
Kurthnaga Geb's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Kurthnaga.


Grand Lodge

1. Why are you a Pathfinder?

To collect knowledge and connections for the express purpose of bringing order and good to the country of Geb.

2. Do you have a name and surname that is not ripped straight out of existing Earth mythology or popular culture?

My given name is slightly derivative if you look at it that way, but is also one I have made my own.

3. Which nation did you grow up in? How did this nation influence you?

I was born of Geb. Although born isn't exactly the word to use. An infant taken as treasure by an undead roving party, altered to more magically attuned, and formed to be a weapon of Geb. I threw off the shackles of oppression that the nation had put on me, destroyed the guards, and escaped with my new found intelligence. I was taken in by the temple of Nethys, and encouraged to embrace his more gentle aspects, and use that kindness to accomplish my ends.

4. What do you look like? What are your wearing? How does this vary when you’re stalking through forests, sewers, deserts or in glittering cities?

I like the wonders magic can create, and the beauty of life natural. I wear robes of moderate value, although occasionally I can be known to be in the guise of an armored warrior of massive strength, in order to throw off my foes, and direct attention elsewhere when subterfuge is required on my part. I can also be found in simple traveling clothes when it is pragmatic. When necessary, I use magic to clothe myself in decadent robes, although I find such a practice a bit unseemly.

5. What do you love? (Treasure and experience doesn’t count)

I love knowledge. New knowledge is always precious, and thinking of a way to use it towards a peaceful and constructive end should be the paramount concern of any being capable of foresight.

6. What do you hate? (Unclear and irritating darkness level rules don’t count)

I hate undeath. It's shackles and the corruption it causes are terrifying. Some glorify the rebirth, but it is nothing but a shell of life, a violation of the natural order of things. When driven to great need I understand the use, but as a means to create engines of war, torture souls, and to extend the existence of those who crave more than they ever deserved.

7. Which other Pathfinders (PCs) do you rely on for teamwork, survival and butt-kicking? Do you have a bro? a mentor? a father figure? maybe a rival?

I have a competent group of friends to work with. Among them is a certain Princess whom I end up saving rather often, to my eternal irritation and the displeasure of all around. But she is an asset, quite impressed with her ability to talk down men and women of stature. A very cautious halfling and his dragon companion are the first to charge into battle, while our sailor makes sure they stay alive with healing magics, backed up by powerful enchantments and summoning techniques.

8. How does your race influence your views? Are you a stereotype of a certain race? How are you different from most humans/elves/gnomes/orcs/tengu?

I view things from the lens of an experiment released into the world. I wasn't raised like normal humans, so the intricacies of social contracts are not privy to me. I tend to think from a much more logical side, but my companions are important to me, and life is precious when you do not believe in undeath, so protecting them sometimes gets the better of my self-preservative tendencies.

9. What are you afraid of? Do you have any phobias or worries?

I fear my allies being turned against me with the slavery of undeath. If I cannot save them, they will be annihilated so that they cannot be turned against us, although with the ability to transport us far distances quickly that is less of a problem now.

10. What is your most treasured possession?

My Staff is the legacy of my arcane prowess, but my most prized possession has to be a barstool that a friend who past once owned. He passed, and turned into a ghoul while I adventured with him. Once he slew the yeti as a corpse, I had to destroy him with my own power. It was a horrifying moment for me, one that I may never be allowed to forget.