
Kyrinn's page

33 posts. Alias of Kyrinn S. Eis.


Where is this explained/detailed?


I suppose the question of cost in creation is also germane to the topic.



I've been trying to track down the write-up for the Adamantine Dragon.

Your help is appreciated.

Nope! WotC has released it for Free, along with other AD&D products at this address:

Previous Edition Downloads

Classic Realms Products

* Maztica (18.4mb)
* FMA1, Fires of Zatal (6.5mb)
* FMA2, Endless Armies (2.3mb)
* FMQ1, City of Gold (7.6mb)
* OA5, Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claws (3.1mb)
* OA6, Ronin Challenge (6.1mb)
* OA7, Test of the Samurai (4mb)
* The Horde (15.07mb)
* Lands of Intrigue (16.13mb)
* Cormanthyr(6.04mb)
* Savage Frontier(3.49mb)
* Gold and Glory(2.97mb)
* Elminster's Ecologies, Appendix 1(4.31mb)
* Elminster's Ecologies, Appendix 2(4.98mb)
* Four From Cormyr(11.33mb)
* Castle Spulzeer(4.37mb)
* Cult of the Dragon(4.59mb)
* For Duty and Deity(5.33mb)
* City of Ravens Bluff (11.9mb)
* Calimport(5.93mb)
* Arcane Age: Netheril--Empire of Magic (8.44mb)
* Volo's Guide to the North (4.47mb)
* Marco Volo: Departure (1.95mb)
* Marco Volo: Journey (1.96mb)
* Marco Volo: Arrival(1.63mb)
* Volo's Guide to Cormyr(6.43mb)
* Dungeon Crawl: Undermountain--The Lost Level (2.54mb)
* Vilhon Reach(6.50mb)
* Volo's Guide to the Dalelands(12.45mb)
* Dungeon Crawl: Undermountain--Maddgoth's Castle(2.39mb)
* Volo's Guide to All Things Magical(8.03mb)
* Dungeon Crawl: Undermountain--Stardock (9.74mb)
* How the Mighty Are Fallen(3.26mb)
* Villain's Lorebook(9.76mb)
* The Fall of Myth Drannor (1.76mb)
* The North


Online Reprint Series

I10 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill
The original Ravenloft module went on to be spawn two remakes and an entire campaign setting, yet its sequel, The House of Gryphon Hill, has remained out of print since 1986. Never adapted to 2nd edition AD&D, never fully incorporated into the Ravenloft campaign setting, it has languished despite all the attention showered upon its predecessor. Why? Find out in John D. Rateliff's insightful look at this classic module.Then download it yourself, and celebrate this Halloween with a visit to Heather House....

Palace of the Silver Princess (B3)
The last time this adventure saw light of day was in 1981, when it made TSR history by being released and recalled in a single day. Few of the many, many gamers who played through the familiar "green cover" version of the module by Tom Moldvay and Jean Wells ever realized that there had been an earlier, suppressed "orange cover" version by Jean Wells alone. For years the few copies that evaded the recall have fetched high prices at auction or in the Dealers' Room at Gen Con, typically sold shrink-wrapped so that the potential buyer could never compare it with the more readily available version. But it has never been accessible to the average gamer -- until now.

Dungeonland and The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror (EX1 & EX2)
Sixteen years before The Matrix set Neo chasing his white rabbit, the D&D game was leading characters through the looking glass into a bizarre Wonderland of sheer bedlam, where the White Rabbit was really a 20th-level magic user. Dungeonland, Gary Gygax's parody of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and itssequel, The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, are now available as part of our free online reprints of classic D&D modules.

Low-Level: 1-4

Title: "The Secret Of Bone Hill" L1 Dungeon Module
Module Text (222k RTF file)
Inside & Outside Cover (604k ZIP)
4 pages of Interior Maps (336k ZIP)
Interior Art (219k ZIP)
Description: The adventures in this module take place in or near the town of Restenford, a fishing port on the Isle of Lendore's southernmost peninsula. The entire island is not depicted in the maps in this module, but all pertinent features are detailed. Lendore Isle is covered with vegetation of all kinds and enjoys a mild climate, varying from semi-tropical warmth in the north (heated by the prevailing warm-water currents) to a more temperate and seasonal south. The island, as are all the Spindrift chain, is populated by scattered communities of humans, demi-humans, and humanoids.
File Format: RTF & ZIP

