Headless Horseman's Horse

Lady Nocturne's page

8 posts. Organized Play character for Alex Draconis.

Dark Archive

My order 3234630 has been pending since 10/31. Any chance of moving that along?

Dark Archive

I had upgraded to the full $100 print pack for the Emerald Spire but I haven't received anything yet. Just wondering what's up. Thanks .

Dark Archive

Come adventure in the grand daddy of rpg settings, Tolkien's middle-earth.

I'm running a One Ring game Sundays 12:30 to 8pm at my house in Newark,CA and could use a couple more players. Picking people up from BART isn't a problem. We'll probably start the weekend after KublaCon, early June.

We're late 20's, normally favoring a 50/50 combat roleplay style, but since The One Ring is fairly rules light and the setting is well developed I think it'll be about 75% roleplay in this case.

Email me at DraconisCA at yahoo.com and I can answer any questions you might have.

Dark Archive


I'm looking for a couple new players for our ongoing Carrion Crown game. We play at my house in San Leandro, CA, weekly Sundays from noon until evenings.
We're currently on Broken Moon, but hey I'm flexible if we decided to switch to starting Kingmaker I could live with that.

Alex D.

Dark Archive

Hiya adventurers!

I'm looking to start a Sunday Pathfinder game. Afternoon to evening.
I can host at my house in San Leandro. I have a nice dedicated gaming room. Music, ton of minis, you get the idea.

I've already got a couple players so a couple more and we should be good to go.

I'm thinking of running either my own Osirion Kingmaker inspired game or perhaps running some modules then going onto Serpent's Skull after release.

We do a nice moderate style of 50/50 roleplaying vs combat. I do try to encourage and reward more roleplaying though lately.

If you've got any questions or you're interested let me know at
DraconisCA at yahoo.com

Dark Archive

Well we're definitely a go for start in a week or two. Still room for one or two players. Looks like Friday nights.

Dark Archive

Well Damn don't all speak up. Hmmm I'm thinking of CR 5 and LA +2.

Dark Archive

So we're four mid to late twenty somethings all with science degrees, three male, one female. Very experienced hardcore gamers. We've got a big house in San Leandro with tons of gaming space. We can drive up to EndGame or down to GameKastle if necessary or anywhere in between.

We're looking to start a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign and well at the rate you advance in Pathfinder we'll probably do Second Darkness and a bunch of other Paizo modules as well.

We could use a couple more mature players and possibly a DM if someone really is itching to take up the mantle. We have a DM but I think he might want to play this time. He did Rise of the Runelords and I think it may have damaged his brain in some way. Of course it's hard to tell.
We're open minded so if you've got a solid concept you can run with it. We've had gnolls and similar.

I'd prefer 21+ and an ability to stay out very late as we're not nearly as responsible as we should be. we often play very late even on a Sunday when I should be getting sleep so I don't go into my lab on Monday morning acting like a zombie. }; ) But hey that's why they invented energy drinks right?

Looking to get started this weekend 8/23 or 24.

If interested let me know at Draconis@sprintmail.com

Dark Archive

Kudos. This adventure to us by far the best of the six. Of course with the caveat that we haven't done number six yet. Our party had no deaths until this one where we had two. The dial has been turned up to crazy.

Warmage got chewed on by the white dragon and the kitsune rogue got cut in half in a round by the mirror clone of my character. Apparently I'm too good a front line fighter. We made her better though. Hooked up with the lich in gluttony and made her into an osirian mummy. She's ok but creepy now.

I pulled a little Shadow of the Colossus action by killing the white dragon while holding on it's back over the lake as it tried to escape. Now that was epic. High point of the campaign for me.

So my character's just discovered his race, draconians, were created to breed the runelord of lust back into existence ala Baldur's gate 2 and I'm happily stuck in the lust dungeon, we took Jame's suggestion, rated R ahem }; ). Adult areas make adults happy. No PG13 for us. I guess the party will come drag me out in oh a week or two.

The rogue mummy and lich have gone playing with oozes in sloth. Undead plus oozes equals hilarity. Ever seen an annoyed lich floating around in a gelatinous cube or a mummy wear green slime as a hat?

Dark Archive

Well my party opened the floodgate of skull dam long enough to drop the level of the lake below the damaged portion thus fixing the problem in the short term. Now though one of the PCs, an engineer, wants to drain the storval deep completely, gradually over time so as to not flood downriver or loose monsters upon the countryside.
Will it work and what would the consequences be? It seems the dam is not really necessary anymore.

Oh and one of you Paizo cartographers, does that river go through the Iron Peaks under the mountain or is it two separate rivers? It's a little unclear from the map.

