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A bit old, but Undead Revisited (2011 I think) Said in the Lich Entry of Ecology:
Whether a wizard, a cleric, or another who has deliberately achieved undeath through one means or another, the lich is a creature held together by powerful magic. The magic of the lich staves off the effects of death and prevents the rotting of its flesh, but does little to protect the flesh from desiccation. Once the lich forsakes the pleasures of food and drink, its body loses the nourishment necessary to keep skin strong and supple, and soon the skin and muscles contract, snap, and wither. Fortunately, the lich does not need these to move; its flesh is mere decoration. Even when dealt a blow that would cripple a mortal, the lich has no fear of immobility, for its magical state keeps it fully ambulatory even on broken bones, as if its skeletal structure were held within a frame of invisible forces.

So like LordKailas said, the magic of the ritual doesn't make them rotting, forgetting to eat does.

Hey all

My charakter is a lvl 9 LE Changeling Graveknight Sorcerer
A lot of Stuff has happened in the Campaign before, including a rather long Hiatus.
However we have now restarted, played a couple of sessions and finally Leveled up, and now is the time for a feat, which leaves me wondering just what to pick.

Therefore I come to you, asking suggestions
Stats and stuff is in the Spoiler

Str: 20, Dex 16, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 31
Current Feats, not Including Graveknight Bonus feats are:
Eschew Materials (Sorceror bonus feat)
Spell Focus: Necromancy
Varisian Tattoo: Necromancy
Craft Wondrous Item
Spell Focus: Evocation(Bloodline Bonus feat)
False Focus

Other relevant information, at lvl 10 we will gain 1 mythic tier, and may advance in tiers depending on story and actions Mythic Suggestions would also be Welcome.

Other partymembers are:
Vampire Mesmerist/Enchanting Courtesan (Enchantment and Poison focus)
Vampire Rogue (Two-weapon fighting blender build is what I was told, Owner has not been present in a combat session yet)
Half Balor Rageshifter (frontliner/dps)
Half Balor Arcanist (Conjuration and crafting, generalist Spellcaster, planing to use Planar Binding later)
Half Red Dragon Warpriest (Tank)
Me Graveknight Sorceror (Necromancer with some blasting on the side)

The Setting is homebrewed by the GM, general theme of the current campaign arc are exploration of a large lightly settled chain of Islands, light Intrige when in town and dealing with all manner of wildlife and monsters while exploring.

I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place, but while lvl up my psychic today I noticed that Overwhelming Presence is listed as a 4th lvl spell on the psychic list, I grew a little worried as it is a 9th lvl Sorc/Wiz spell

http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/spells/overwhelmingPresenc e.html#overwhelming-presence

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Regarding Nr.5
In Undead Revisited then stated that as long as the lich remebers to eat and drink, the body stays pysically the same, no rotting or anything, if denied nourishment the body starts to whither untill the flesh clings to the bones. Dries out is the words they used.

I am however uncertain whether that is still 100% offcial.

As i have read it, if the pylactery is destroyed the soul returns to the lich, it is not stated wheather or not this kills/destroys the lich.