
Leili Tamiirah's page

13 posts. Alias of Kayos..

About Leili Tamiirah

----- Leili Tamiirah -----
Human - Shoanti, Barbarian 1
Chaotic Neutral
Speed: 45ft

STR 14 (+2)
DEX 15 (+2)
CON 15 (+2)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 10 (+0)

----- Game Mechanics -----

Base Attack: +1 (+3 Melee, +3 Ranged)
Initiative: +2
AC: 15
HP: 19

Fort: +4 (+2 base + 2 con)
Ref: +2 (+0 base, +2 dex)
Will: +1 (+0 base, +1 wis)

----- Whilst Raging -----
STR: 18
CON: 19

AC: 13
Melee to hit: +5

----- Skills -----
Acrobatics: +8 (+10) (1 + 2 + 3 + 2) (extra +2 to jump) - (-1 armour check penalty)
Climb: +8 (1 + 2 + 3 + 2) - (-1 armour check penalty)
Knowledge (Nature): +4 (1 + 0 + 3)
Perception: +5 (1 + 1 + 3)
Survival: +5 (1 + 1 + 3)

----- Languages -----
Common, Shoanti

----- Feats -----
Totem Spirit: Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan) Your base landspeed increases by 5 feet. You also gain a +2 bonus on Jump checks.
Power Attack

----- Class Abilities -----
Rage Points: 6

Fast Movement.

----- Equipment -----
Studded Leather Armour
Throwing axes x 2

Cold Weather Outfit
Explorer's Outfit
Lantern, hooded
Rope (Hempen)
Trail Rations (4 days)

77gp 8sp

----- Appearance -----
Height: 5'9"
Hair Colour: Deep brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
General Appearance: A tall, lithe young woman Leili would be quite attractive if it weren't for her quite gruff demeanor, always seeming to have a chip on her shoulder over something. She almost always wears form-fitting leather or padded clothing and carries herself as though she's ready for a fight at any moment. On the few occasions her bare midrif has been seen a rather large scar can been seen running across her abdomen, presumably from a bladed weapon of some sort.

----- History -----
Sixteen year old Leili was the youngest of eight children and her parents were starting to slow down a little by the time she was toddling. As such most of her life lessons came from her 5 brothers and 2 sisters, with mixed results. Picked on by most of her siblings Leili soon learnt to adopt the spirit of her tribes totem; to be quick like the wind. Dodging punches and kicks she fast learnt to run from attacks, soon becoming one of the quickest in her family.

Whilst the rest of her family were warriors Leili had plans to be a shaman for her people, she was in touch with her clan's totem afterall. That was until she was thirteen and the day came when the Shadde-Quar, the axe clan, attacked. Leili never understood the politics beind the situation, all she knew was that they were at war and that everyone was expected to fight.

The Shoanti girl did her best but she hadn't trained as much as other members of the tribe and soon found herself cornered, one of the enemies totemic axes cutting a huge gash across her stomach. Her siblings rallied to protect her, only for two of her brothers to lose their lives before her eyes. What happened next she's a little unsure of, she saw red, picked up her eldest brother's greataxe and swung it at the attackers with a yell. Since that day she realises she lost control and entered her first rage, and is a little ashamed to admit she enjoyed it.

A lot of her tribe died that day and they moved on, hunting out a new life and a fresh start away from the battle site, hoping to find more Tamiir-Quah to join with. Leili however left in the opposite direction, unable to cope with the loss of so many people who were close to her teen left the tribe to explore. She hoped to learn to control her rage and to improve her fighting abilities so the next time people close to her are attacked she can defend them.

She travelled alone for the past three years, growing increasingly lonely and angry, especially considering the stories that would often reach her ears of warring Shoanti, each tale making her more certain that her family were fighting themselves into oblivion.

Almost certain everything she knew and loved has been destroyed Leili vowed to get as far away from all of that as possible. Hoping to forget the Shoanti lands she just kept travelling, following her feet and hoping to find someone to be with. With dreams of finding a powerful partner and starting a family, a small tribe that won't want or need to war and is strong enough to defend itself in times of need, she's fairly certain she couldn't handle the death of another person close to her.

----- Experience -----

Total: 0 XP