Part One: The Dreaming Domes of the Aboleth Psilords
Trouble is fomenting in the prosperous Blood Sea city state of Malvent; the half-elven cerebremancer Ezria Santhrasslisan the Insightful, apprentice and confidant to the archmage Mordenkainen the Magnificent has vanished, and the vaunted head of the Circle of Eight is in need of aid to locate his protege; at the same time, foul rumors of fester regarding a series of caravans that have vanished on the road between Malvent and Phloon over the past several months. Has a new force of evil begun to accost the trade in this benighted region on the northern shores of the Sea of Blood? Heroes are sorely needed.
The Sea of Blood/Sanguine Sea Region
Region Map
Northern Sea of Blood Region: contiguous with the pre-Divine War realm of Kingdom of Thaumka (half-giant and orc/goblinoid worshippers of the Titan Kadum); notably, contains the non-aligned city-states of Malvent and Phloon; treacherous middle territory between the slavers of the Citadel of Tarim to the East and the despot of city-state of Hanfar and her purple plumes (legions of magus); north lies the Ravenlands of the Bloodmist; remnants of Thaumka in the northwestern tribe lands of ogres, orcs, giants, and others between the settled regions of the coast and the Ravenlands of the Bloodmist.
Northern Sea of Blood Coast: Region Map
Northern Sea of Blood: Region Map (Classic Icons)
City-State of Malvent
Overview Map
Vauntor Square, East Malvent Docks District (Night)
Vauntor Square
Floating Fighter Tavern (high class establishment, frequented by nobles)
Breakwater Tavern (run by former adventurers)
Vauntor's Drop (bridge over canal)
Hermuk's Allgoods (general store)
Ganza's Arms and Armor
Blackalbuck's Swap Shop
Temple of the Rainbow: Temple of Jazirian w/ shrines to Iris, and Renbuu -- nagaji and ophiduan priests from the distant south
Umberlee's Bosom (underground dive bar)