Title: Touch Of Death (934k ZIP)
Description: Module (Grand Conjunction #3)
Many years ago, Isu Rehkotep, a priestess in the service of Osiris, discovered an ancient scroll describing a ceremony used to control one of the children of Anhktepot, a greater mummy.
File Format: WebPage
Title: Night Of The Walking Dead (Reformatted)
Adventure - (979k pdf) this contains the formatted text and interior art.
Maps - (158k zip) 3 maps, including a new player's version of one of the original maps
Covers - (174k zip) the front and back covers to NotWD
Description: Module (Grand Conjunction #4) An Official Ravenloft Game Adventure For 4-6 players, levels 1-3
File Format: PDF & ZIP

Mid-Level: 5-9

Title: "Needle" I11 Adventure
Module Text (167k RTF file)
Outside & Inside Covers (448k ZIP)
Images of Provided PCs (198k ZIP)
Interior Art part 1 (148k ZIP)
Interior Art part 2 (334k ZIP)
Description: AD&D OFFICIAL GAME ADVENTURE for 6-8 Characters, Levels 8-10
File Format: RTF & ZIP Files

Title: Feast of Goblyns (3.17mb ZIP)
Description: Module RA1 (Grand Conjunction #1)
Beware the Mists of Ravenloft, for they will envelop you in terror!
In Feast of Gobylns, a party of adventurers is mysteriously transported from the lands they know to the dar and dangerous demiplane known as Ravenloft. Trapped in this realm of terror, they must use all their skills to escape the manipulations of one of Ravenloft's most powerful lords as they attempt to seek out the accursed Crown of Soldiers. If all goes well, they just might live long enough to escape this dread land and return to their homes.
File Format: WebPage

Title: Ship Of Horror (2.69mb ZIP)
Description: Module (Grand Conjunction #2)
Horrible hauntings, cruel curses, dark secrets . . . this is no pleasure cruise!
File Format: WebPage

High-Level: 10+

Title: From The Shadows (2.41mb ZIP)
Description: Module (Grand Conjunction #5) Azalin wants desperately to escape from Ravenloft. As long as he is trapped within its misty borders, he cannot learn any new magic. This is the ultimate torment for a lich. Darkon, Azalin's domain, is the second oldest domain in Ravenloft. Azalin entered the demiplane shortly after it was formed and was a slave to Strahd for many years. No creature, living or dead, understands the demiplane better than Azalin.
File Format: WebPage

Title: Roots Of Evil (1.62mb ZIP)
Description: Module (Grand Conjunction #6) Roots of Evil is a sequel to the RAVENLOFT game adventure From the Shadows. An optional entry is supplied to allow this module to be played by itself, but both players and the DMTM will enjoy Roots of Evil all the more if it's used as the second of a two-part adventure.

Classic Artwork

Title: Animated Modrons
Description: An Animated GIF of a Walking Modron
File Format: Animated GIF
- Small Animated GIF of a Modron(18k)
- Large Animated GIF of a Modron (68k)


Title:Corsairs of the Great Sea
Description:Al-Qadim sourcebox originally published in July 1994.
File Format: PDF/ZIP (15.2mb)
Description:Al-Qadim sourcebox originally published in October 1994.
File Format: PDF/ZIP (15.2mb)

Birthright Campaign Setting

Released by TSR in 1995, the Birthright setting details a dangerous world of regents and Abominations. Rule a country and set out to eradicate the evil Gorgon. Run a powerful guild and become embroiled in the politics of the day. The Birthright world awaits you.

Wizards Celebrates Birthright's Anniversary

* Blood Spawn - A Birthright Accessory - By Carrie A. Bebris
* The Legacy of Kings - A Birthright Board Game - By Ed Stark
* The Falcon & the Wolf - A Birthright Novel - By L. Richard Baker III
* Player's Secrets of Hogunmark - A Birthright Domain Sourcebook - By Carrie A. Bebris
* The Book of Regency - The Book of Regency A Birthright Accessory - By Ed Stark

Title: Online Exclusive Birthright Sourcebook!
---Player's Secrets of Muden (1086k PDF) ---Player's Secrets of Muden (167k RTF)
---Map of the Muden Domain (563k GIF) Description: An Original Online Publication
File Format: PDF & RTF

Title: An Introduction to Birthright
Description: An Introduction to the Birthright Campaign. An overview of TSR's most challenging AD&D(R) game world.
File Format: (102k RTF)

Title: The Birthright Online City Project
File Format:

