I live in Denmark in Europe. I like how easy it is to updated with the latest Pathfinder product by subscribing.
But because the books is shipped from USA to Denmark I have to pay alot money in tax and toll to get it through customs. The toll and tax is 70 to 110% extra to the cost of the products.
Example: When i got my last shipment i had to pay an extra 85% in toll and tax to get it.
If there was a way to have the subscribed products shipped from within europe. That would be alot easier to get my products. And maybe it could bring the shipping time down from the 9 to 36 days.
Or maybe if i were able to pick up my book from a local gaming store. Just like if I preordered it.
I could just preorder it at the local gaming store, but I don't want to lose the subscribtion benefits.
I wouldn't mind paying a higher price for my books, as long as I could get away from the high tax and toll penalty.
Is there a business idea there?