Lecutter's page

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Anyone who ever played UO or any other online game forcing people into open-world PvP knows just how detrimental it is to a community and how bad for business it is. There's a reason that for every 1 PvP server in an MMO there are 10 PvE servers at least. It's what most people want. If you want to mix it up on one server just have flags and battlegrounds people can utilize but otherwise no PvP anywhere.

MMO?!?!?! Oh noes! Please quit while you're ahead and seriously rethink this.

Doing an NWN style CRPG is natch for Pathfinder. MMOs fail for a lot of reasons and one of the biggest ones - for me at any rate - is the lack of new content in a timely fashion. I'll hit an MMO and usually have seen and done everything inside of 3 months so there's no reason to stick around. A development team will NEVER be able to push content faster than the players can devour it. So having your player base create content - whilst they await official content, adventure modules as DLC - it keeps people happy.

Lastly as an RPG Pathfinder is about party/co-op play. Most people who play RPGs play them over MMOs for a lot of reasons and a big one is they like the intimacy of small worlds/communities. At the very least if you insist on a more MMO style of game make it more MUD-like to preserve and develop those communities and the RPG essence of the game.

Cheers big ears!