
Kyoma's page

44 posts. Organized Play character for asdffghjkl01.


| HP 44/44 | AC 21 | Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +7 | Perception +7


| Hero Point 1/1 | Conditions: None | Speed: 25ft | Exploration Mode: Scout


Male LG Human Thaumaturge 4

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Kyoma

Home Land: Bachuan
Religion: Laws of Mortality

HP 44, AC 21
Fortitude +9, Reflex +11, Will +7

Perception +7
+1 Striking Returning Shuriken +10, +6, +2 2d4+2+4 piercing damage
Wand Implement [2 actions] 60ft range 2d4+4 fire DC 20 basic Reflex
Enhanced Wand [2 actions] 60ft range 2d6+4 fire DC 20 basic Reflex, recharge 1d4 rounds or Crit with a weapon

Acrobatics +3
Arcana +5
Athletics +2
Crafting -1
Deception +4
Diplomacy +10
Intimidation +4
Lore Anatomy +5
Lore Esoteric +12 (expert)
Lore Anything +10 (expert)
Medicine +7 (expert, assurance 18)
Nature +5
Occultism +5
Performance +4
Religion +5
Society -1
Stealth +2
Survival -1
Thievery +11 (expert)

Assurance (Medicine)
Natural Ambition (Diverse Lore)
Scroll Thaumaturgy
Battle Medicine
Medic Dedication
Ward Medic
Godless Healing
Doctors Visitation
Continual Recovery

Medicine Information:
Assurance for 18
DC 15 for 2d8 (+5 on myself)
DC 20 for 2d8+10+5 (+5 on myself)
Once per day, you can use Battle Medicine on a creature that's temporarily immune.
Ward Medic lets me treat 2 people at once
Continual Recovery for 10 minute cooldown on treat wounds instead of 1 hour

5 Scrolls of Heal
1 Scroll of Longstrider (Level 2)