
Lasoric's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts (13 including aliases). 8 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Thanks, you guys are pure genius.

Grand Lodge

At our last session, a player who was playing a lvl 1 alchemist wanted to use his wand of cure light wounds. The GM informed him that he could not do so without making a Use Magic Device skill check. The player argued that his character had a spell list, because his formulas acted like spells, but the GM ruled against it. His ruling was based on the idea that
1. The class receives Use Magic Device as a class skill.
2. The book says that alchemists are able to make three types of magic items, which include extracts, bombs, and mutagens. So they are not spells.

Was the GM correct in making the alchemist use his skill to activate the wand?

Grand Lodge 1/5

Sometimes I have had reason to buy gear that costs less than a gold. Torches, rations, etc... when marking these on a cert. How do you record a purchase of 3 copper or 4 or 5 silver?

Grand Lodge 1/5

Thanks all,

That was what I thought it should be.....3 xp per book or cert. Thanks

Grand Lodge 1/5

Hey everyone,

I am thinking about running one of the adventure paths. My question is in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play on page 30, it states, "Playing a module or sanctioned content from an Adventure Path from beginning to end earns a character 3 XP and 4 Prestige points if that character is on the medium advancement track..." is that 3 XP per book in the adventure Path or for the entire adventure path. The reason for my inquiry is the fact that each sanctioned portion of the adventure path has its own cert.
If the entire path is worth 3 XP then each would be worth 1/2 exp if on the medium path.
Additionally, it states that "Players who do not complete each game session earn 1/2 fewer gold, 1 less XP, and 1 less Prestige Point for each session missed." It just seems nuts that an entire Adventure Path with 6 sanctioned areas, which appear to be the dungeons, is only worth 3 XP, and a module such as City of Golden Death is worth the same amount.

Thanks for your clarification is advance,


Grand Lodge

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Yes, I am with Kevida. I am not sure why it takes so long to produce these minis. It seems that the art work for some of these would be in the modules themselves.

However, even if they have to be drawn it would seem that a month is long enough to produce them, and I hope Pazio would trust these artists to let them see the product ahead of time. Surely something could be worked out.

I would buy a set of these for every module Pazio produces. The market must be huge, and I believe that most players don't know about the exceptional quality of these products. Pazio should incorporate these into their pdf versions or even the printed modules. I would pay an extra $5 for modules with these included.

Grand Lodge

Mauril wrote:
Correct. Spontaneous casters apply metamagic on the fly (applying the spell level adjustment and making it take a full-round action), but preparatory casters have to decide in the morning which metamagics they want to apply and on which spells.

Thanks, that is what I thought, but Hero Lab seems to have a slight problem with applying this rule. It doesn't do it or the operator is having issues.

Grand Lodge

When a wizard is memorizing his or her allotment of spells for the upcoming day, they must decide at that time to apply a metamagic right? So using Extend Spell on Mage Armor would be memorized as a 2nd level spell right?

Grand Lodge

Thank you, I am creating index cards for each of the various granted powers. These will be used by the players and GM alike to help speed the game along. I saw the annotation just after your posting. I thank you for the accurate response.


Grand Lodge

Do granted powers from Clerical domains provoke attacks of opportunity? I see they are listed as standard actions. I assume that means they do, but to assume makes an *&% out of u and me.

Grand Lodge

lastknightleft wrote:
I like having the options available, I even had this vision of giving a game an old school feel by making the non casting classes level on the fast chart, the half casters on the mid chart, and the full casters on the slow chart.

I think this is the correct interpretation of the rule. Sure you could have a "slow" or "fast" campaign, but what I read led me to believe that character classes with a D6 for hit points (the sorceror and the wizard) would be on the slow progression to help balance the inequity of power between them and the fighter styled characters who are on the fast progression.

Additionally, I think this discussion could be clarified if the XP progression chart was printed on the chart with the class features and abilities.

As to options, well.....I used to play Rolemaster. It had something like 8 Companion books of optional rules. This just led to confusion and everyone using different rules for their game. The most popular and best received RPG of all time that had more players and ushered in the Golden Age of Roleplaying Games was AD&D (First Edition for all you pups).

It had limited optional rules and varied XP progression. Sure, Unearthed Arcana came along, but that was almost 10 years after the game to publication. It was also the beginnning of the end, which we now call 4th Edition.

Grand Lodge

This is the direction that Wizards of the Coast should have taken, instead of the strange path they chose. I love the Alpha test product, I hope that this catches fire. Perhaps this product could bring Wizards of the Coast back to their senses, or maybe Paizo will end up with the means to purchase Dungeons and Dragons back from Hasbro and save my game.