White Grotto Student

Kosta Hemavand's page

12 posts. Alias of Whiskey and a Bonesaw.

Full Name

Kosta Hemavand




Sun Warrior 3 / Daring Champion 3




6'3, 178lb





Strength 11
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Kosta Hemavand

Kosta Hemavand
Human Warknight (Sun Warrior) 3 / Cavalier (Daring Champion) 3

Photosynthetic Magic: Gain an extra spell point if you spend an hour in the sun.
Indomitable Faith: +1 to Will saves



Acrobatics +9, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +10 (+11 at full health), Perform (dance) +6, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +4


HP: 36
AC: 20, Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 15
Fort: +5 Ref +5 Will: +3
CMD: 17


Initiative: +4, Speed: 30ft
BAB: +3, CMB: +3
Masterwork Scimitar: +9 (1d6+4, 18-20, x2)
Shortbow: +7 (1d6, 20, x3)
Ammunition: 60 arrows

Spell Points: 9


Steadfast Personality, Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Outflank, Weapon Finesse, Arcane Strike, Sphere Focus (Light), Dervish Dance

Mystic Combat:

Searing Presence: As a free action you may apply the Searing Light talent to the radius of bright light shed by your Glory, regardless of whether you have applied any other (light) talents to the same glow.


Challenge (1/day): As a swift action, add your cavalier level to damage against one target and take a -2 to AC against all other targets.
Glorious Challenge: If you kill a target of your challenge, as an immediate action declare a glorious challenge against another target. Your challenge bonus to damage and AC penalty is increased by double the number of glorious challenges listed. The increase to AC penalty applies against all attacks.
Foolhardy Rush: If you roll above an 11 on an initiative check, you can move up to your speed as an immediate action and you are not flat-footed. Your movement is subtracted from your movement next round.
Tactician (1/day): As a standard action, grant a teamwork feat to all alies within 30ft for 4 rounds.
Stalwart: If the mageknight makes a will or fortitude save against an effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, the mageknight avoids the effect entirely.
Solar Brilliance: Your caster level is equal to your class level for glows benifiting from Glory. You may choose if any light talents you apply to a glow placed on yourself affect you.


Tradition: The initiate casts through taking on aspects of life under the blistering desert sun.
Drawbacks: Touch of Light (The sun infuses your body, not others'), Magical Signs (A dry, dessicating wind and the smell of burning incense), Draining Casting (The sun exacts a toll from all who walk under it), Somatic Casting (Drawing the signs and symbols of the desert in the air helps focus it's magic)
Boons: Overwhelming Power

Light Sphere Talents: Glory, Searing Light, Dual Light, Encompassing Light, Repelling Light (DC 16 for all saves)

Other Equipment:

+1 Mithral Chain Shirt, Beacon Pillar Ritual, Dawnflower Sash (Endure Elements in warm environments, Feather Fall 1/day, CLW 1/day)
747g in floating resources



Standing tall and streight, Kosta dresses in loose cloth several generations out of date. Bald, his head is marked with odd tattoes and his goatee shines with scented oils. He carries a brutally functional scimitar loose in it's scabbard.


Kosta is frustrated with his people's lack of identity, or even interest in their ancestral accomplishments. Obsessed, he reads everything he can about his people's history and recently has been trying to organize an expidition to old ruins and long-abandoned cities. When you can pull him off that topic, he's smiling and quick witted though lacks common sense. He was a bit of a womanizer, but recent events have stunted that aspect of him a bit.


Born in the shadow of the city walls, in a slum-turned-neighborhood founded by refugees from the desert's wrath, Kosta grew up surrounded by people forsaking their families and friends to join the courts of the rich. Far too prideful to play their games, Kosta's eternal poverty and talent for living life beyond his means led to a life of hard adventure. Some years ago he helped an old woman in a different part of the city, and in return she granted him a free seance. She tried to contact his ancestors, but the desert that held them responded. It spoke to Kosta in a voice like a storm, teaching him and giving him newfound purpose. When the visitation ended the old woman was dead, mummified by the desert's power. Sicne then, his only goal in life has been the re-awakening of his people's old faiths and customs - hopefully with him at the new movement's head. Last night, he had a bit too much of the drink and wound up walking home with a beautiful girl when her father met them - her father, the chief of the guard. Too drunk to defend himself, he was beaten and thrown in prison.