
neonmagician's page

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Well its not really my creation, but a I added a feat to my game based on the deep pockets class ability of the pathfinder chronciler class. Was aimed and keeping my wife and brother-in-law's character sheets a little less clutered (pack rats in life and in game)

Deep Pockets (Ex)
someone with this feat collects items, picking up small amounts of this or that throughout her travels. As a result, she may carry unspecified equipment worth up to 25 gp per character level. This can be any kind of gear that can reasonably fit into a backpack, including potions and scrolls. As a full-round action, she may dig through her pockets to retrieve an item she specifies at that time, deducting its value from the allocated amount of cost. This item cannot weigh more than 10 pounds. When the total remaining cost reaches 0, the character can retrieve no more items until she refills her deep pockets by spending a few hours and an amount of gold to bring her total up to 25 gp per character level.

In addition, if she takes 1 hour to pack her gear each day, she gains a +4 bonus to Strength to determine her light encumbrance. This does not affect her maximum carrying capacity. The efficient distribution of weight simply encumbers her less than the same amount of weight normally should.

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Recent conversation at our gaming group was to come up with a combination of classes and/or abilities that are legal, but so absurd no GM would allow it.

Anybody have anything.

Mine was kind of boring, but would be a logistical nightmare to keep track of it all. A Summoner with the master summoning archtype. He takes Eldritch Heritage - arcane to get a familiar, and improved familiar to create a little wand wielding freak. He also takes leadership as a feat and finds a druid, who also happens to have Eldritch Heritage - arcane and eventually improved familiar as a feat to make another wand wielding pest. The end result being a summoner with a lesser eidolon, an outsider (Probably mephit) familar, a druid with an animal companion, another outsider pet and nearly limitless summoning spells.