KregorRanger's page

1 post. Alias of Todd Johnson.

Okay, I actually ended up stumped looking for the answer to this one:

Bleed damage: saps your PC of X or XdX of damage each round.

Dying: Reaching -1 hit points puts you at the Dying condition, and you lose 1 hit point per round until you reach -CON (Dead).

What if you reach negative hit points while suffering a bleed effect? Do you only bleed the 1 hit point per round once you fall unconscious, or... do you continue to bleed at the rate of your bleed damage? or... do you bleed both the bleed damage AND the 1 hit point per round until you croak?

Second is a variant of an existing feat. It's actually a Duelist's ability, but I lean toward some of the more-accessible Prestige abilities also being feats for those who want to pure class and are willing to spend a feat point for it. So I've added prerequisites and turned it into a combat feat:

    PARRY [Combat]

    Prerequisites: Dex 13, BAB +6, Combat Expertise

    Your quickness and martial skill is such that you can sometimes parry even a telling blow from your opponents.

    Once per round, you may parry an opponent's successful melee attack with a successful REFL save against the opponent's attack roll. If you succeed, the attack is avoided, and you may not make another parry attempt in this round. In situations where you lose your dodge bonus to AC, you are also unable to parry.

    You can only parry an attack from an opponent up to one size category larger than you. If you attempt to parry unarmed against an armed opponent, your roll is made at a -4 penalty. If your weapon is a smaller size category than your opponent's, you take a -1 penalty on your REFL save for each size difference. If your opponent's weapon is smaller, you make your roll at a +1 bonus for each size category yours is larger.

This is essentially turning the Parry ability into something more on the lines of Deflect Arrows for melee attacks.