
Leili Tamiirah's page

13 posts. Alias of Kayos..



"I'm looking at him" Leili replies simply "I will explain later, but for now you have the job of keeping this lot under control. Be a good captain or someone may take it from you"

And there's an action for when you're back, and it serves as a useful bump of the thread ;)

Leili's head snaps around and she snarls at the halforc "Be quiet you, I'll be back to deal with you once I have the crew in order!"

Leili lets out a loud growl at all present, obviously very close to snapping, hefting her greataxe she glares at all present, especially the suspicious half-orc before turning to leave the hold. "I'll go stop the crew from rioting" She snaps angrily at the group, uncomfortably close to the red mist of a fullon rage at their actions.


Just trying to decide on Leili's action, she's torn between rage and wanting to smack everyone present and going to sort out the crew before there's all out panic. Who would command of the ship go to and would the crew accept their leadership?

Leili grips a little more tightly at the handle of her greataxe, her knuckles soon turning white. "Could consider this a mutiny?" She echoes the elf's words in a low growl "It's more than could! I am the least of your worries when the crew finds out! Besides what makes you so certain the the captain is a slaver perhaps this" She waves her free hand in the halforc's direction "Is a criminal he was asked to transport. He only uses the cell if one of us gets out of line or too drunk!" Her words grow in pitch and anger, her wild eyes and haggered breathing showing how hard it is for her to refrain from swinging her axeright now.

"I have never seen a slave on this vessel" Leili growls out honestly at the elf and gnomes words, her focus not leaving the fight below, her anger at being ignored by so many bubbling to the surface. Securing her axes she confidently leaps through the hole in the floor and takes her place at the captain's side, out of a vague sense of duty and wanting to hear his side of things before the crazy passengers cut him down. "I said; Stop it! This is your last warning!" She snarls out, giving the meddling people one last chance to step back before introducing her axe to them.

Acrobatics (1d20+8-1=26)

Leili kneels on the floor and watches the mayhem below with a frown on her face, looking utterly perplexed as her confusion grows by the second. Holding tightly onto her axe she gives a snarl of anger "All of you stop it! Now! Or I swear I will end you all!" She yells, unsure as to who she's supposed to hit she settles for threatening everyone for having the nerve to confuse her so much.

Initiative (1d20+2=14)

"Captain Stonewave!" Leili calls out, apparently torn between concern for the dwarf and anger at the confusing sight below.

Leaning against her axe Leili raises a single dark eyebrow at the man's request. "Look, it's great that you're wanting to be a hero and do the right thing but I'm not taking you below deck. I'm here to do my job, which is to only let on people with passes and then escort people to their bunks" She informs him bluntly "You'll need to get the captain's permission to snoop around his ship before I let you down there"

"If you all wish so desperately to stay together then you can all stay on dry land" Leili points out in a matter of fact tone from her position at the head of the gangplank, seemingly unmoved by the family's plight.

Burrloft Folldorall wrote:

I believe I have attained a full well roundedness of my general character. If there are any omissions I am chagrinned and will work to rectify them as immediately as is gnomishly possible. Revisions nothwithstanding I am ready to embark!

Oh, and I would be remiss in the extreme if I didn't return the greeting that was offered me by our hulking half-orc associate. It is a distinct pleasure to make your aquaintence, Stilgar. I anticipate with great excitement the prospects of our fellowship!


*looks at Stilgar* Did you understand any of that?

There we go, I believe I'm more or less dine.

One Shoanti barbarian.

I don't have a backstory or even a weapon to my name yet, but I'm sure I'll find one before entering play, the tribe have enough of them strewn about!