacrum of my character can i create homunculi that view me as their creator

6) I get that the simulacrum is inert but I can't see why a homunculi would be inert? They are independent and whilst the connection is formed by my blood it is my soul they are tied to.

1) Ahh i didn't know they used to be a developer, then i think their word is law which limits the shenanigans' a lot... Wait does this mean that i can duplicate my extracts per day(for a character half my level ofc) for 1000 gold...

2) it does say
"The alchemist learns how to create a simulacrum, a soulless duplicate of his body" so i assume i can only copy myself

3) good news for me, well tortures for the character but having an endless supply of blood for homunculi is good

4) This is incredibly broken lol will avoid it because i like the GM

5) I assume i will be able to jump between them despite this. So i could have a simulacrum that's unmodified, one that's flesh wrapped, one that's a soul bound construct, ext.

6) why do they become inert? I would still be alive just not look it but they are smart enough to understand

A master work painting cost

500 for Tiny or smaller

1000 for small

2000 for medium

3000 for large

4000 for huge

6000 for gargantuan

8000 for colossal

This is for portraits of creatures but they give a baseline for Gms

I have them from Trompe L’oeil 's crafting requirements.

Be aware that evil spirits can posses masterwork paintings, they will try to replace the original so just be aware if you like self portraits

I am only 11 years too late dont mind me

So i plan to make an alchemist who makes use of the doppelganger simulacrum a lot. They will have the flesh wrapper item creation feat along with the ability to craft constructs, including the soul bound construct. They will also be using Homunculi so being able to bleed is important. Could i make a Base body (half elf) doppelganger
simulacrum, and then modify my body, and then return to the unmodified doppelganger.

Also if the answer is yes, Does becoming a construct change anything?

Also out of curiosity their wouldn't be any problem in using simulacrums to create homunculi?

it is the craft construct route just using it to animate object. not sure how dispel works with it but my plan is building a "mining" construct to get adamantine from the plane of earth so that i can build a soul bound Adamantine golem later

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

Basic Modifications under the Modifying Constructs section on the SRD shows that Spell Like Abilities added to a construct cost 3000 GP/level of the spell being imbued, giving the construct the ability to cast that spell 1/day. By paying the cost multiple times, the creator can increase the number of uses per day.

If you want a homunculus to cast Cure Light Wounds 1/day, it would cost 3000 GP. If you want it to cast the spell 2/day, it would cost 6000 GP. I don't have access to the book you're quoting, but in the main thread that you're linking to it appears that another poster commented the ability from that book only allows 1/day use of the spell based on adding potions to the homunculus.

those are the rules for adding to any construct. A homunculi has another method of adding spell like abilities

i think they are found under the bestiary for them, i found them under craft construct on d20sfrd

Hey i was Researching homunculi and a i have a question about

Spell-Like Ability: By incorporating 10 potions of the same spell in the homunculus’s creation, a crafter can imbue the homunculus with the power to use that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. Price: Total cost of the potions used.

Can this ability be selected more than once. if i used 20 potions of cure light would i have it 2/day.
Their isn't anything in the other abilities that state that you can't take them twice they would just be useless but multiple spell like abilities can easily be useful.

thank you in advance

The clockwork Dragon is a clockwork and not an animated object, so it follows different rules. I dont think i can use it to justify being able to take it multiple times.

Hi I'm trying to make a construct for mining adamantine in the plane of earth, so it needs a fly speed and a burrow speed.

Additional Movement (Ex, 1 CP): Gains a new mode of movement (burrow, climb, fly [clumsy], or swim) at a speed equal to its base speed.

Can i take this twice to get both or do i need to find other methods, (Basic Modification: Movement modification: burrow)

Mostly just looking to save some gold

I'm playing a promethean alchemist i want to add toughened hide to my humoculous.

Toughened Hide: By adding diamond dust and cold iron to the homunculus, a crafter can increase its natural armor bonus to AC by 1, 2, or 3. Price: +1,000 gp (+1), +4,000 gp (+2), or +9,000

A promethean alchemist humoculous already has 2 natural armor, does the wording allow me to get a 15 or do I use 9000 gold to get 13?

Diego Rossi wrote:
Ask your GM about the Cyclops Helm. I wouldn't allow a single roll made with a magic item as an immediate action to work to determine the result of 8 hours or work for a day. Even less when it determines the result of multiple days of work.

"Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer can choose the result of the die roll instead of rolling her next attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check." their is nothing here that specifies that the skill check has a time limit. If it had their would be a lot of skill checks it would be useless for that most Gms would find reasonable uses of it. A diplomacy check to improve attitude usually takes 10 min. But perhaps the gm would rule that I have to use it before I start crafting and there for be unable to use any other skill checks in-between

it requires so much money why I'm making my alchemist a dedicated crafter and just gonna have my companions as "my pc"

I'm thinking an homunculi would be able to replace a valet familiar. though it will be expensive 4.55 k gold to craft since it needs 5 feats. craft wonder, craft weapons and armor, master craftsman, craft construct and Cooperative Crafting. Though the tumor familiar would be flavorful as hes an old sickly man.

i am an alchemist so having a high craft alchemy is a given. I'm also a dedicated crafter duo to promethean alchemist taking away everything useful to give me a cool construct (the base creature). I plan on investing in a cyclops helm so i take 20, i can still beat the dc if I'm smart about it, just needed to know if it was legal. I might be doing it at a low level and the setting makes magic items insanely rare and have yet to see anyone else with a scroll. Thank you for the help<3

Diego Rossi wrote:
After seven years I think he has resolved his problem.

naw im sure he needs the help. (leaving something for the next unfortunate soul)

i thought so thank you. I'm a player trying to figure out how to make a construct replace my character without trowing off balance. knowing the limits of animate objects can will help alot thank you.

Burn is from The Haunting of Harrowstone pathfinder adventure path 43

i've read most of the rules on construct so i can make a character thats a full time crafter while a construct replaces him in the party composition.

I want to add the comando template to my constructs
its requirments are
A commando construct’s materials cost an additional 10,000 gp above the base creature’s cost. The Craft check required to make the body has a DC 4 higher than normal for the base construct’s kind. The construct is animated using a special laboratory or workroom that costs 1,000 gp to establish. If the creator is personally constructing the creature’s body, the crafting and the ritual can be performed simultaneously. The creator must have a minimum caster level 1 higher than the base creature’s minimum required caster level. In addition, the following spells must be cast during the ritual: bull’s strength, greater heroism, and limited wish.

I am an alchemist. making greater heroism and limited wish difficult. can i increase the dc by 5 like magic item creation so the dc becomes: original creatures dc + 14 (10 from lacking requirments 4 from base)

is this posible or am i out of luck? i have discoveries to allow for extracts to replace spells

Hey im hoping to make an animated object with a future character.

So my question is can i select the same ability multiple times with craft construct
for example

Additional Attack (Ex, 1 CP): Gains an additional slam attack.


Faster (Ex, 1 CP): One of the object’s movement modes increases by +10 ft.

I cannot find a rule against it on the animate objects page.
But there is the fact that other abilities specify that they can stack

Burn (Ex, 1 CP): : The object gains burn (1d6) with its slam attacks. This can be applied multiple times. Its effects stack

but these abilities are either ones that normally cant stack (such as changing the material) or from different sources where it could be a clarification.

so my question is could i take additional attack 3 times to make a construct with 4 slams? or a flying object with a ridiculous speed for traveling?

Hey im hoping to make an animated object with a future character.

So my question is can i select the same ability multiple times with craft construct
for example

Additional Attack (Ex, 1 CP): Gains an additional slam attack.


Faster (Ex, 1 CP): One of the object’s movement modes increases by +10 ft.

I cannot find a rule against it on the animate objects page.
But there is the fact that other abilities specify that they can stack

Burn (Ex, 1 CP): : The object gains burn (1d6) with its slam attacks. This can be applied multiple times. Its effects stack

but these abilities are either ones that normally cant stack (such as changing the material) or from different sources where it could be a clarification.

so my question is could i take additional attack 3 times to make a construct with 4 slams? or a flying object with a ridiculous speed for traveling?

I'll keep it short

I'm playing a promethean alchemist which means I don't have bombs.

I want to pick up divine inks which requires 2 of your daily bombs.

Can I use the ability?

The companion has to be worse than animal companion.
Because its way easier to buff constructs. if you only use you companion as an animal companion its going to be weak... if you modify it, it becomes a beast.
you can practically use it for adventuring while you stay in town earning gold.

So I'm considering a Dreamweaver witch with the lucid dreamer feat line.
i know that you can cast spells you normally couldn't in the dimension of dreams,
how does Dream travel work?

Dream travel:

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S


Range touch
Target you and one creature/level
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes


You and the other targets of the spell are physically drawn from the Material Plane into the Dimension of Dreams on a voyage into the dreams of a creature you designate. In the Dimension of Dreams, you move through a swirling sea of thoughts, desires, and emotions created by the minds of dreamers everywhere to reach your destination dreamscape. Reaching the destination dreamscape takes 1 hour. At any point before the spell’s duration ends, you can dismiss the spell to return to where you started on the Material Plane. The connection between dreams and reality is inherently tenuous, and your ability to arrive precisely where you mean to is dependent on your familiarity with the dreamer you’re trying to find. To determine how accurate your arrival is at the end of your dream travel, roll d% on the following table]

Does it:
1)simply fail because the spell only works to travel to the dimension of dreams

2) Work but only affects your lucid body

3) something else entirely

The PostMonster General wrote:
The full life cycle of a Night Hag? In what way?

I was thinking something along the lines of be born: innocent hag child. become hag(not sure if required) become night hag, be reborn into a waker may and then ascend into dream thief.

so my question is, do i have to make sure a moon may changeling is going to Abaddon after dying or is that a given. Would a moon may paladin(example not my character) end up in Abaddon or heaven.

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