Full Name |
Kuraishimo |
Race |
||Effects: Mage Armor, False Life, See Invisible, Haste, 6 Images, Fatigued |
Classes/Levels |
Gender |
Half-Bearded Devil HP 88/74 | AC:15* T:11* FF:14* CMD: 12* | F+8 R+5* W+5 | Init +7 | FiendSight 120ft Perception -3 |
Alignment |
N |
Strength |
7 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
18 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
5 |
Charisma |
24 |
About Kuraishimo
Male kyton-spawn tiefling sorcerer (wildblooded) 8 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 22, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 70)
N Medium outsider (native)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, see in darkness; Perception -3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 74 (8d6+40)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks long limbs (5 ft.)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +16)
. . 1/day—web (DC 20)
Sorcerer (Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +16)
. . 4th (5/day)—dragon's breath[APG] (DC 22)
. . 3rd (7/day)—haste, magic circle against evil, tongues
. . 2nd (8/day)—false life, frigid touch[UM], mirror image (DC 20), see invisibility
. . 1st (8/day)—dazzling blade (DC 19), enlarge person (DC 19), grease, liberating command[UC], magic missile, snowball (DC 19)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, disrupt undead, mending, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic
. . Bloodline Warped
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 5, Cha 27
Base Atk +4; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Eschew Materials, Fiend Sight[ARG], Fiend Sight[ARG], Improved Initiative, Rime Spell[UM], Weapon Finesse
Traits magical lineage, persecuted expatriate, wayang spell hunter
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +12, Escape Artist +12, Fly +6, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +7, Survival -3 (-1 to avoid becoming lost), Use Magic Device +19; Racial Modifiers +2 Escape Artist, +2 Intimidate
Languages Abyssal, Auran, Common, Infernal, Tien
SQ prehensile tail, warp touch
Combat Gear oil of daylight, scroll of bear's endurance, blur, command undead, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, hold portal, resist energy, sorcerer's robe[UE], wand of enervation (4 charges), wand of heightened awareness (44 charges), wand of infernal healing (20 charges), wand of mage armor (14 charges), wand of resist energy (CL 7th, 10 charges); Other Gear belt of mighty constitution +2, cloak of resistance +2, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone, headband of alluring charisma +4, wayfinder[ISWG], 150 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Long Limbs (5 ft.) (Ex) When making melee touch attacks can increases reach by +5 ft.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Rime Spell Spell with the cold descriptor also entangles creatures if the spell damages them
See in Darkness See perfectly in darkness of any kind, including magical darkness.
Warp Touch (11/day, DC 22) (Sp) Starting at 1st level, you create brief, disorienting changes in a creature's physical form. This ability affects one creature within 30 feet, which is dazed for 1 round (Fortitude negates; DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier). Y
Warped The alien taint in your blood causes malformations and mutations in others.
Associated Bloodline: Aberrant.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool, one target of your choice may receive one random effect.