![]() bsmith709 wrote:
Obviously I am not arguing it is only used in the context of RPGs. However it is certainly primarily used for such contexts. I am saying the word is ubiquitous in many games with class based systems. Like Diablo, Balder's gate, etc. Of course the word can be used in its original context. But I've heard someone use the word lunatic with its original context too. If the usage has moved on in 99% of cases then the meaning has well and truly shifted. bsmith709 wrote:
Of course I don't get to just say "Nah, it's fine". But finding a term that someone isn't uncomfortable with is literally an impossible task. As the thread states Berserker is in for consideration. And I have no problem with the term, but as Castilliano rightly points out, you can argue it is even more problematic. I mean I could go through and make arguments against the names Witch, Thaumaturge, Alchemist, Rogue, Druid, and more if I really felt like it(really virtually if not all of them). But most of those names/classes are really just shorthands that at this point are baked in and tell you generically what the class is about. And that sort of shorthand is useful. Removing it should yield a sizable benefit. Not trade one name for one just as bad or worse. ![]()
![]() Leon Aquilla wrote: This kind of "lets re-invent the wheel because we've already solved all the other problems" stuff is why I'm moving on from Pathfinder. This forum is quite bad about that. And most of the suggestions(like many in this thread) are more harmful than good. But it does make sense that Paizo is trying to be legally distinct from D&D. The good news is you can keep referring to stuff as Gnolls, Phylacteries, Wendigos, etc and no one can stop you. ![]()
![]() Unicore wrote:
You are addressing two different situations here. From a gameplay balance standpoint a lot of these spells are(and should be) incapacitate. Because boss fights ending in a single round is(often, not always) narratively unsatisfying. Things like sleep hex, color spray, etc that could notoriously destroy boss fights before they started were a balance issue. Then your claim that enchantment magic is yuk. Well, this doesn't really warrant a response, but sure, lets argue for a second that burning your enemy to death(via fireball, blistering invocation, etc) is somehow morally more desirable than the mesmerist enchantment spells. Even if you take that assumption as fact, the player should still have the options of playing the character. Playing an evil character is a perfectly valid choice, equally valid to a white knight holy paladin dedicated to ending whatever ill they deem most important in the world. ![]()
![]() PossibleCabbage wrote:
Is 50 enough to stay in business? Especially when lets face it, a majority of them would probably rather remove the issue entirely? ![]()
![]() Okay... I know it's been a long while. Wife and I have been quite busy lately, but we have not forgotten you. Website action has still been ongoing periodically and traffic has picked up considerably. The big news is that the long needed visual rework is live! For PC users this won't really change much, but everything is significantly cleaner and more user friendly on mobile devices. Some other minor updates are a few new encounters have been posted. A trap and chase sequence I ran some time ago respectively. I'm also giving Dungeon 23 a shot. For those not familiar the premise is you write one room of a dungeon every day for the year ending up with a 365-room mega dungeon. I'll try to update the actual site every fortnight or so. The first weeks results can be found here and I'll be posting the next weeks room soon. EDIT: And maybe a settlement/kingdom generator for PF2 since kingmaker has the rules for it. At least if it seems like a worthwhile project or something people might want. Future work: I might do a quick and easy festival generator. Obviously dungeon23 will be ongoing, and of course additions to the current generators. What about the shop generator I hear you cry?! I know... I know. It is still on my to-do list. Some parts of it are a pain in the butt(the weapon generation mostly). But it'll happen someday. Think that's everything for now. Big thanks to everyone that is using the site and suggesting feedback. We're honestly blown away at our small hobby page getting hundreds of uses per day from thousands of unique visitors and dozens of countries. If someone from Greenland wants to use the site that'd be awesome, would fill out a big section of our world map(mostly kidding) ![]()
