LH2000's page

1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I think we can all agree that this website is horrible. For the love of God please replace this with Shopify or some system that works! In the remote hope this will help in some way, I've tried 2 different computers with both Safari and Firefox. Same Results...

Pathfinder Beginner Box
If I read it very very slowly like I can see that in the PDF section it shows that it's "In your digital assets". Which it is since I purchased this several days ago and downloaded it.

Pathfinder Beginner Box (Foundry VTT) CODE
Product is Unavailable: FVTT2106-CODE
Is it really or just a bug? It's in my shopping cart.

Shopping Cart:
Pathfinder Beginner Box (Foundry VTT) CODE
Unavailable ( Am I beating a dead horse here? A friend purchased this last week, It's digital content and not paper. If it's been discontinued then take it off the website eh?)
Checkout: 1..2..3.. Really?
1. Ok it's in there but also flagged Unavailable.
2. Payment method, OK remembered my card.
3. Looks OK. I click purchase. It asks for the code on my CC. OK.
Wow, it worked this time. I'm guessing the delay in my working thru the cart is what allowed it to work? So if you go slow, give each page 2 minutes, you can purchase Unavailable content.