
Kumamoto's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 10 Organized Play characters.


Lantern Lodge

It should be on there now SpoKnight.

Lantern Lodge

I ran into a similar problem when I was running that part of the adventure as well. I had a male ranger that preferred to stay out of town unless something happened and a male wizard. At the beginning of the session where the encounter happens, the player playing the wizard complained that it was the always the hunky fighters that got the girls. So naturally I had let his wizard get lucky once.

Lantern Lodge

I have posted this to a couple of FB groups that I am on in Montana. If you have any questions, please email me at

Lantern Lodge 2/5

Congratulations Steven.

Lantern Lodge 2/5

If you can buy access to a spell via the Lodge, what are the limits to which spells are available? This is more of a Caster Level limit and PFS Fame limit question.

Lantern Lodge 2/5

I am running Sewer Dragons this weekend. There is a section on Blinding Sickness During the Boulder Dash. At the 3-4 level tier, do I need to make the PCs roll for the permanent Blindness conditions that occur from falling into the water. If so, then do they need to buy at the end of the scenario the cure for permanent blindness?

Lantern Lodge

Can I my Druid use it as pet? Please, pretty please?

Lantern Lodge 2/5

How many people are playing Pathfinder in Montana right now? Is there interest in starting any groups for scheduled PS play sessions? I am located in Montana.