![]() If I can do a bit of self promotion, I try to put up an encounter every month or two. Most of them are relatively low level and at least 1, 5-11, and 13 are relatively non-combative. Edit: I hate that damn URL tag. And most of them aren't full sessions, although 13/9 were designed together as most of a session. ![]()
![]() @nephandys Thanks for the link. That is indeed handy to compare against. @Wheldrake First, happy to hear you are enjoying the loot generator. That is always awesome to hear. As for the generator, that is essentially how it is currently set up. Each list has a set of common items I.E. alch fires, acid flasks, healing potions for the consumable category. The end goal is to have a bunch of tags such as the current elemental ones. So that you could generate an elven osirian cold/electric consumable store. The only minor issue is that some of the tags really don't have that much stuff. But maybe this isn't really that big of an issue. @Radiant Oath The basic name randomizer has been added in! Just a few simple lists of words. And it adds extra possible options to the list based on your trait selection. So picking the acid trait adds words like Caustic, Acidic, etc to the possible outcomes. ![]()
![]() Okay. Tool is still very much under construction, but the work in progress can be seen here shop I still need to add a lot of the logic for the blacksmith version. And make the lists of ancestry specific items, add extra toggle options for things like rarity, region, etc. Basically, most of the customization and flavor options aren't there yet. Haven't had as much time to work on it as I'd like, and the family came down with Covid last week (we've all recovered). But progress should be slowly but surely happening. ![]()
![]() Semi monthlyish update time. This month's encounter is a wacky combat aboard a crashing alchemical dragon. Airship Attack The level 1 character generator has also been greatly enhanced. Now with extra races, classes, heritages, backgrounds. Even some neat optional quirks or archetypes that can be added in for extra flavor or customization.
The next big project is a shop generator. Discussion on it can be found here if anyone has cool ideas or requests. Shop gen And finally, the webpage footer has been fixed! There was an issue where it sometimes showed up covering part of the text especially on longer results(like the dungeon generator). If the old footer is showing up, it may require a cache refresh(cntl+shift+R on chrome) EDIT: Although if you do see a page with the old footer, please let us know so we can fix it. ![]()
![]() Damn. Lot of great ideas here. Going to just address them one at a time. @Perpdepog I like the rarity toggle idea. Definitely will throw that in the planning, although it will probably come after the basic framework. Percentages are easy enough. Have something like that built into the loot generator already. Checkboxes for a custom shop. Interesting idea... I don't presently know how I'd implement that, but this entire project started as a way to practice and improve. This might be a great opportunity to do so. @Mark Norfolk Sourcebook filter will be tough. None of my current tools have sourcebooks anywhere in them. So, something like the spellbook generator which would be run to add some spell books to an arcane shop don't distinguish between core, apg, etc. This functionality might be added at some point, but probably not in a semi short time frame. @Ascalapus Max level item selection with a pyramid scheme of availability was the plan. Just have to think about a good way to build it. Which does lead me to the question of how large should the shop inventory be? A store with a dozen items might not be worth generating. One with 200 might make people's eyes glaze over. Regarding the trait shop selection just to make sure I understand, are you envisioning something like say selecting the necromancy trait to generate a shop populated with things like a staff of healing, dust of corpse animation, etc? For flavor those are some good ideas and generally not too hard. Name generator for the proprietor might be difficult though. Would a link to Emily's fantasy name generator be sufficient? @Cavernshark Settlement option is a great idea. Should be fairly straight forward to incorporate(famous last words). And final question. In particular with regards to magic shops, since lets face it, most PCs aren't going around shopping for silverware or a new dresser. How many/what categories should magic get broken up into? Should staves for example be a separate shop category, fall under the general magic store umbrella, both, neither? ![]()
