Serpentfolk Bone Prophet

Korginard Wintersfury's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I have had to cancel the credit card I originally used for my subscriptions. I added a new payment method, but there does not seem to be a way to remove the original payment method. The site only gives me the "Delete this payment option" for my new one that I added. Is there a way to delete the older one, or make a new payment method the default? I have had to go in and change payment methods manually for each order as the original card is no longer valid and will always be declined.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Has anyone noted that dominating an animal to do something suicidal negates the spell? Even if a Rat doesn't know that running down a hall MAY be suicidal, the Druid does, and it's the Druid's intelligence that is guiding it. His exact thought process is "I don't want to go down this hall because there may be a trap that will harm or kill me".
So end result is, Rats say piss off and spell is negated.

On the morality issue, I wonder if the animal companion may be a good indicator of if this action would be against the druid code. Would the druid be willing to sacrifice his companion (or whatever benefit he gains from not having one) to accomplish this? I doubt it, and that tells me that using animals like this would probably offend whatever aspect of nature the Druid reveres. Instead of looking at it as "naughty" which is a concern for goodish druids, look at it as wasting or disrespecting the gifts they gain by revering nature.
So, while I believe an Evilish druid would send his animal companion into battle, I doubt they would use it as a mine sweeper, and I don't feel that Nature in whatever form would approve.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

So how much blood would be required? I would say it requires the death of the creature involved. This would be a ritual requirement regardless of the size of the creature and the volume of blood involved.

I'm assuming this would be a stationary artifact for the most part. I can see a stone or marble pool, with a cage or other holding device above it. Perhaps the Restraining apparatus and a ritual knife are required. Any pool or cauldron would do, with perhaps the addition of an Unhallow or similar spell to prepare the area.
For most human size "Donors", the victim is placed into the restraints and the ritual involves cutting them and allowing their blood to fall into the pool bellow. When the victim has expired and most of it's blood has drained, the pool is ready for bathing.
For larger creatures like Giants or Dragons, it may be necessary to collect their blood in barrels and dump it into the pool. It might be cool if the barrels or "vessels" are specially crafted and prepared for this purpose.
Perhaps the Vampire or Hemo-lich does not perform the bleeding ritual itself. They may employ a Kyton, Devil, or simply a loyal cultist to take care of that part, and then arrive for their daily "Dip". Of course since this is a player character they should have a Leadership feat or similar way of obtaining the "Help"

If it's a Vampire instead of a Lich, and they are drinking, you could make the item a Chalice rather than a pool or cauldron. A nice jeweled cup would serve nicely, and would be a lot more portable. Obviously it would not require as much blood as a pool or cauldron, but should still require the ritual death of the creature the blood is from. Even with the chalice I would require a specially crafted knife and a specific ritual required to draw blood into the chalice.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

The Vampire/Lich is too powerful and their respective undead states are completely incompatible. A Lich lacks the bodily functions necessary to process blood. A skeletal creature cannot drink blood, it has no organs or circulatory system. Have them settle for being a Vampire, there is really no good reason to be both and it simply does not work. If they choose to be a Lich instead, perhaps they can bathe in the blood to gain abilities.

The item that imbues abilities based on what blood is placed in it is interesting and doable. Just ensure that there are drawbacks to it. Sure bathing or drinking Giant blood may make them strong, but perhaps it makes them clumsy or less intelligent (Depending on what kind of giant). The Blood of a Werewolf could impart some fierce fighting abilities, but adds the tendency for berserk rages as well. The Blood of a Red Dragon may give them some impressive Fire related abilities but leave them more vulnerable to cold. (They would in fact loose the resistance to cold than an undead creature might normally has).
There should always be a trade off, and some types of blood should be too dangerous to mess with. The Blood of a Demon might drive them into a destructive rage. It should also be noted that if they were foolish enough to try to drink the blood of a Angel or other celestial being, it would cause massive damage as it reacts with their undead system. If the celestial being is powerful enough, they could be destroyed outright.
Also consider what happens if someone tricks them and adds say Rat blood to the item. They would become weak, skiddish, ect. This kind of artifact will definitely be powerful, but should have clear drawbacks to it's use.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

As I've looked at this thread, I've been thinking more and more about how awesome an Occultist would be in a modern-earth type campaign. Just coming up with historical occult artifacts like The Spear of Destiny, The Crystal Skulls, The Ark of the Covenant, and then recreating them as game relics. That would just be an insane amount of fun for anyone interested in that sort of thing!
I know recruiting is pretty much done and I don't think I have time for a PBP right now, this thread just got me thinking :)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

The head devouring is a reference to the mating habits of your typical Preying Mantis. The Female bites the head off of the male when they are finished.
Yes Achaekek is generally thought of as male, but being divine he can be whatever, and perhaps head biting is a Hobby? (He does enjoy a good killing after all)

Personally I'd say the result of such of fight is irrelevant as it would slaughter everyone in a several mile radius and result in campaign ending/world shattering aftermaths.

