
Laerlorn's page

Organized Play Member. 81 posts (137 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

I've got human male scoundrel type two-weapon fighter character. He was earlier tricked (not knowing the local customs) and then forced (rest of the party un-willing to help or flee with him) in to marriage. He got ceremonial tattoo as a mark of marriage in his right hand. The bride is very relaxed, only asks monetary investments for her luxurious live now and then. She isn't that awful at all, but as a Chaotic Good character, the situation feels like a cage nevertheless.

After dozens of twist and turns in the campaign, he has now found a real elf lover, someone she feels strongly about. He has been seeing himself as a elf wannabe and now happens to have a scroll that it supposed to be able to change his gender to elf (another long story..)!

Couple of sessions ago, GM broke his metal miniature *shakes fist angrily*. During that session my poor lad was petrified. When we finally got a scroll "Stone to Flesh" in to our hands, the result was one handed two-weapon fighter, eeek!

After another session, we managed to get 3 vials of regeneration. One was immediately used to fix the missing hand. Another was given to party's barbarian (he can get messy..). Last bottle was left to my poor lad who in the same second remembered the tattoo in his other, still non-fixed hand!

Should a willing character be able to cut his own hand? How would ye handle this situation as a GM?

PS. yes, this is the reason why I am getting my minis in plastic now on.

Bestiary mentions that lycanthrope player characters should be treated as playing "powerful race" and links to the page 313. At page 313, word "powerful" is mentioned again, character with such race should count as having +1 class level. Thus group with average level 8 characters could have "half-orc werewolf fighter 7", correct?

...and here we come to the next question:

Does PC gain racial HitDices from base animal or not? I cant see it written anywhere and it is not shown in examples of wererat and werewolf. Still, it has caused lots of depate with my gaming group and hours of reading through the rules word by word.

Could I get working combo from:

Half orc
Afflicted lycanthrope werewolf
Advancement by Class: fighter
Effective Character Level: 8

Thank you!