![]() A while back I asked for some suggestions and advice on what people wanted to see in
In that vein I have been GMing abomination vaults. and the main town has several shops such as Magical curios, a general marketplace, arms & armors, etc. Populating the shops manually imo is a bit tedious. So, I'd like to automate the process. The question is what would people find the most useful? The easiest solution would be
However, it seems to me that might not be the most useful, and realistically someone can already do that using our tools if that's all they wanted. So, what would everyone like to see presuming they had use for such a tool? Different types of shops like blacksmiths, herbalists, trade goods that are all populated differently? Restrictions on the level/price of items available? Other options I haven't considered? Hit me with some ideas. ![]()
![]() We here at LeitKnightGaming have some unfortunate news to share. Due to lack of interest, we're gonna have to close down the site. No, not really. Happy April Fool's Day everyone. That being said, not a whole lot to update for this month. We've a new encounter Festive Facade posted to the webpage that I ran a year or two ago involving the PCs trying to guess who's who in a Masquerade ball. A fun(imo) non-combat encounter that makes a decent way to introduce some NPCs, factions, or storylines to your players. Incidentally it pairs well, and indeed was run in conjunction with encounter #8 Magic Maze. Now, onto business. My wife and I started these programs to make our job GMing easier. And it 100% has done so, however, we're kinda at a point where we've made everything that we personally have felt a need for. I can see a lot of people are using the programs(Especially Loot2) So, we're looking for some feedback or requests. Have an idea for some new generator or additional feature? Something that would make one of them more user friendly? We'd love to here it. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone. Only a small update this month. The bulk dice roller is up for situations where you need a bunch of guards rolling perception checks or what not. Few quality of life changes such as better formatting for mobile devices. And a new encounter I originally created in PF1, now updated to PF2 where the PCs must escape a dungeon with a crushing wall right on the PCs heels. Enjoy! EDIT: Wizard Lizard Also Wizard Lizard a skill challenge involving a wizard's familiar has been linked as we forgot to add the url to the encounters page previously. ![]()
![]() My wife and I alternate GMing. At various points in our playing other players from the group have joined in the rotation. Unfortunately a lot of the time this really doesn't work out well for a variety of reasons. We've got one player who likes to GM, but is extremely heavy handed on the railroading. Each session he will tell you what you are doing whether it makes sense for your characters or not. Problems have one and only one solution no matter how reasonable other ideas might be. These days he mostly runs megadungeons which are a lot better suited to his style. Other players really don't want to put in the work. They'll cancel sessions because they didn't have enough time to prep, they'll spend half the session looking up how spells work or other stuff for encounters they prepped, etc. And then there are situations like https://paizo.com/threads/rzs2u6dd?Got-TPKd-Now-what#1 If someone doesn't have the desire to GM, they either won't or the job will be worse than having no GM. ![]()
![]() I've done one that was a masquerade ball. Each PC/NPC has a disguise and there is a contest to see who can correctly identify the most guests. Various checks or deduction can give away different characters. Like two characters might be gnomes which immediately stand out due to their height difference with most of the guests. But perhaps one of them is a known jeweler, so attempting to start up some shoptalk might give that away. Different accents, perfume, physical characteristics that are hard to hide, etc can all give people away. This setting especially works well if there are disguised thieves or assassins impersonating guests. ![]()