Title: Birthright Campaign: The Official Playtest Notes
Description: Rather Amusing!
File Format: (31k RTF)

Title: Domain Sourcebooks: An Insider's View
Description: This file answers the most basic questions that gamers have asked about the BIRTHRIGHT(TM) campaign's most unusual product -- the Domain Sourcebooks.
File Format: (23k RTF)

Title: A Timeline of the Birthright World
Description: There are three principal calendars in common use in Cerilia today.
File Format: (13k RTF)

Title: Birthright Pronunciation Guide
Description: Pronunciations by Rich Baker
File Format: (559k ZIP of WAVs)

Dark Sun Campaign Setting

Title: King's Age Calendar/Timeline of Athas
Description: Creation of the King's Age calendar by the nature-masters based on the rotation of Athas's two moons. Originally titled "World's Age." Original calendar uses "Ocean" instead of "Silt," and "Island" instead of "Desert." File Format: (31k RTF)
Title: Psionic Abilities and Powers Update
Description: This handout features updated rules and additions to The Way of the Psionicist: Psionic Abilities and Powers. File Format: (14k RTF)

Title: Athasian Templar Class
Description: This is the class information for the Athasian templar, which was not included in the revised Dark Sun campaign setting box set.
File Format: (10k RTF)


Title:DLR1, Otherlands - TSR 9278 complete PDF
Description: Originally published in March 1990.
File Format: PDF/ZIP

Title:DLA1, Dragon Dawn - TSR 9275 complete PDF
Description: Originally published in February 1990.
File Format: PDF/ZIP

Title:Gnomes--100, Dragons--0 - TSR 8421 complete PDF
Description: Originally published in November 1987.
File Format: PDF/ZIP

Greyhawk Campaign Setting

Title:Ivid the Undying
Map #1 for Ivid the Undying [originally published in Dragon #204] (219K GIF)
Map #2 for Ivid the Undying [originally published in Dragon #206] (139K GIF)
Map #3 for Ivid the Undying [originally published in Dragon #208] (290K GIF)
Composite Map for Ivid the Undying [created by a dedicated fan] (196K GIF) Description: Ivid the Undying Maps
Description: Unpublished WOG accessory
File Format: (332K ZIP of RTF)


Available under the Forgotten Realms category above.


Available under the Forgotten Realms category above.

Mystara Campaign Setting

Title: Alien Devices from Blackmoor Description: This is the original description of Blackmoor items, published in DA3 City of the Gods, 1987, a setting that was a part of what later became the world of Mystara (DUNGEON & DRAGONS(R) Game, Expert).
File Format: (23k TXT)

Title: Mystaran Nosferatu VampireDescription: This is the AD&D(R) Game's version of the Mystaran Nosferatu. File Format: (9k TXT)

Title: Shadow Elves - the DM's GuideDescription: Shadow Elves: The Official DM(TM) Book for the D&D(R) Game adapted from D&D accessory GAZ13 . Written especially for DMs. File Format: (123k ZIP)

Title: Shadow Elves - the Player's Guide
Description: Shadow Elves: The Official DM(TM) Book for the D&D(R) Game adapted from D&D accessory GAZ13 . Written especially for Players. File Format: (58k ZIP)
Title: Shadow ElvesDescription: Shadow Elves: The Official AD&D(R) Game Statistics
File Format: (6k TXT)

Title: Schattenalfen - An Elvish RaceDescription: From the Hollow World Set, Dungeon Master's Sourcebook.
File Format: (78k RTF)

Savage Coast Campaign Setting

Title: "Savage Coast Campaign Setting"
Savage Coast (980k ZIP file of RTF version)
Savage Coast (930k ZIP file of TXT version) Description: Welcome to THE SAVAGE COAST, TSR#2521, the first product from the AD&D ODYSSEY line, and TSR's first fully online product!
File Format: (ZIP)

Title: Book One: The Orc's Head Peninsula Sourcebook.
Orc's Head Accessory (146k ZIP file of RTF version)
Orc's Head Accessory (284k ZIP file of TXT version)
Orc's Head Adventure Maps #1 (900k ZIP file of JPG files)
Orc's Head Adventure Maps #2 (916k ZIP file of JPG files)
Orc's Head Adventure Maps #3 (889k ZIP file of JPG files)
Description: The Orc's Head Peninsula supplement is part of the SAVAGE COAST setting. It deals with a primitive and barbaric land mass located to the west of the Savage Coast, inhabited primarily by nonhumans. To fully enjoy these adventures, the reader should have the SAVAGE COAST campaign setting. File Format: (ZIP)

Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (236k ZIP file of RTF version) Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (193k ZIP file of TXT version)
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #1 (1.2MB ZIP file of JPGs)
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #2 (1.1MB ZIP file of JPGs)
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #3 (1.2MB ZIP file of JPGs)
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #4 (1.1MB ZIP file of JPGs)
Description: The SAVAGE COAST MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM APPENDIX assembles new creatures with abilities unlike any found elsewhere. These creatures dwell in the lands and waters of the Savage Coastnan area of hardship and swashbuckling adventure, of an ancient curse and powerful Legacies.
File Format: (ZIP)

Title: Coats of Arms of the Savage Coast Description: 49 Coat of Arms
File Format: (170k JPG)

Spelljammer Campaign Setting

Title: To-Scale Spelljamming Ship Deckplans
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 1 (477k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 2 (285k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 3 (291k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 4 (180k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 5 (267k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 6 (257k ZIP of GIFs)
Description: 54 Complete Spelljamming Ships
File Format: ZIP

Character Sheets

Title: NPC Character Sheet
Description: Non-Player Character Record Sheet (TSR9030)
File Format: (364k PDF file)

Title: Player's Option Character Sheet
Description: From the Gates Of Firestorm Peak module (front side)
File Format: (64k PDF file)

Title: Player's Option Character Sheet
Description: From the Gates Of Firestorm Peak module (back side)
File Format: (46k PDF file)

Classic Errata

Title: The Rjurik Highlands Errata
Description: Troop Costs
File Format: WebPage

Title: The Complete Psionics Handbook (first printing)
First printing errata for #2117
File Format: Web page

Title: The Sha'ir's Handbook
Discussion of a ghul lord's manipulation and leeching ability; for the Al-Qadim: Arabian Adventures campaign setting.
File Format: Web page

Title: Maps: Dagger Rock and Underground
"Road to Danger" Missing Maps
File Format: (139k JPEG & 156k JPEG)

Title: "Wild Magic" Table
Wizards Compendium, Vol. 3 - the missing "Wild Magic" Table
File Format: (29k RTF)

Title: Labyrinth of Madness (Module) Errata
Errata, typos, and weird-but-correct sections
File Format: WebPage

Title: 2nd edition Dungeon Master Guide (revised) Errata
Errata Sheet for first printing File Format: WebPage

Title: 2nd edition Player's Handbook (revised) Errata
Errata Sheet for first printing
File Format: WebPage

Title: Player's Option Rulebook: Combat & Tactics FAQ
Player's Option: Combat & Tactics Errata
File Format: WebPage

Title: Player's Option: Skills & Powers FAQ
FAQ/Errata File v. 2 for Player's Option: Skills & Powers
File Format: Web page

Title: Player's Option: Skills & Powers FAQ (second printing)
Description: Skills & Powers Errata and Clarifications effective 9 February 1996
File Format: WebPage

Title: More Errata for Player's Option: Skills & Powers (both printings)
Even more Errata
File Format: WebPage

Title: Rod Of Seven Parts Card Errata
Having a hard time figuring out which player reference card is which in the newly released Rod of Seven Parts boxed set? You're not alone! Each card was supposed to have a nice, big, readable number on the front, but a production error intervened. Here's how to identify the cards.
File Format: WebPage

Title: Rary the Traitor
Description: Missing Maps from WGR3:
File Format: (70k ZIP of GIF)

Title: Border Watch (8k ZIP of TXT)
Missing text from WGM1 Border Watch; Insert the following chapter following page 25 of the adventure.


Chronomancy and the Multiverse
Chronomancer is a 96-page booklet for TSR's AD&D game that presents, for the first time ever, a school of wizard's magic that allows player characters to travel through Time itself, in almost any campaign world.
File Format: (28k RTF)

Half-Dragons outside of the Council Of Wyrms setting
With the release of TSR's Council of Wyrms boxed adventure in June 1994, the frontiers of role-playing were expanded yet again, this time by a huge margin. In this most fantastic of all campaign settings, players can now become the mightiest of creatures--dragons!
File Format: (69k RTF)

Infravision Explained
Description: This article first appeared in Dragon Magazine issue 211 (Nov. 1994) as "Sight in the Darkness"; this file updates and corrects the earlier article.
File Format: (45k RTF)

