Villamar Koth

Korom Ragemaven's page

5 posts. Alias of Violant.

Full Name

Korom Ragemaven

About Korom Ragemaven


Korom Rgaemaven
Male Human (Kellid, Dual Talent) Barbarian (Savage Technologist)
NG Medium humanoid

Init: +5; Senses: Perception +2

Defense (asterisk indicates a +2 increase when raging)
AC 17*, T 13*, FF 13 (+3* Dex, +3 Armor)
HP 15/15
Fort +4, Ref +2*, Will +2*
Speed 40ft
... Light Crossbow +4*: d8 (P)
... DA Light Crossbow +3*: d8+2 (P)
... 1h Warhammer +4*: d8+3* (B)
... PA 1h Warhammer +3*: d8+5* (B)
... 2h Warhammer +4*: d8+4 [d8+7 when raging] (B)
... PA 2h Warhammer +3*: d8+7 [d8+10 when raging] (B)
Str 16 (20), Dex 16 (20), Con 14, Int 10,Wis 14, Cha 10

BAB +1, CMB +4*, CMD 17**

Traits Reactionary, Pragmatic Polytheist
Feats Rapid Reload (Light Crossbow)

Skills: Knowlege (Engineering) +1, Knowlege (Local) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +1, Intimidate +4, Perception +6, Linguistics +1, Survival +6

SQ Rage (6/6)
Languages: Common, Hallit

Combat Gear*: Barbarian's Kit, Studded Leather Armor, Warhammer, Light Crossbow, 40 crossbow bolts, 33gp


If one had to describe the tribe of the Ragemavens, it would be a bunch of cobbled together weaklings you can knock over with a light tap, at least in the eyes of the other Kellid tribes. The Ragemavens are a group of nomadic Kellids who take especially well to crossbows and composite bows that is made up of the shattered remains of tribes all throughout Numeria. They are filled with unblemished Kellids after the initial generation left Numeria, absent of their typical scars all throughout the body.

Instead of the Ragemaven's rage causing them to shrug off otherwise-mortal blows as if nothing happens, like most Kellid Barbarians, a Ragemaven's rage grants them the ability to avoid blows. As a result, they're often shunned by most other Kellid Tribes, especially those not situated in Numeria. As a result of that, they're known to be quite comfortable in civilization for a Kellid tribe, though they're still nomadic and prefer not to settle down for long.

What sets Korom apart, however, is he views the clan's newfound attempt to retake Numeria from the constructs and wizards as a fool's errand, and thus he set off on his own as soon as he was able. He wasn't about to be some test subject, taken off the streets to have Abadar-knows-what done to him. He set off as soon as he could, encountering a caravan and earning a job as a guard.

Unfortunately for Korom, however, that "caravan" turned out to be a smuggling operation, and now he's stuck in some kingdom, hoping to save his hide from any potential blowback, as well as avoiding whatever attention comes from the novelty of a Kellid with a crossbow.


Korom is your stereotypical Kellid in appearance, if you ignore the total lack of any scars. He stands at 6'0 and weighs a nice round 150lbs. He wears non-Kellid clothes ever since he left his cobbled-together tribe, blending in with the caravan rather seamlessly. His weapons of choice, crossbow and warhammer, are always seen by his side. Looks pretty much exactly like the profile picture, though with a different choice in clothing.