![]() So, it's been a while. And if anyone has been using these programs I apologize for not posting updates. We've had some family situations that for better or worse are now resolved. That being said, there has been some glacial progress on stuff. A few more encounters posted, the monster generator for pathfinder 2e has more granularity. The trap generator has undergone a similar upgrade although it isn't fully live yet and can only be seen on the /test page. Additionally /spellbook has a wizard spellbook generator.(I seem to overuse wizards for villains/npcs and have to constantly make spellbooks for loot). So I badly needed this tool, and hopefully it helps some of you too. It isn't fully done, as always feedback welcome. Right now, mostly focused on small improvements to the various programs and probably a bulk dice roller for situations where you find yourself with 9+ npcs rolling a lot of checks(probably not me). ![]()
![]() This is for pathfinder 1. But I have used it before, and found it pretty effective for this sort of story telling. https://www.enworld.org/threads/warfare-for-beginners-a-battle-system-for-t he-pathfinder-rpg.314572/ Like you said, decreasing victory points per whatever unit of time you like. An hour perhaps? Each hour they can stop the track reaching 0 would be another 10% or so of the army that escapes unscathed. And then yeah, missions to take out some of the more powerful undead, establish choke points/traps, etc are how you delay the inevitable. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, our family took a bit of a break for the holidays. But we are back with another update. This month's is mostly small quality of life additions. But since the major projects are all
Here is what's new and improved: New encounter with Avindrax, a crafty young black dragon with a big
Additional resource section has been greatly expanded. Now includes
Added the gunslinger and inventor options to the PF2 character generator. Not as relevant here, but, updated PF1 trap generator to behave more like PF2 version. As always, if anyone has any questions, suggestions, ideas, comments, concerns, or any other relevant synonym feel free to reach out either here or at our discord. On a totally unrelated to pathfinder note, during the holidays I
![]() I'd probably just generate some random stats for a level 5 creature and reskin it to be whatever you want. Some examples: Small Dragon, Level 5 12 perception Defense:
Medium Plant, Level 5 15 perception Defense:
Large Animal, Level 5 12 perception Defense:
Any of those could be reskined to undead. Small floating heads, undead vines that can reach across the chasm, or undead giant with boulder toss perhaps. ![]()
![]() I ran this through my duel program. Using a single example demon vs fighter First combat gives me Combat took an average of 2.5 rounds.
Second combat using the +4 for various bonuses gives Combat took an average of 2.49 rounds.
So this is only one character, not the entire party. But the +4 is obviously a significant increase to damage and win percentage. ![]()
![]() Really glad you find it useful! I didn't intend to take so long updating this, but holy crap adding the damage per rounds calculation was a lot more challenging than I expected. Regardless it should be in there for duel2 and hopefully added to the first one at some point. Let me know if anyone sees any issues or has any questions/requests. ![]()
![]() Okay, this weeks request thread is a little different. Firstly the duel2 program is already up and running, and secondly out of all the programs this is one of the more player focused ones. I used the PF1 version extensively for testing my characters. Seeing if dodge or toughness made a better tank, if weapon focus or power attack increased my damage higher, etc. The PF2 numbers are obviously tighter, but I figure the same questions still exist. So, I'll start this off with a couple ideas I've got for improvements and then I'd love to see what suggestions you all have. 1. DPR stat. This one seems a no brainer. Put in your barbarian, optionally vs another character or maybe just a training dummy with X HP/AC and no damage and see how much quickly/effectively you can kill it. 2. Attack number/MAP. So this one is tricky and I don't really have a good solution. The way it is currently set up you put in your number of attacks(always at least 1), and your multi-attack penalty. And it will attack each time applying your MAP after the first. This works for basic attack sequences. I.E. attack twice+raise shield. Or attack 3 times, etc, But is begins to be incorrect the moment special abilities get into the mix. Things like haste, double slice, etc all change how the numbers work. Options.