Psionicists according to Player's Option: Skills & Powers
Here's an unofficial method for building psionicists with character points.
File Format: RTF

DMGR2: Castle Guide (TSR 2112)
Description: (5) gif's--1. Castle on the Moors, 2. A Great Castle pt1, 3. A Great Castle pt2, 4. A Shell Keep, 5. A fortified Manor House.
File Format: (523k ZIP file)

Legends & Lore 2nd edition
There comes a desperate moment when every hero looks skyward in search of divine favor, when he raises his arms to the heavens and calls upon the cruel fates to spare his life. Who hears him? Legends & Lore is a compendium of possible answers. It provides AD&D game statistics and role-playing details for dozens of deities from the pantheons of eleven different cultures. Included in this book are sections on the mythoi of the American Indians, Aztecs, Celts, Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Japanese, and Norse peoples. In addition, there are sections detailing the tales of King Arthur and the gods of Fritz Leiber's Nehwon.
File Format: (874k RTF)


GR3 - Treasure Maps (TSR 9377)
Section 1 - GR3-1 (1.33MB ZIP)
Section 2 - GR3-2 (1.49MB ZIP)
Section 3 - GR3-3 (1.61MB ZIP)
Section 4 - GR3-4 (1.07MB ZIP)
This product consists of 16 short adventures, each with two images: a player handout (with rumors, etc. on the back) and a DM handout (with the truth and the adventure info on the back). The product has been divided into four sections, each with 4 adventures and one RTF file of the DM & player text for each adventure.


Just like the title says,

Let's keep this active so we can meet the 'needs'. :)

:: There may be a duplicate under a different title ::

I created an NPC Cleric/Sorcerer on the fly whose Domains and Focus/'Specialisation' was on Glass, as a sub-set of Earth and Fire Elementalist.

After the session, a player approached me and wanted to know how they could do the same. I gave a general answer, but on the drive back home, I began to think it over more carefully.

I have a few Elementalist source products and PrCs, etc., but I was thinking that I may be over-complicating the whole issue.
Wouldn't learning Energy Substitution: 'Glass' be just as feasible a fix as going through all the trouble of calling someone a Glass Witch?

Hang on, follow my train of thought.
Instead of being taught Mage Armour (Force), learning it from someone who had already tweaked it as Mage Armour [Elemental] (Glass), with all the commensurate reductions in its capabilities/immunities, etc.

Likewise, 'Magic Shard' for Magic Missile, 'Shatter Sphere' for Fireball, etc.

This is the direction I am leaning toward, but I'm covetous of your input on this topic.

Thanks! :D

I created an NPC Cleric/Sorcerer on the fly whose Domains and Focus/'Specialisation' was on Glass, as a sub-set of Earth and Fire Elementalist.

After the session, a player approached me and wanted to know how they could do the same. I gave a general answer, but on the drive back home, I began to think it over more carefully.

I have a few Elementalist source products and PrCs, etc., but I was thinking that I may be over-complicating the whole issue.
Wouldn't learning Energy Substitution: 'Glass' be just as feasible a fix as going through all the trouble of calling someone a Glass Witch?

Hang on, follow my train of thought.
Instead of being taught Mage Armour (Force), learning it from someone who had already tweaked it as Mage Armour [Elemental] (Glass), with all the commensurate reductions in its capabilities/immunities, etc.

Likewise, 'Magic Shard' for Magic Missile, 'Shatter Sphere' for Fireball, etc.

This is the direction I am leaning toward, but I'm covetous of your input on this topic.

Thanks! :D

Gamma Kingdoms PFRPG Playtest-

My Two-month+ strong Gestalt Pathfinder game:

Percival, the backwoods hunter/trapper; Brandon the ambulance driver EMT; Sean the former Sinn Fein sniper; and a handful of young adults survived a Nanoplague outbreak in the year 2025. Most were changed by the Nanos.

2026 saw increasingly Fantastical events in their part of Alaska, quarantined by North American Union military, until a magical portal was located. After an initial scout-about, contact was made with a Satyr, who gladly escaped his world for green earth. Nearly a month later, an expedition with the following left from Earth:

Barbarian-Rogue 5 (Percival)[later a Barbarian-Rogue-Scout-Battle Dancer]; Cleric-Fighter 5 (Brandon); Cleric of Cyriss 3 (Robyn); Druid-Ranger 3 (Dave); Fenris (Mutated wolf animal companion); Fighter-Rogue 4 (Sean); Fighter-Paladin 3 (Dylan); Rogue(-Sorceress-Druid) 3 (Sarah, Percival’s wife); Wizard 3 (Nick).

