KitKate |
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I've been thinking about this today and I'm ultimately unsure how I feel about it. I see the value, it decouples the big heavy weapons from dex! You want to be a strong, tanky Soldier you can have that strength option for your doshko and still bring a big gun to bear with automatic fire or explosions. We also see this sort of design in Pathfinder 2e often, where a class that doesn't have their 'attack' attribute as their key attribute often have ways to make up the difference that they lose in accuracy.
That said, while I think it's very cool to give soldiers a way to effectively scale up these weapons while focusing on their key attribute, I'm not sure the class DC fits for it. For one, the progression ends up entirely separated from the weapon, something you can see in the field test. At level 5, a soldier gets to be a better shot with their gun as their proficiency improves to expert. However, this accuracy boost ends up having no effect on their core focus of automatic fire and AoE effects, as their class dc then lags behind at trained.
Obviously, we don't know where the class DC bump comes in, but if we look across the various Pathfinder 2e martials we find that it's usually around level 9. That's four levels between you getting better at your gun, and then getting better at what you want to do with your gun. There's also weird knock-on effects, such as how spellcasters often have spell attack and spell dc, but no class DC and thus can't interact with these functions. Or how down the line you may end up with something like the Pathfinder 2e kineticist who doesn't have proficiency in the weapon, but has high scaling class DC and thus is very good at the alternate fires of these guns they don't know how to use.
I feel like the cleanest solution is to decouple these effects from Class DC in general, and maybe make them interact with weapon proficiency more directly. An attack roll against the Reflex DC of creatures in the area for example, and then give the Soldier a class feature to more directly use their constitution to boost these effects and push this as their niche.