
Lawrence of Qadira's page

10 posts. Alias of The Fox.


The Exchange

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There is a term for a workforce cut by 10%—decimate.

I will also be cancelling our subscription. Deeply disappointed.

The Exchange 3/5

Nefreet wrote:
Lawrence of Qadira wrote:
Can I make a melee full attack if my mount moves more than five feet and my opponent is within my reach the entire time?

(intentionally unshortened :P)

Mark Seifter agrees with both of us! I technically cannot, but the intent is that I can. Yay! :)

The Exchange

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Hi Mark, I have a mounted combat question for you.

PRD wrote:

If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack. Essentially, you have to wait until the mount gets to your enemy before attacking, so you can't make a full attack. Even at your mount's full speed, you don't take any penalty on melee attacks while mounted.


You can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is moving.

We all agree that I cannot ride my mount to my target and then full attack, because I need to wait until my mount gets there before I attack, so I only get one attack.

We all also agree that I can full attack with a ranged weapon while my mount moves, even up to double its speed.

My question is this: Can I full attack an enemy while I'm mounted if my mount moves more than 5 feet if my target is within my reach during the full course of my movement, from start to finish?

Thanks for your time. :)

The Exchange 3/5

Here's a monkey wrench for the works. Can I make a melee full attack if my mount moves more than five feet and my opponent is within my reach the entire time?

The Exchange 3/5

I have several low-Strength characters. Recently one of them was in a scenario where a rope would have been useful. One of the other players (who is also a 4-star GM) asked me why I didn't have a rope on my character. I told him that she didn't have the Strength to carry everything, so I chose not to buy a rope for her.

He then basically called me a chump for tracking encumbrance. He said that no GM ever tracks encumbrance. Is this true, that no one else tracks encumbrance? And isn't it the players' responsibility to track that?

When I am running a game, I certainly don't ask my players what the weight of their gear is; I expect them to worry about that. But I also track the encumbrance of all of my characters, including the Str 5 halfling and the Str 22 dwarf.

The Exchange

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This Christopher Hitchens piece from 2006 is worth reading:

The case for mocking religion

The Exchange 3/5

I like to cast invisibility on my fellow players and then channel negative energy. I have Selective Channeling, but this way I can't use it. If they just happened to be in the area, ... oops.

Edit: oh yeah, that wasn't me. That was someone else in my group. I was invisible.

The Exchange

Excuse me, I seem to be lost. I'm looking for the Pathfinder Society General Discussion Forum.

The Exchange 3/5

Atticus Blackstone wrote:
What if the character trained to be one, hence the fighting style, etc. but failed the test for some reason (is there a test to become a Red Mantis?)

I doubt the RMAs have a test that one passes or fails. Pass or die, maybe.

The Exchange 3/5

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11. If I am working in a place (my evil lair) with deep chasms and rickety bridges all around, I might consider prepping feather fall each day, especially if it is in my spell book, just in case an insane posse of murderhobos invade my milieu and try to push me off a cliff.