I'm very experienced with the system, been playing about 5 years now and GMing for 4. My bud might be willing to GM a module or 2 in a bit here, and i wanted to try my hand at making a wacky awakened PC idea. Not really in dire need of help as i have it partially figured out already, but thought I might see if i get any fun ideas or suggestions from yall!
So im using the official monster PC rules, and i picked the snapping turtle for my awakened creature since his CR is 1/2 or lower (1/3). I know he kinda sucks but i like the imagery lol. Im guessing the other players will be allowed point buy, but since awaken only allows INT and CHA to rise, I'll be using his set stats for the other 4 amd maxing out INT and CHA through point buy logic, so he'll be STR 4, DEX 8, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 13, and Cha 9 to start (the highest awaken can raise his CHA to).
On top of that I'm thinking I'll have him start as Old, as absurd as that is, because i really want that extra spell slot at level 1. I know its dumb af but think of it as like, a mage-purist style challenge. So he'll have Str 1, Dex 5, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 15, and Cha 11. Snapping turtles live to be about 40, and in Pathfinder humans on average live to be about 80. So by that logic, if the ratios are the same, since humans hit old at 53, my turtle starts old at 26.5 years old (53 in snapping turtle years). Humans hit venerable at 70, so turtle would hit venerable at 35. This gives him 8.5 years to try and get from level 1 to level 20, at which point he can get that wizard arcane discovery and become an immortal turtle. Which is crucial since once he hits venerable age, his Strength would drop to zero and he cant move at all :C
Unfortunately his -3 Dex is pretty bad for AC BUT since hes tiny he gets a +2 for size and also has +1 Nat, so his AC is a 10, with mage armor its 14....but ALSO, he has (Ex) Shell, which basically makes total defense a move action, and its nat armor instead of dodge, so he can cast, then hide in shell, and it stacks with mage armor to a total of 18 c:
And for feats, i only have a few different ideas set up already. My thoughts are to make him that universalist subschool Arcane crafter, that gets a bonus item creation feat at I believe level 3, and I'll make it craft wondrous item, so he can craft 3 Minor Bags of holding simce his heavy capacity at Str 1 maxes out at 10 pounds. He can only crafy minor ones because the lightest proper bag of holding is 15 pounds so tragically he cannot lift a proper one lol.
For his 2 traits Im thinking Pragmatic Activator for his magic trait, switches UMD off his low Cha and onto his beeg Int. Not sure about the other one yet tho
My current plan for the other feats is lvl 1: Probably Lightning reflexes, because his reflex is a crime against my psyche
Lvl 3: Nature soul
Bonus feat level 3 for the Arcane Crafter: Wondrous item
Level 5: Animal ally
Level 5 bonus feat: Not sure yet, maybe craft magic arms and armor? To armor up my anicomp
Level 7: Boon companion
Level 9: Improved Lightning reflexes because, yeah
Levels 10+: Not too sure yet, probably a few more craft feats and maybe some metamagic. Oh and probably a mounted combat feat or 2, not really sure though since he generally wont want to ride too close to enemies, and they seem to mainly be forms of charge or melee attack
Also, for the animal companion, im thinking owlbear for sure, just because owlbears are great! Theres a PFS boon that lets you convert a Bear anicomp into am owlbear, and my GM will def allow it, since i always allow him the tiefling and aasimar boons of course (and the owlbear boon isnt really a buff anyway, mostly just flavor). I will also buy a custom saddle for my owlbear so that my turtle may ride him into battle C:
Thats pretty much all i have planned so far lol. Strengths: 20 Int, amazing imagery and fun to roleplay. Starts with a swim speed. Cons: Init is still low, AC is still only situationally 18 which is not too bad but his move speed is only 10 so baddies can catch him pretty easily. Cant aim dex spells worth a crap, and his reflex is still pretty low too lol
Also for his backstory, he was awakened by a druid, really admired said druid and wanted to be a caster just like him, but was sadly not born a sorceror or blessed by nature as a druid. Went to wizard school to become just like his hero (or as close as he could). Discovered in school, to his horror, his very limited lifespan in a book. There he also learned that the gods have no afterlife planned for animals (this is a huge stab in the dark by me and probably wrong). He now endeavors to become a level 20 wizard as fast as he can to become immortal, at which point he hopes to have bought himself enough time to become worthy to ask the gods for a soul (in case hes ever killed by injury or something). Also at the wizard school he found an owlbear egg and couldnt resist swiping it because he saw owlbears in a book and adores them