Lantern Bearer

Koren n'Rhys's page

20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

My 13yo daughter has been running BB for myself and a few of her friends - we alternate weeks and I run Labyrinth Lord.

She's finished up both Black Fang and the mine adventure from the GM Kit. I know she plans to work up some of her own adventures, but I'd like to pick up the first part of one of the APs to give her something to sink her teeth into and get an idea of how to begin laying out a campaign.

Which one would you recommend as the best model for her to learn from? I'm leaning towards Jade Regent just because it's the most recent and still easily obtainable. Classes used isn't an issue, since we have Ed o' War's BB stuff, but she'd need to convert a lot of the new monsters and ignore a bunch of non-BB info obviously.

So... Thoughts?