Kierato wrote:
When combined with the curse that grants immunity to fatigue, you can rage every other round making excellent use of times per rage powers.
A lot of people seem to be of the mind that minimum Oracle levels, combined with maximum barbarian levels is the best route. Barb 5/Oracle 1/Rage Prophet - As beginning progression. Even if you go Barb 4/Oracle 2, you would need to be character level 9 before immunity to fatigue kicks in.
No matter how I slice it, something imperative to the class working is lost whenever you go heavy barb or heavy oracle. And it's all lost if you try and go half and half!
It's obvious that the revelations chosen need to not be level reliant on uses or on improvements. (such as the dex/cha ac converters in nature and lore)
The curse choice is obvious, lame.
The mystery choice is less obvious. Battle, neat things, most of which you will never ever get to use multiclassing.
Battlecry - waste of a revelation spot
Battlefield Clarity - weak and low uses
Combat Healer - Would be AWESOME if you didn't need to be a 7th level oracle to take it. I don't see a single at level 20 build option where you would want 7 levels of oracle. And even if you did, you'd be level 19.
Ironskin - Can't ever take.
Maneuver Mastery - If you've dumped int, like you should have, then this relevation looks great, improved trip without prereqs? Sign me up...oh wait I don't get that til 7th level, nevermind, someone else may want to take a hit on their CMB for a specific maneuver for a while, and wait til 9-12th level to get imp trip, but not me!
Resiliency - exactly zero HP is a little too specific to get much benefit, and again waiting til level 9-12 to get diehard seems like a waste.
Skill at arms - Silly
War Sight - It's kinda neat, and you could enjoy it's benefits without ever needing it to upgrade. It's by no means a reason to take battle.
Weapon Mastery - I'm all for free weapon focus, and imp crit is amazing, but it's level 10-13 before you get it.
If you're making a high level character, I suppose this is an okay mystery. But if you're playing through level 1-10, you are going to hate yourself between level 4-9ish, depending on your build. If it's heavy oracle, you're going to hate yourself for a long long time.
Lore and Nature are the two mysteries that allow you to dump dex on top of wisdom and int. Not a lot else going on in those two mysteries, which isn't bad, more feats for rage powers/combat feats.
Life has the interesting ability to heal without provoking attacks of opportunity. Sounds useful for being in close combat so much. Especially since swift action healing will never happen, which would make this prestige class amazing. Life also has Life Link, which allows you to protect other people in your party from damage while you take it like a boss.
All that being said, I still have no idea which mystery is best.
I have concluded that Lame is the right curse, and that barb 4 or 5 and oracle 1 or 2 is the best route. As awesome as bull's strength sounds to have, it's not worth getting to level 2 spells. Try and think about practical matters. Every round spent casting is a round spent not killing something, and that's wasteful.
Quandary wrote:
re: 3, this is somewhat true...
except that if you look at the actual Revelations, most of them don´t have level pre-reqs. I don´t think the Oracle Revelations are overly impacted by that.
A lot of them require level 3 or 7 or 11. Because of the level 7 prereq on combat healing, the SINGLE most useful revelation a rage prophet could have, it's not even possible to get, ever.
Most revelations do not gain a new benefit/ability until level 5. This means with the level 1 oracle route (which I agree is best) you will be a character level 9 before you gain those new abilities. This is important to keep in mind when choosing them. If they seem really useful now, will they still be as useful at higher levels?
I'm really not agreeing with this blanket statement that most revelations do not have level, lets specify. While more than half of the revelations in any given mystery do not have level requirements to take, the ones worth taking do. Most of the extraneous, useless, fluffer revelations do not have level requirements, but who cares.
Quandary wrote:
Energy Body
Channel (allows to take Channel Smite Feat)
Surprising Charge (immediate move)
Battlefield Clarity (re-roll conditions with +4 bonus)
Warsight (reroll initiative, always act in surprise rounds)
Maneuver Mastery
Weapon Mastery
Life Oracle has limited choices, but I'd never take that mystery without taking Safe Curing.
I do like surprising charge, I'd like it more if it wasn't only once per day for a very very long time.
Battlefield Clarity, again once per day, and even worse it's disgustingly specific in it's usefulness. Total waste, imo.
Warsight- Reroll initiative, very awesome. Always act in surprise rounds (after level 12).
Maneuver Mastery - dude if you go low oracle levels, you will take a hit on the manuever you choose until well into your RP levels. You're trade oracle levels for BAB...this is clearly not intended to be useful for multiclass.
Weapon Mastery - Love weapon focus feat, hate waiting til level 13 for improved crit.
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Heavens Oracle Gnome Barbarian/Oracle/Rage Prophet (very little barbarian and just enough RP for con bonus to DC's)- the lagged spellcasting is partially redeemed by the crazy high DC's you can get on your spells (and Heavens Oracle can make color spray still a very potent spell well into mid-high level with a revelation).
Hehehe...I think I love you :)
I built a Heaven Oracle first, and then -someone- built a rage prophet and said I should play that instead. But I sooo didn't want to give up my gnome heaven oracle...if this stuff is viable, I may have just died and gone to heaven. Bada ching!