Jakaw Razorbeak

Lagrin's page

65 posts. Alias of zefig.

Full Name

Lagrin Highmarch




Hunter [Flood Flourisher] 1












Draconic, Tengu



Strength 17
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Lagrin

Grin's Character Sheet
Barret's Character Sheet

Arjawl, I write to you now from the docks of Southport, and I may not be able to write to you again for a while. I embark in the morning on a ship, the Hippogryph’s Eye, bound for I-don’t-know-where, but I know the captain will be paying well. Your gold will find its way back to you, I promise, and I shall continue to miss you and your corner of the swamp. Alas, no longer will I make the frequent visits to you afforded by shipping from Narport and Cessport. I may never have said it, but I learned everything I know hunting frogs in the bogs with you. But I needed something more. Narport didn’t have it. Cessport most certainly didn’t. Perhaps I’ll find it on this ship, or where it takes me. Until then, I stay in flight.
-Lagrin (and Barret sends his fond regards as well)

Lagrin is a youngish tengu, seeking fortune and meaning on the sea. Due in part to his name, and in part to the open-mouthed expression he gives the other sailors when he doesn’t know what else to say (which is quite often), he’s commonly known as Grin. On the rare occasions he does talk, he’s revealed that until about 5 years ago he lived in the bogland upriver from Narport. Since then, he and his alligator friend Barret have been plying their trade on the sea. He pulls his weight on the ship without complaint, and can often be found in the crowsnest with an eye to the horizon. The pair can pull their weight in a scrap as well, although Lagrin gets flack from the other sailors for using such a comically large sword, especially one that so obviously doesn’t come from this side of the Tall Mountains. He wasn’t picky about his first ships, which quickly got him acquainted with smugglers, pirates, and worse. Coin for blood. He found that he yearned for a more fulfilling life, but it can be hard to leave a job that you’re at, especially when that job is making someone else rich.
When Lagrin took his chest to seek a better life, the first mate of the Blue Hellion saw him leaving and confronted him with a couple of the burlier deckhands. The man let him know what happens to deserters, and Grin kept him talking long enough for his alligator to slip up on to the dock behind the man. The fight was quick after that, but one of the deckhands survived. Unbeknownst to Lagrin, there’s now a bounty on his head courtesy of Captain Falx Rhemaxos of the Blue Hellion.