This is how I would run this scenario:
A Giant Mantis pops in as Proxy to Achaekek to inform the summoner that he is busy and to piss off (By way of the Mantis biting the summoners head off, possibly performing other services first as defined by Mantis mating ritual...) If the summoner was a worshiper of The Mantis God then he or she should feel doubly blessed by this miraculous intervention!
"Praise Achaekek!"
Cthulhu arrives and momentarily regards the folks standing around (and in doing so vivisects some and drives the rest insane)
"Praise Cthuluuhhnm AAARRRGGGG... uuuhhhhnnnn"
And there was much screaming and drooling and flailing of the severed appendages, and Cthulhu looked upon the world, and found it Sane and thus lacking. So it came that The Great Old Ones descended upon the world and partied until it dropped.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I kind of like the idea of an Alchemist/Trap-maker type for Kobolds. Traps are a key part of the race, and just the idea of a Kobold flinging flaming vials of exploding goodness makes me smile.. ALOT :)
I'm pretty sure I've read that Alchemists have extracts that allow them breath weapons, and that would be perfect for a Kobold wanting to accentuate his Dragon Attitude!
Alchemists also allow a Kobold the option of bulking up on physical stats with their Mutagens.
All in all I'd say Alchemist is a pretty strong way to go for a Kobold.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm also wondering if never having done PBP would be a problem. I've been reading the boards and the idea of Gestalts has fascinated me and now combined with evil? Too fun!
I've been dreaming up a gestalt unchained summoner/cleric who's eidolon is directly tied to their god, and a Cleric of Asmodeous with a Devil eidolon is perfect.. but you look to have a pretty good choice for an Asmodian cleric. Also my idea of a Priestess of Asmodeous with her Devil Eidolon wouldn’t quite stretch into the rape concern area.. but it would probably be more steamy than necessary. Seduction, Sin, Domination.. lets not go there. (Besides, like I said, who needs another priestess competing for my Devil’s attention ;) )

My next thought was to try a Witch/Summoner with some thematic tweaking between the Familiar and the Eidolon. Instead of having both, they could summon some otherworldly presence that enters and empowers the Familiar when the eidolon is "Active". I was thinking a cat that becomes a big scary quadruped infused with Shadow as her witch patron choice would be shadow. If the Eidolon is killed the otherworld presence is expelled and sent home, and it would probably be good to come up with some penalty short of killing the familiar. Perhaps the familiar is banished as well but will be available the next time she needs to regain spells. (So no using it to scout around and she loses the stealth bonus) The Eidolon portion of the gestalt creature is handled the same as with a summoner as far as calling it back after it has been banished due to death.

Rough Fluff:
My thoughts on the character are she’s been imprisoned for Witchcraft (Imagine that!). She’s far too clever to have been caught practicing, but when her lover died in a duel with his best friend; his family accused her of “bewitching” the poor young man and leading him to his death so that she could claim his inheritance. Such Ignorance! As if she needed her craft to seduce and manipulate the fool! (Please note she is manipulative and can be seductive and a tease, but she is NO rapist. She would never lower herself to bedding someone who didn’t want her, and she’s far too much of a snob to go around seducing everyone. She was indeed after his money and the power and prestige that would have come with it. Ironically this is an excellent look into the way she sees the world. His family was quite correct about her motives, and even unexpectedly her true nature, but she is disgusted that they thought she needed to use magic to accomplish it. Her conclusion is she’s upset that she was caught and they’re total idiots.. But she doesn’t see her own actions as evil. And by the way do they ever CLEAN this god forsaken prison???) Sadly once the accusation was made the local “Witch-Hunter” had little trouble uncovering her abilities. Her familiar escaped (otherwise I’m sure they would have killed it) but she’s caged with these blasted manacles that prevent her from drawing upon her simplest powers.

The concept is a spoiled noble’s daughter who’s been given everything and readily accepted the particularly nasty bargain which empowers her craft and granted her the familiar/eidolon, sent directly from her mysterious shadow benefactor. She thinks herself clever and bargained well for her power. She’s sure that any price that must be paid in actions she agreed to preform will inconvenience others, not her.
Even though she is a Witch, she is no hag living out in the swamps. Her power comes from her craft and her bargain, but her essence is still that of a haughty noble snob. She is well dressed, immaculately groomed, and an utter snob. How her rise in power (and the price she pays for it) may change this is not clear, but it’s doubtful she’ll “go native” any time soon.

She doesn’t really think of herself as all that evil, she simply doesn’t feel that others views on morality apply to her. She simply can’t be bothered with ignorant people calling her actions evil. The Family she hails from has always been surrounded by rumors of dark dealings and impropriety, but rumors are simply wagging tongues that need to be cut out because they have no concept of civilized society. (Imagine going on like that after being paid such obscene amounts of money!) Of course now with this whole ridiculous imprisonment her family will be scandalized and disown her. They may even apply financial means to remove her if she isn’t burned as a witch.

That’s not to say she won’t work well with others. She respects power and is eager to help those who can help her. She’s manipulative, even a bit vindictive at times, but she’s easy enough to keep happy as long as she gets what she wants.

The other roleplaying snag (opportunity) is all of these Mongrels!! Tieflings? Really? They’re parents must have been SO proud! Dallying with forces unknown is nothing new to her but consummating with some creature, and then allowing the spawn to survive for all the world to see? Some people have no sense of restraint or propriety!

Assuming the Familiar/Eidolon mixing sounds good I’ll turn all that into a proper story and crunch some numbers.