The fantasy world is a blasted and scoured planet still rife with meteorite impacts, but with a resilient population of humans of various and manifold ethnicities, cultures, and societies. Chief of these on the continent are a Sun-cult of slavers who work with Humanoids to capture Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings.

While most of the crew are dealing with slaver-priests (in combat), Brandon and Dylan stave off an attacking lizard, which results in Dylan’s death at -13 (torn in two by the thing). I allowed Brandon to add a Positive Energy Channel result to a Heal Skill roll, which, with Brandon’s EMT training, prevented Dylan from dying of his heinous wounds (ick). The lizard was chased off; content with its meal of the fighter’s lost parts.
This was a CMB roll for the lizard, with Dylan’s Strength of 18 not winning the day.

Dylan was sent back through the gate and handed off to friendlies who noted that 6:1 time had passed since the expedition had stepped through the gateway.
The group witnessed a meteorite impact estimated at 30+ miles distance, and were unaffected by mild shockwave. That first night saw the clerics troubled by a sense of being separated from their respective deities, but the Druid and Arcane Casters were essentially unaffected.

Percival became ‘possessed’ by the thing that had fallen to the planet’s surface, and at one point brought both clerics to within one or two negative-HP of death, as well as killing all of the hired help while Enraged without him being conscious of his actions. He was restrained in chains and the party decided to avoid the crater.
A magical sandstorm blew in and the group found shelter with a merchant caravan (translations performed by a former slave who has Psionics). That night, the unshackled Percival stepped outside and was quickly embroiled in a fight with the undead-construct (space travelling cyborg) whose craft had crashed (the ‘meteorite’). Percival prevailed due to my characteristically-poor rolling-luck, and gained a psionic template on his Sai.

They are informed of the ‘lay of the land’, and specifically, of the Sun-cult of the massive city-state of Urkalqar. They are told that the Sun-cult has risen to ascendancy over the Moon-cult, which in turn had overtaken the Star-cult during the thousand-plus years of the planet’s scouring.

Enter: Tibbit Rogue-Scout 5 (Nip ‘Ghostwalker’); Elven Cleric-Druid 5 (Flamiya); Elven Beguiler-Duskblade 5 (unnamed).
I explained to the Tibbit player that Tibbits are a branch of Halflings which live secretly amongst them.

Humanoids allied with Urkalqar’s priests round up the Demi-humans for heafty bounty, and recently, the mixed-population-village of Vinetangle had been found by a raiding party. In the raid, Flamiya’s entire clan had either been killed or captured. She escaped with the Leaf-armour suit (Relic), and a Mithral (Elven) Courtblade. Her journey brought her into contact with Nip, the Tibbit (in cat-form). These two travelled to Urkalqar in the hopes of freeing the clan.

The Earth-heroes entered the city under the auspices of the merchants and through a complex series of events, Percival became engaged in combat with guards of the Sun-cult.
The Epic-level Masterwork longsword he crafted for the cult proved deadly in his hands, automatically confirming all (several) Criticals. Paizo’s Critical Hit deck gave us some amusement as guards and low-level priest were cut-down. This went on until the death toll was about a half-dozen in three rounds. [Percival is a combat monster]

Long story-short: The sword and other gifts were eventually presented to the three cults, and the group became embroiled in Flamyia’s quest to free her clan.

Sean, ever eager to spill blood, initiated a poorly-conceived assault on the exterior of the Humanoid Slavers’ headquarters where the party’s casters were drained of most of their spells. Six polearm-armed guards, and three hybrid Orc-Hobgoblin archers were killed before the party fought their way through the 1st and 2nd levels of the compound.
By now, the entire Humanoid neighbourhood was out for their blood, and the PCs raced downstairs in a bid to free the enslaved elves in time.
These combats did not seem to display any strong issues with PF’s combat mechanics tweaks, and so there was little in that regard for me to comment on.