B. Add a cap to the MAP. This would fix issues with things like haste and possibly other buff/attack combining abilities so it didn't keep subtracting past 10 or whatever other number the player has input. This would be simple, but still leave some builds poorly represented. C. Add specific fields for every attack/damage roll your character would make. This option has the maximum accuracy. You could do double slice with 2 non agile weapons, then a 3rd strike, then a haste strike or whatever other combination you desire. The obvious downside is these fields would be rather annoying to input for relatively basic characters that only need option A. I don't know what the maximum number of attacks that are possible in PF2 is. I'm assuming about 6 if you combined various feats, spells, and abilities. But I am not at all familiar with every option available. 3. Add more reactions, mechanics, and the like. Probably cannot get everything, but I am sure there is more that could be done with this. 4. HP to shields? Not sure how necessary this is. Currently if you say you've got shield block you'll use it every turn and damage to shield is not tracked. Most fights end quickly and the shield HP doesn't seem a huge issue, but maybe there are some dissenting opinions. And finally, a few things I don't think we can manage. Multi party combat: I'd love to do this, but the complication really balloons once we need to start calculating for teams, targeting priorities, etc. Spell slots: likewise have no good way to keep track of these. If you want two wizards blasting each other, they'll have to keep using whatever damage spell you say they've got indefinitely. Alright, that's a big ole wall of text, sorry for that. But duel is one of my favorite programs, and as always I'd love to hear any questions, suggestions, or comments. ![]()
![]() Consumables2 is now live. It will generate a level 1-10 scroll of any magic tradition. I mentioned it already in the treasure horde generator thread, but Loot2 has also been updated so it now gives specific scrolls instead of generic X level spell scrolls. With that we have finally converted all of our pathfinder 1 programs over to second edition(Other than settlement/kingdom, but PF2 doesn't seem to have much to work with for that yet). Off hand I can't think of any other tools that would be super helpful to create, but we are always open to suggestions. We'll probably be turning our attention to providing general quality of life updates for the existing scripts. If there is anything anyone would like to see, please let us know. Happy GMing/Playing! ![]()
![]() Thanks! We certainly love to see that sort of feedback. @Zapp My wife posts updates on the pathfinder 2 reddit, not sure off hand of any other good places to share it. If anyone has other locations we'd be happy to spread the word. If you mean something like search engine optimization so it shows up more prominently on goggle we've looked into it, although haven't quite figured that piece out yet. ![]()
![]() The Trap2 generator is now officially live. Provides a CR 0-24 trap with a group of random features and options including additional consequences of failure, triggers, trap type, etc. Dungeon2 is a pretty basic and convenient. Generates a quick dungeon between 2-12 rooms based on size and pulls from loot2, trap2, and monster2 to generate their respective outputs with a small chance of a hidden room/compartment. We will hopefully now be turning out attention to consumables2 for generating quick potions, scrolls, etc on the fly. As usual let me know if there are any issues and enjoy! ![]()
![]() Castilliano wrote:
That isn't currently available. Are you asking for essentially what we have in our kingdom generator with option selections? kingdom Forgive the footer, it is currently the bane of our existance. Castilliano wrote:
The random numbers don't look at each other at all. So you could end up with a trap with a high stealth modifier, thievery DC, etc. As for the attack and damage those numbers are fixed. A CR 5 complex trap will have the same attack and damage every time. +15 to hit for 2d8+7 in this case. Castilliano wrote:
Currently the consequences section has alarm, equipment damage, summon a monster, and a handful of debuffs(doomed, drained, enfeebled, and wounded). I plan to add some more debuffs, and maybe something like a timer to the consequence section(If the trap goes off you have a minute to exit the temple or some such). The consequence section does not impact the damage. Castilliano wrote:
This is a pretty cool idea. Although a bit tricky to implement. Castilliano wrote:
This will mostly be on the GMs end. Speaking for myself I usually put the traps where they make the most narrative sense or create the most interesting encounters. But that is hard to dictate in a random generator. Castilliano wrote:
Those look like some good resources I will be looking at further. I wasn't aware of Grimtooth's, it looks pretty entertaining. ![]()
![]() Draco18s wrote:
