Iron Dragon

Kyndriha's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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@ Eta - ignore them.
@ Being - you crack me up

Chilz peoples,
The Dev's already stated that open world PvP is in the game and it is also mentioned in the the Kickstarter. You can't put money into this and then cry about it later hoping you can change the game development by trolling the forums. If you purchase something without reading it then the only person you can blame is yourself. Stop trolling people who point out that you bought something without reading the fine print.

Here is where we should be spitting out how to make PvP work. What did u like about it? What did you NOT like about it? Blah blah blah you get it. Arguing with people just because you don't like something you bought is really really (insert something funny here).

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I hate cookie cutter too every other game i've played lets everyone craft everythyihng... I would love to see them stick true to their tabletop design it would set them apart from the other games out there.

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I hope there is room for an evil Gnome always up to no good... Kinda like them Duke Boys.

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I played tabletop and there is not 1st or 3rd person view and I was more immersed into that than any online game. Now one time I ate a mushroom and that was more immersion than any tabletop so I guess it depends on the person right?