Once the corridor was brought down to block the only door into the slave-pen area, the elves were freed, but left to their own devices once healed (Positive Energy Channelling via both Clerics capable of it [Brandon and Flamyia] proved enormously helpful in this instance), and lightly equipped with cast-off weapons and tools, food, etc.
The PCs then found themselves across a canal (still underground) which had once been part of the sewer system, long ago. They entered a maze-like area in which slaver-archers had great success sniping them from unseen doorways (the Elves were not in front to use their LLV, nor to catch whiff of Secret Doors…lol). I narrowly missed killing a PC (darn), and almost caused two to turn upon each other. All in all, the maze with the Humanoid archers and good Stealth rolls proved nicely dangerous/challenging, and Sheaf [bleeder] arrows are always a lot of fun (for me, as GM).

One door led to a very large flooded chamber (most of it was 10’ or less), with two doorways in opposite walls, a gash in the floor with much deeper water, and another damaged section in a far corner where vegetation and fungi grew.
One of the escaped slaves (the unnamed Elven Beguiler-Duskblade) had (conveniently) located all of his gear and gone Invisible. While he observed the PCs, the messed about until they entered into ranged combat with a Gobber (Iron Kingdoms mechanically-inclined Goblin), and another Orc-Hobgoblin hybrid (neither escaped). Super-ninja-kitty demolished the Gobber in one round due to her Sneak+Skirmish+Beast-Claws (plus Bite and 2pt. ‘Rake’ [I’m an old timer and refuse to drop the whole ‘claw-claw-bite-rake’ routine]).
Shenanigans which we shall pass-over led the group to investigate the vegetation, whereupon they encountered a Woodwose (Necromancer Games’ Tome of Horrors ]|[ ) I bumped up it to 10HD.

Today’s adventure had the PCs fight six Brumes after the Woodwose sealed them in to a dock-chamber with a Wall of Thorns. I combined the Silent Tide undead with the Brumes to have Scythe-wielding monstrosities.
Due to today’s only Player’s (the guy who runs Percival) good strategy, and providence, the Brumes who entered into melee with the Party were eventually destroyed (the only one that escaped never entered melee with them), only due to the remaining PEC dropped by the two well-placed Clerics.
Sadly, I only killed Dave, the NPC Druid, but there were Criticals with the Scythes and Charisma-drains and memory-loss to be had after about 5-hours of gameplay. Exhausted from lack of sleep, my player and I departed the LGS, and had a post-session discussion over Quarter-pounder Meals in McD’s parking lot at sunset.
Though the PCs are 6th level, they are Gestalt builds, and proved to be much closer to 9th level (1.5x), meaning that the CR 10/11 Brumes were well within the (strained) limits of their abilities. Accordingly, I will only give them CR+1 XP, but that is still plenty.

I plan on having the underground waterway lead out into the Violet Sea where we will (hopefully) begin several sea-going adventures; possibly even the Savage Tide AP mixed with S&S Blood Sea and Goodman Games Stormbringer Juggernaut.

Now, to determine if Dave should be Reincarnated, or Raised… (heh-heh-heh…)

I find it interesting that the concern to 'balance' the system doesn't necessarily extend to Feats. I wonder why that is?

Clearly, Athletic and Two Weapon Fighting (for example) are not equally valuable, even taking non-fighting v. fighting Featness into account.

Is it necessary for me to delineate these to garner any sort of attention to the in-equity of the Feats? :)

I think I saw this addressed elsewhere, but I NEED to know the answer.

Does this really mean that Humans gain +1 Skill Point, or +1 RANK?

If RANK, to which Skills? All?! All those which have a Skill Point in them?

Please help!


0-Level Sor/Wiz Spell is missing from both the Beta and the Web Enhancement.

"Designer Notes: Prestige Skills
With the changes to the skill system, the requirements
to enter various prestige classes must change as well.
Whenever a prestige class calls for a number of skill ranks,
you can qualify for the prestige class if you meet that number
of ranks –3 if you also have the skill as a class skill. If you do
not have the skill as a class skill, you must possess double
that number of ranks.
For example, a 3.5 prestige class might
require eight ranks in Move Silently. In the Pathfinder RPG, it
instead requires five ranks of the Stealth skill if Stealth is one
of your class skills and ten ranks if it is not.

Huh? How does that math compute.

Also, was skill points x 4 at 1st broken, that it needed to be changed?
My players would be seriously non-plussed if I told them they'd lose 16-32 skill points.

Why was this done?

How would the PFRPG Favoured Class work with the Gestalt character option from UA (starting from 1st level)?

Let's take a look at it with both a Human/Half-Elf, and then one of the other Races. I'm interested to see others' opinions/projections.

Thanks for your help, I'm starting a game on this Friday with Pathfinder and Gestalts.