That would be an interesting option, although I don't know how I'd balance it properly. A trap with 1 charge would be much weaker than a similar trap with 4 charges. For now I'll just separate them out into stuff that only makes sense for a single use(I.E. collapsing ceiling, drop pit, etc). Hopefully I didn't miss anything, but I believe I've added all the currently suggested material. I'll still be adding stuff to it, but I am reasonably happy. Hopefully everyone else is too. I'll probably be beginning the dungeon2 next week. Should be relatively easy, just pulls from loot, trap, and monster and outputs the various rooms. ![]()
![]() I've begun adding the various trap combos in. I even got the dreaded CR 6 frost ceiling lol: You have a trapped statue Complexity: simple
Disable Thievery DC 28 (Expert)
If your trap goes off it alerts all nearby enemies Still needs some formatting work and bulking out the options list, but it is getting there I think. @Perpdepog I'll be adding in an initiative stat for the complex traps so they can act every round. Some traps like the frost ceiling might not make sense acting repeatedly. I may try to separate those out once some other work is done. ![]()
![]() More great stuff. I've started with Coriolis' list of word suggestions and am adding to it. I very much like the idea of a consequences section. I am compiling that stuff as well. Regarding the specifics on this, what are the preferences? Should 100% of traps have consequences, some lesser percent of the time, only for simple traps, only if the option is toggled on, etc? Hopefully I'll be able to have the beginnings of that stuff added to the program tomorrow. And I have fixed the mispelling of proficiency. Thanks for the heads up on that. ![]()
![]() Interesting suggestions, and not at all what I expected. But that's why I'm farming out the creativity to you smart people. So it sounds like everybody(out of the current small sample size) is fine with the numbers as is/doesn't regard them as a priority. So I'll leave those be for now. As for the CR 2 trap with expert profiency, that was a mistake on my greater than/less than checks. Should be fixed now and not require expert till level 5 as suggested by the hazard guidelines. For adjective/noun pairing we should be able to do this. I'll have to start compiling a list of good candidates. Feel free to throw suggestions if anyone has some cool ideas. Regarding the formatting this should be easy. If it isn't too much trouble, would you be willing to show me an example of what you'd like the output to look like? EDIT: And I suppose I should ask how much an issue it would be if certain adjective/noun pairings are unusual combos. Like a frozen collapsing ceiling, or a shocking pit trap or some such. Not that those couldn't in theory happen, but less normal than something like flaming arrow ![]()
![]() We recently started work on making a pathfinder2e version of our trap generator(Almost done with the conversions, yay!) As you can see above the current version is fairly barebones but functional, basically just randoming between low, high, and extreme values for a few stats as outlined in the monster and hazard creation guidelines. So, being the brilliant internet that you are, how would you improve it? I'll start with a few features I was considering 1. Different trap types. Pit, fireball, etc 2. Poisons? I've got them in PF1 trap gen, but they work differently here, mostly just being a damage increase. Maybe still worth including? 3. Extra stat randomization? Currently the traps will be fairly repeative in their numbers. A CR 0 trap will always have 13, 16, or 19 for its stealth DC based on low, high, or extreme stealth random. I could apply another random modifier to this, something like -2 through 2 making the DC range 11 to 21. Downside is that a small number of traps might randomly roll very high or low across the board making them imbalanced. Thoughts? As always feedback and suggestions appreciated. ![]()
![]() This month's update features a bit of a facelift. We've ended up with significantly more tools/tabs than we'd initially expected or planned on making. So with the side bar getting excessively cluttered, my wife has condensed the various pages into some drop-down menus based on PF1/PF2/generic programs. Hopefully everyone finds this new look easier to navigate and use. As for the new program, you might already be aware of it if you were following the discussion over at Treasure Horde Generator but loot2 is officially available for use. I'd again like to thank everyone over there for the awesome suggestions, making the it bigger and better than I'd have managed on my own. In that vein, we have made a discord server. Anyone who wants to see upcoming projects or has some ideas, suggestions, bugs, or just wants to follow the discussion is welcome. discord Of course I try to check in here often as well. As always hope everyone enjoys! Oh and we've also added a quick sewer fight to the encounters tab. ![]()
