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Kosten07's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

I would love to see some dual monitor support along with the ability to customize our interface.

Being able to set up all chat options in one monitor and being able to focus on playing the game on another would be epic.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Has it been discussed whether PFO will follow along with canon Pathfinder releases? Or will PFO chart its own course outside of Pathfinder?

I'm hoping it will follow canon because I love reading into Pathfinder's rich history and narrative. It would be fantastic to see it in the game as well.

I'm imagining something in the future when PFO is released having "events" that co-inside with adventure paths or new books covering different parts of Golarion.

This of course would probably a lot more work for the devs to keep up but since they are so closely tied together perhaps its doable.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member


Pathfinder always has a huge presence at GenCon and I was wondering if your planning on having any type of formal presence there for Goblinworks/PFOnline.


Silver Crusade

I've been keeping close tabs on the Gunslinger class because I want this to succeed. I love the idea of the Gunslinger.

So far I don't like the current implementation of the gunslinger class. Its kind of all over and there are already numerous feats that exist in game that cover archers, crossbows, etc. I really don't want a version of the gunslinger to come out that includes mechanics that already exist in other classes/feats. We should be using whats already out there, because most of them can easily be converted to the Gunslinger concept.

Fighter variants already include archers and crossbows, firearms should be added into that mix.

A Ranger gunslinger already have numerous fighting styles, firearms should be added there as well.

The point I'd like to draw attention to is that everyone has a vision of a Gunslinger. Instead of confining it to a single class wouldn't it be smarter to let us as players/GM's tailor it to our tastes.

Some folks will want to play a fighter who might be a weapon master who focuses in firearms. Others might want to be a dual wielding slinger of lead like a ranger.

Personally I want to play a gunslinger that doesn't wear armor, who spins and dodges and does amazing feats of skill as if Jon Woo was directing my character. I can see this character as a monk, maybe even a Zen Gunslinger.

Some want to have Grit, and use Grit like abilities. It seems easier to incorporate these abilities into a Prestige class. It would allow you as game designers to focus on what exactly you want in your Gunslinger class and allow the players themselves to decide on how they get to it, via a fighter, ranger, even monk etc.

This avoids tedious things I see in the current Gunslinger class that has both evasion and uncanny dodge given at level 15.

It also allows for the current feats to easily be updated to include firearms so we don't end up with the confusion of multiple feats that do the same thing.

It seems that most of the crossbow specific feats could easily be updated to include firearms.

I'm a long time lurker on the forums but I care enough on the subject of gunslingers that I just had to throw out my 2 cents worth.