Stewards Stalwart

Kori Meneasteri's page

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 22 posts (48 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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I've been thinking about this today and I'm ultimately unsure how I feel about it. I see the value, it decouples the big heavy weapons from dex! You want to be a strong, tanky Soldier you can have that strength option for your doshko and still bring a big gun to bear with automatic fire or explosions. We also see this sort of design in Pathfinder 2e often, where a class that doesn't have their 'attack' attribute as their key attribute often have ways to make up the difference that they lose in accuracy.

That said, while I think it's very cool to give soldiers a way to effectively scale up these weapons while focusing on their key attribute, I'm not sure the class DC fits for it. For one, the progression ends up entirely separated from the weapon, something you can see in the field test. At level 5, a soldier gets to be a better shot with their gun as their proficiency improves to expert. However, this accuracy boost ends up having no effect on their core focus of automatic fire and AoE effects, as their class dc then lags behind at trained.

Obviously, we don't know where the class DC bump comes in, but if we look across the various Pathfinder 2e martials we find that it's usually around level 9. That's four levels between you getting better at your gun, and then getting better at what you want to do with your gun. There's also weird knock-on effects, such as how spellcasters often have spell attack and spell dc, but no class DC and thus can't interact with these functions. Or how down the line you may end up with something like the Pathfinder 2e kineticist who doesn't have proficiency in the weapon, but has high scaling class DC and thus is very good at the alternate fires of these guns they don't know how to use.

I feel like the cleanest solution is to decouple these effects from Class DC in general, and maybe make them interact with weapon proficiency more directly. An attack roll against the Reflex DC of creatures in the area for example, and then give the Soldier a class feature to more directly use their constitution to boost these effects and push this as their niche.

Hi everyone! I'm taking a crack at homebrew/conversion with my own take on a class I always adored from Starfinder, the Solarian!

For anyone here who isn't familiar with Starfinder, the Solarian is a cosmic monk who can wield weapons and armor manifested out of pure light or darkness. They’re a martial class with a variety of powers inspired by gravity, light, heat, and energy, and I’ve done my best to capture the feel of them in Pathfinder’s rules.

Class Features

The Solarian has a few unique abilities that help it to stand out from other martial characters. The standout feature they bring with them is their Solar Manifestation, which lets them wield a weapon, shield, or armor made out of pure energy. The solarian chooses the shape and some of the effects of this equipment, and always has it at hand. This manifestation grows stronger as they level, and has several feat options to further improve it.

The other core feature of the Solarian is their Stellar Mode, which asks them to choose to align themselves with either graviton energies or photon energies, allowing them to draw on unique abilities depending on which mode they are in. Unlike in Starfinder, I moved away from multiple levels of this mode and instead have a simple free choice of which mode you’re in at the start of your turn. With the nature of feats, it felt punishing to expect players to maintain a balance of graviton and photon options. Instead most abilities require you to be in one of these two forms to be used and the balance is represented through changing between modes for the best tool at any moment.

Core Chassis

As a martial character who emphasized focus spells, I looked to both Monk and Champion for how to develop this class. As of right now, they don’t reach legendary in any of their proficiencies, though they do hit master with their weapons, armor, will and fortitude saves. This is currently, hopefully, offset by the boost to skills from sidereal influence, the flashing strikes class feature, and some baked in bonuses to stellar mode and manifestations.

Feat Design

I worked hard to pull every stellar revelation and class feature from Starfinder’s Core Rulebook and give it a home in this first pass. Some of these are based on or spun off existing feats and focus spells. The manifestation feat lines looked to champion divine spirits and the bastion, sentinel, and arcane archer archetypes for ideas on how to improve.

Focus Spells

Focus Spells, or Revelation Spells felt like an immediate solution to how a Solarian would work in their stellar and zenith revelations. In practice, I found myself surprised just how many revelations didn’t need to be a Focus Spell. That said, I still feel Revelation Spells are a key part of the Solarian, such that right now they are a martial who has access to the 3 focus point recovery feat at level 18.

TLDR: This is my first attempt at a homebrew class, a conversion of the Solarian class from Starfinder. I’d love any balance feedback you have, I know there’s a few places I am personally unsure of still.


My order has generated with an extra copy of the APG's special edition. Presumably from the sidecarting before the products became a subscription option. If you could please remove one of the special edition Advanced Player's Guides from the order, so that it's only the normal edition and special edition from my subscriptions, that would be appreciated.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


My subscription order for the month of May just generated a second time, and now it includes two copies of the Special Edition Bestiary 2 when it should be a single copy of the Special Edition (and a copy of the regular, which is also present in the new order). This does seem to have replaced my previous order, but can you please remove the extra special edition hardcover.

Thank you.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi, can you please cancel my Starfinder Maps and Starfinder Accessories subscriptions.

Thank you.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I see that my order for February has gone through, however it doesn't contain the expected special edition hardcover subscription, and thus no copy of the gamemastery guide.

Hoping this can be fixed quick and easily, and thank you for the help.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi, I just received the physical shipment of my order and I seem to have received a copy of the Lost Omens World Guide without the included map. I'm unsure what to do in the situation or how to resolve it, and am hoping I can get some answers here.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


I'm trying to get around the starting product bug for some of the 2e Pathfinder subscriptions. As instructed by Sam Phelan in his post here, I think I have the items properly placed in my cart with the info updated. I just need to have each one start with the following 2e product before finalizing the order:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #145: Hellknight Hill (Age of Ashes 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide

Thanks in advance for any help. :)