Kyle Ballard's page

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thenobledrake wrote:

If you shield block against a 10 damage hit with a hardness 3 shield, these are the results:

You: Take 7 damage because shield block reduces the damage to you by the hardness of your shield.

Shield: 10 damage hit the shield. To check for dents you reduce the damage to the shield by its hardness. That leaves 7 damage. For each time that this remaining damage equals the hardness of the shield, it takes 1 dent. In this case, that's 2 dents.

That's not right. In your calculation you use the effects of the 7 points of un-blocked damage twice. While using Shield Block the shield can only take damage equal to its hardness, so it can only take 1 dent per Reaction. All of the extra damage goes to the target of the attack.

If the shield were attacked directly, rather than the character, then Shield Block wouldn't apply and all of the damage would go directly to the shield. In that case you would have the following results:
1-2 damage: No effect
3-5 damage: 1 Dent
6+ damage: 2 Dents and the shield is broken. Another set of 3+ damage would then destroy it.