
Faldon Hawke's page

19 posts. Organized Play character for Mr Nevets.


Human Bard 1 | NG | HP: 10/10| AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl ) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1 / R: +3 / W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: + 7 | Brd Perform: 8/10 rnds| # 1854-4

About Faldon Hawke

Human Bard 1

HP 10 (d8 + Con +1 Favored Class)
Fort +1 / Reflex +3 / Will +1
Initiative +5 / Perception +5

AC 16 (10 + 3 (Armor) + 3 (Dex))

24 yrs old, 3’6” / 122 lbs.
Dark Brown Hair / Green Eyes

Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1)
Int 12 (+1) Wis 09 (-1) Chr 16 (+3)*


Shortbow: Hit +3 Hit, d6, x3, 100’
Dagger: Hit +4, Damage 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, 10’ range

Short Sword: Hit +1, Damage 1d6+1, 19-20/ x2, P
Dagger: Hit: +1, Damage 1d4 +1, 19-20/x2, P or S

CMB +1 / CMD 14


Race: Human
Racial Bonus: +2 Any Stat (Chr)*
Size: Medium, Movement base 30’


Class: Bard
Bardic Knowledge: + ½ class level bonus on all Knowledge checks, even untrained.
Bardic Performance: 10 rounds/day (7 rounds (1st) + 3 Rounds (Maestro)
Countersong: 30’ range, Perform check vs Sound based spell effects
Distraction: 30’ range, Perform check vs Illusion based spell effects
Fascinate: Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha)
Inspire Courage +1: +1 morale vs charm and fear, +1 competence to hit and dmg..

Favored Class Bonus: Add one spell known from the bard spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the bard can cast.


Ranks per level: 8 ( 6 +1 Int + 1 Racial) / 8 Skill points spent:

+7 Acrobatics (+3 Dex +1 Rank +3 Class)
+1 Appraise
+7 Bluff (+3 Chr +1 Rank +3 Class)
+1 Climb
+1 Craft
+6 Diplomacy (+3 Chr +1 Rank +3 Class)
+3 Disguise
+3 Escape Artist
-1 Heal
+3 Intimidate
+8 Knowledge: History (+1 Bard +3 Dex +1 Rank +3 Class)
+2 Knowledge: Arcana
+2 Knowledge: Dungeoneering
+5 Perception (-1 Wis + 1 Rank +3 Class +2 Trait)
+7 Perform - Sing (+3 Chr +1 Rank +3 Class)
+3 Perform - Lute
-1 Profession: Gambler
+7 Ride (+3 Dex +1 Rank +3 Class)
-1 Sense Motive
+7 Slight of Hand (+3 Dex +1 Rank +3 Class)
+1 Spellcraft
+0 Stealth (+3 Dex +1 Rank +3 Class)
-1 Survival
+1 Swim
+7 Use Magic Device (+3 Chr +1 Rank +3 Class)

Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Longsword, Rapier, Sap, Shortbow, and Whip
Light Armor & Shields

Language: Common, ??

Point Blank Shot (Combat) You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet
Lingering Performance: (Racial) Performance songs last 2 additional rounds after stopping.

Maestro of the Society +3 additional rounds of Bardic Performance per day.
Reactionary: +2 Initiative


Cantrips: Unlimited / 1st: 2

Spells Known:
Cantrips: (4) Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation , Read Magic

1st: (2) Grease, Sleep



Studded Leather (25g, 20 lb)

Shortbow (30g, 2 lb)
20 Arrows (1g. 3 lb)
Short Sword (10g, 2 lb)
Daggers (2) (4g, 2 lb)

Bard’s Kit (41g, 33.5 lb)
(lBackpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, (Common) Lute, Flint & Steel, Ink, Inkpen, Iron Pot, Journal, Mess Kit, Mirror, 50’ Rope, Soap, (10) Torches, (5) Trail Rations, Waterskin

Total Weight
62.5 lbs ( Medium Load)
(43 lb or less / 44 - 86 / 87 - 130)

25 gp / 0 sp / 0 cp