![]() Whew, that took a bit more work than expected. But everything should be working satisfactorily now. If anyone has been trying to use the generator in the last hour or so I apologize if you got some weird looking results. I'm very happy with it. The party size 4-6 and mandatory rune options are in. And I'd like to thank everyone for giving great formatting and functionality suggestions. I'll be taking a break off this one for a bit, but let me know if any minor changes are needed or bugs are encountered. As a minor note, I added a 6th consumable to level 1. It was a royal pain in the butt to put so many exceptions for the output just because level 1 has 5 and each other level has 6. But feel free to remove 1 consumable from the level 1 loot piles if it is an issue. ![]()
![]() @Perpdepog Lol, very true and thanks for the kind words. The magic enhancement/special material combos were what really kicked my butt for PF1. I hope it helps your GMing a ton! @Cintra Bristol Our pleasure! Glad you like it. @Ascalaphus This should be do-able. I'll see if I can take a look this weekend when I am working on variable party sizes. @Elorebaen Lot of great ideas here. Can't take much credit on our end. @Zapp The issue with the hyperlinks is probably the way we are getting the information off of AoN. My wife did a webscrapper that pulls stuff from this page https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?All=true With that we sort each item into a list with the information we care about(I.E. drop bulk, traits, etc fields) And example would be ['Addiction Suppressant (Lesser)', 'Rare', 'Alchemical Items', '1', '—'], ['Lock (Simple)', 'Common', 'Adventuring Gear', '1', '—'] Final - being the spoiler tag. From there I am sorting/filtering the stuff. Removing anything that isn't common, has a spoiler tag, isn't at least level 1 and then breaking it into separate lists based on consumable/permenant and level. Once everything is sorted properly I am just adding the item names into the options. The URL of the item is never returned. And the only way I currently see to do it would be manually add one to each item. I'm sure there is a way to do it efficiently, but it currently seems beyond our skill level. Neither of us are professional programmers, doing this mostly as a hobby. The specific spells and possible magic items are something we are looking at doing in the future. A lot of the logic is already done using the prior consumables and loot1 programs. So hopefully we can get that up and running soonish. ![]()
![]() Lot of good ideas here. @xcmt We can absolutely do that. I'll try to get to that this weekend or so. @wheldrake Definitely plan to do this. Shouldn't be too hard. @Lawrencelot That is certainly on the radar, but it will take a bit longer. It isn't a great interim solution but we do have a pathfinder 1 version that does that here: Consumables there are a lot of shared spells between the versions so it might work decently. Or if you want to run it quite a few times for quick results you could use the PF1 loot generator and specify consumables: loot ![]()
![]() Ascalaphus wrote:
Very good suggestions. I have updated the output to display this way. Almost sad how much nicer this one looks than the PF1 loot which was a lot more work to create ![]()
![]() Perpdepog wrote:
Good point. We just stripped the names out of archive of nethys which is why it looks that way. But it will be fairly easy to append the word rune for those items. Should help it be a bit more user friendly. I'll try to get to that tonight. ![]()
![]() Haven't completely finished functionality for it, but the basic version is now available here: Loot2 We will probably add some options like uncommon items or breaking the loot up by encounter. Unfortunately I don't have an easy way to do hyperlinks for each item so that portion is going to have to wait. Just enter what level you want loot for. If you want something slightly different just hit f5. Hopefully makes life a bit easier. Any further suggestions always welcome. ![]()
![]() Zapp wrote:
The entire levels worth of loot is how we planned to do it. Possibly we might break it out into some equal number of stacks if someone wants to do it by encounter. Not having to look through the rulebook and pick loot will definitely be there. The hyperlinks may be somewhat more difficult. I'll check with my wife(who has been handling the web scraping portion of the code) and see how easy this is. @Ascalaphus Your loot priority idea is good. I'll look into how plausible this is for us. Does anyone know of an existing database that breaks stuff out based on what school of magic it is? EDIT: Should have at least a basic version posted by wednesday evening. Double EDIT: Does anyone have preferences for including/excluding items by rarity, based on specific adventures, etc? ![]()
![]() Falco271 wrote:
Very cool thanks. Falco271 wrote:
Lol, oops. Fixed. ![]()
![]() Quite a few updates in the last 6 weeks. We have added two custom archetypes, three unique encounters, and a new kingdom generator for generating multiple settlements quickly. Most of the new programming has been focused on creating content for pathfinder two but if anyone has something they'd like to see or feedback on the current stuff we'd be happy to hear it. |