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Does this come painted?

Finlanderboy wrote:
{Per PF FAQ wrote:
protection from evil only works on charm and compulsion effects where the caster is able to exercise control over the target, such as command, charm person, and dominate person; it doesn't work on sleep or confusion. (Sleep is a border case for this issue, but the designers feel that "this spell overrides your brain's sleep centers" is different enough than "this spell overrides your resistance to commands from others.")
I have seen some PFS DMs say they do not exercise direct enough control to count for this spell. Personally I strongly disagree that statement I have seen it. Especially since sleep is what they consider borderline on control, and harpy song is much more than sleep.

Fair enough, and thanks for including the FAQ quote. That must have been the source of the comment on the d20pfsrd site. I missed that in my searches. The comment in parentheses provides some important context that was missing from the part that was quoted elsewhere. If sleep is, in fact, the border case in the intent of the designers, then I would completely agree with your comment regarding the harpy's captivating song. Thanks again for the helpful post!

Can a Paizo designer chime in on this? A FAQ answer on the description of Protection from Evil spell in assumes a more narrow interpretation of what 'exercising control' really means, and it makes sense, although it brings up three questions I'd love to have the Paizo staff answer -
(1) Was the source of that answer one of you guys?
(2) If the answer to #1 is 'yes' or it is 'no' but you agree with it anyway, then into which camp does the captivating song fall?
(3) If that answer is wrong (well, and even if it isn't), doesn't Protection from Evil seem a bit overpowered for a mere first level spell...?

JohnF wrote:

FYI, in case you need another example:

Much as the first poster to this thread, my account now shows nothing to be shipped until February, when I will get one massive order containing all the items in my sidecart, and all the subscription items between now and then (including four Adventure Paths, three Player Companions, two Promo Cards, and Runelords Adventure Deck 3)

Same here. That's not the first time this has happened though. There's some persistent bug that seems to cause this to happen regularly when they start processing orders. Using the past as an indicator, your next shipment won't really be delayed that long, but it may take a few days before your 'My subscriptions' begins to represent reality once again.

Stebehil wrote:
No, the folks are sent home and don´t get any money for that time. Gotta pay some bills? Too bad, thats what you get for working for the gov´t - that what some right-wing nuts would say, I guess.

Ahh, so you're for the indefinite maintenance of a grossly bloated government? You do know where the money comes from to support that, don't you? The thing the lefties are most scared of with this is that it will show just how much of the government is simply unnecessary...

Blazej wrote:
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
Editing mistakes. I love the campaign setting, but I did not appreciate the errors and mangled sentences. There is a voluminous thread of errata and corrections for that book.
Well, given a book of this size there are going to be editing mistakes.

I would have to disagree with that. Take an extra few weeks if necessary, but do a good job with the editing. I would, without a doubt, rather wait an extra few weeks for a high quality book than get it sooner and have to apply a lot of errata later. Of course, that's just me; I know there are some impatient people who just can't wait and have no problem with wading through pages of errors.