backpack, channel protection amulet, healer’s tools, scale mail, wooden
religious symbol, lesser elixir of life, +1 striking scimitar, scroll of resist
energy (2), +1 sling (10 bullets), wand of mending (1st)
STOWED bedroll, chalk (10 pieces), flint and steel, rope (50 feet), rations (2
weeks), soap, torch (5), waterskin
WEALTH 19 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp
Feats and Abilities:
Anathema: Creating undead, lying, denying a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption, or failing to strike down evil are all anathema to Sarenrae. Repeatedly or flagrantly performing these anathema may cause Kyra to lose her divine spellcasting and divine font abilities.
Communal Healing: When you cast the heal spell to heal a single creature other than yourself, you regain Hit Points equal to the spell level of the heal spell.
Cooperative Nature: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on checks to Aid.
Deity (Sarenrae): Sarenrae the Dawnflower is a goddess of healing, honesty, redemption, and the sun. Your favored weapon is the scimitar and she grants you the fire domain.
Divine Font (Healing): You can prepare four additional 3rd level heal spells each day (already included in your statistics).
Divine Spellcasting: Your goddess Sarenrae grants you the ability to cast divine spells. You can cast divine spells using the Cast a Spell activity. Sarenrae also grants you the ability to prepare burning hands and fireball as divine spells.
Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric): You gain the Domain Initiate feat (see below).
Domain Initiate (Fire): Your Domain Initiate feat grants you the fire ray domain spell, which you can cast by spending 1 Focus Point from your focus pool of 1.
□ Fire Ray (uncommon, attack, cleric, evocation, fire); Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal;
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature or object; Effect You launch a swirling band of fire. Make a spell attack roll; the ray deals 6d6 fire damage. This ray deals double damage and 3d4 persistent fire damage on a critical success.
Group Impression: When you Make an Impression, you can compare your Diplomacy check result to the Will DCs of two targets instead of one. It’s possible to get a different degree of success for each target.
Haughty Obstinacy: Your powerful ego makes you hard to order around. If you roll a success on a saving throw against a mental effect that attempts to directly control your actions, you critically succeed instead. If a creature rolls a failure on a check to Coerce you using Intimidation, it gets a critical failure instead (so it can’t try to Coerce you again for 1 week).
[/b]Student of the Canon:[/b] If you roll a critical failure at a Religion check to Decipher Writing of a religious nature or to Recall Knowledge about the tenets of faiths, you get only a failure instead. If you roll a failure, you get a success instead, and if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead.
Ward Medic: When you use Treat Disease or Treat Wounds, you can treat up to two targets.