Dark Archive

Dear Nic,

So there I was in Turtleback Ferry enjoying a nice brew basking in the glow of a job well done. I had helped clear out that nasty fortress full of ogres without taking even the slightest damage, nary a single hitpoint lost.
And I was thinking, gee I haven't been kicked in the groin and beaten to a pulp lately, I'll have to work on that. Imagine my delight when I discovered there was a giant monster rampaging through town doing her Godzilla impression! Now here's a monster that can kick the living stuffing out me I thought and proceeded to engage it in polite discourse.
Imagine my surprise when it confused my entire party and proceeded to beat the living hell out of me LAPD style. Yes, I couldn't even enjoy the tentacles as they where barbed. There we go I thought, or rather tried to think because I was being squashed and babbling incoherently all the while, the balance of the universe is restored.
Well Mother of oblivion, let's call her MOO for short shall we, must have gotten bored at my insane ramblings and twitching. MOO tossed me into the mud, discarding me like so much garbage and soon after departed with not even a, "I'll call you sometime."
"Wow, it's good to be an adventurer!" I thought snout down in the mud, or rather thought six rounds later. Thank you confusion my old and dear friend. It's the gift that keeps on giving, round after round.
So in short, thank you for the wonderful and dare I say it, justified?, beating. I was starting to feel good about myself and my journey and well we couldn't have that now could we?

Your friend,

-Alex Draconis

Dark Archive

I've always felt that the 3.x equipment section could use a makeover. I mean look at it, it's pages and pages of description padding and a few measly tables. I want more varied armor and weapons, you've already started this nicely in the Pathfinder APs. And most definitely more equipment, at least in tables. You can skip the page filler, I know what a crowbar does thanks. }: )
Ya I know this is more of a Beta thing I guess, but really it doesn't take that long to compile and add widgets.

Dark Archive

My bad, you changed how skills work. I need to get some sleep and read it entirely.

Still I'm wondering won't everyone want to start as rogue, get almost everything as a class skill then jump to another class?

Human say Int of 14 +2. Start as rogue, get 11 skills as class skills, picking up stuff like use magic device, move to fighter.

Dark Archive

So our group finished The skinsaw murders last weekend. It had a good plot and locations but the details seemed flawed. Of course that could just be our DM messing with us, he seems to be skipping stuff I think. So I decided to come here and compare notes, throw out my little tale of woe and see what people thought. Here's hoping it amuses you.

I mean was it just us or is skinsaw light on treasure? It got so bad when we where at Foxglove manor I just stole a bathtub and some furniture for my house in sandpoint so I'd get something.
Also the open door, enter room, make save, find nothing of import got tiresome fast even if the place had a cool atmosphere. It got to the point that by the time our party got upstairs I'd just open the door, notice nothing moving or shiny and would close the door and move on. I didn't feel like setting off the inevitable trap inside. After a bit of this I was getting I admit a bit frustrated and started destroying the manor for my amusement. Tossing chairs through stained glass windows and watching them tumble to the ocean below and ripping doors off the hinges and tossing them into the front yard. Cathartic yes, productive not so much.

So then we get upstairs and meet that insanely hard monster, the revenant wife. Now I realize that she shouldn't have attacked off the bat, that our DM was being a bit vindictive and retaliatory but seriously, WTF? I'm no slouch in combat but that thing dropped me down to like 6hp in the first round. Not cool putting a grapple monkey face ripper in a virtual closet. What was the point of putting her in there again? "And here's the part where the party gets their collective butts handed to them..."
So she's got me grappled, I've got 6hp and I know if I go down it's TPK time. We where only a 3 person party at the time, the other two characters are scholarly non fighty types, yes I feel like a tour guide most of the time.

So what's a grappled draconian to do? Ya I breathed fire in her face and set the room ablaze. This dovetailed nicely with my destructive tendencies and killed two birds with one stone. She dropped me and the mansion was now burning merrily. Well we booked it downstairs into the basement to safety. Then later I'm dealing with a couple waves of ghouls and I'm thinking, you know one failed fort save, it's paralysis and TPK time again. Yes I know you're thinking hmm regular four person party with rogue, cleric, fighter, wizard would have no problem but I'm not entirely certain. I suppose it comes down to if the cleric turns or not.
Anyway I led the ghouls to the stairs and used the bottleneck and high ground to take care of them nicely.

So to make a long story well...long we beat the big baddy, he had ok treasure, valuable but not useful, and I flame the fungus wall nicely. We left through the well. Then I get to learn that without a hallow spell or whatever the fungus will grow back. Kind of like the adventure is giving me the finger as I wearily grabbed my furniture and left for Sandpoint. I was just happy that part was over.

Dark Archive

If I sign up for Pathfinder adventure path subscription now what would be the next # shipped? 7 or 6? I'd like to start at 7.

Dark Archive


Interesting. I didn't see this coming. I guess that's why Games Workshop folded up Black Industries' rpg department. They're giving FFG the go ahead. Good move on FFGs part, avoid all this 4E D&D nonsense. FFG now has the Dark Heresy RPG. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it.