Ancient Void Dragon

Kryptonitedragon's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I was thinking of converting STAP to D20 Past, leaning more away from traditional D&D and going more for a Cthuhluesque horror, the story has always screamed "Cthulhu" to me with the mutating pearls and such. Even so much as to switch out the DP in the final to another more suitable DP like Dagon.

Has anyone done anything similar with this or any of the other AP's?

When Paizo ceases publication, will you guys still keep up all the content, IE Supps to individual issues and such....This may have been covered elsewhere but I didn't see it.

I'm looking a mods for my upcoming STAP game, I really like Sasserine and was looking at making the PC's stay there longer, any adventures that are wellsuited for this that anyone has used. One adventure I was thinking about was "Wreck Ashore" I think it came out of the Wizards Free adventure download area.

Also I've contemplated converting it over to Iron Heroes, any suggestions or advice on this.

My PC's are just about to progress into "Asylum" has anyone run it, and used Aushanna instead of Nidra as a "guide" for the party. My players actually "fondly" remember Aushanna from "Zenith Trajectory" more so than Nidrama whom they meet in "Demonskar".

Just wondering what everyone else did.

We are in "Soul Pillars", but my party cleric has almost convinced everyone that they need to return to Occipitus so "he " can get the "smoking Eye". Our party rogue sac'ed himself the first time and was kicked out of the gusher. Now the Cleric wants one, anyone else ran into this?