Female minotaur skald 8 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 49)
LN Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 (+10 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally)
AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 23 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 80 (8d8+16)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Defensive Abilities improved uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 greatsword +11/+4 (2d6+18/19-20) or
. . dagger +7/+2 (1d4+10/19-20) or
. . gore +2 (1d6+5)
Special Attacks rage powers (lesser celestial totem, expanded versatility), raging song 20 rounds/day (move action; inspired rage, song of marching, song of strength), spell kenning 1/day
Skald Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +11)
. . 3rd (3/day)—dispel magic, haste, invisibility sphere
. . 2nd (5/day)—glitterdust (DC 15), path of glory[ACG], pugwampi's grace (DC 15), silence (DC 15)
. . 1st (5/day)—blend with surroundings, cure light wounds, feather fall, grease, moment of greatness[UC]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, message, prestidigitation, read magic, scrivener's chant
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 23
Feats Cleave, Furious Focus[APG], Power Attack, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword)
Traits charming smile, cunning soul, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+0 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally, -2 to jump), Appraise +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Bluff +8 (+6 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Climb +7 (+5 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Craft (mapmaking) +5 (+3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Diplomacy +14 (+12 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Disguise +3 (+1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Escape Artist +2 (+0 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Fly -2 (-4 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Heal +1 (-1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Intimidate +10 (+8 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (arcana) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +18 (+16 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (engineering) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (geography) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (history) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (local) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (nature) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (nobility) +16 (+14 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (planes) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Knowledge (religion) +9 (+7 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Perception +12 (+10 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Perform (oratory) +14 (+12 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Perform (wind instruments) +7 (+5 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Ride -2 (-4 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Sense Motive +14 (+12 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Spellcraft +5 (+3 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Stealth -2 (-4 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Survival +3 (+1 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Swim +7 (+5 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally), Use Magic Device +14 (+12 when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally); Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge (dungeoneering), +2 Survival
Languages Common, Minotaur, Goblin
SQ bardic knowledge +4, lore master 1/day, overprotective, versatile performances (martial performance [oratory], oratory)
Combat Gear scroll of animate rope, clarion call, comprehend languages (x2), identify (x2), solid note (x2), scroll of tiny hut, scroll of tongues; Other Gear +1 mithral full plate, +1 greatsword, dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of giant strength +2, headband of alluring charisma +2, scarlet and blue sphere ioun stone (perception), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, Bosun's whistle, cartography tools, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], mirror, pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 1,056 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +4 (Ex) Add +4 to all knowledge skill checks.
Celestial Totem, Lesser (Su) Cure spells heal CL extra Hp, non spell magical healing does class level extra.
Cleave If you hit a foe, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus but take -2 AC.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Expanded Versatility (, Use Magic Device) (Ex) Add another skill to those affected by a versatile performance ability.
Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >= 12) (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed. You cannot be flanked unless the attacker is Level 12+.
Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) Can take 10 on any trained knowledge checks. Activate to take 20 as a standard action.
Martial Performance (Oratory, Proficient, Greatsword) (Ex) Gain proficiency or Weapon Focus with chosen weapon.
Overprotective -2 to attacks and skill checks when further than 10 feet from a fallen ally.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Raging Song (move action, 20 rounds/day) (Su) Song can inspire allies in a variety of ways.
Spell Kenning (1/day) (Su) Spend a skald spell to duplicate a bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell.
Versatile Performance (Oratory) +14 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy or Sense Motive checks
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Kolaiah grew up among the wild, rugged landscapes of the Sword Coast North, where her kind were often regarded with suspicion or outright hostility. She was raised by a small, wandering community of monstrous humanoids and exiles who banded together for safety and mutual aid. Even as a child, Kolaiah demonstrated a natural charisma and a curious mind, qualities that set her apart from the other warriors and hunters of her tribe. While others saw only survival, Kolaiah was drawn to stories, songs, and the untamed beauty of the world, seeking meaning in the labyrinthine paths of life itself.
As she came of age, Kolaiah’s martial prowess grew alongside her love of storytelling. Her tribe honored her with the title of skald, a position of both battle-leader and historian. But Kolaiah’s restless spirit could not be satisfied with simply leading her people. She believed her destiny lay beyond the Sword Coast, where greater challenges and grander stories awaited.
It was during her travels southward that Kolaiah encountered the Harpers. Intrigued by their commitment to freedom, knowledge, and the preservation of lore, she earned their trust through her honesty, determination, and the power of her voice. The Harpers saw in her a unique ally—a powerful warrior with a quixotic view of the world, driven by a personal code of honor. They shared with her stories of the legendary Undermountain, describing it as a labyrinthine dungeon filled with untold dangers, ancient treasures, and mysteries yet unsolved.
That word—labyrinth—stirred something deep within Kolaiah. To her, the Harpers' description of Undermountain seemed more than a casual tale; it felt like a calling. She envisioned the dungeon as a living metaphor for the challenges of life: winding paths, daunting obstacles, and hidden truths waiting to be uncovered. She became convinced that her purpose was to explore and conquer this legendary maze, not for greed or glory, but because it was the ultimate test of her strength, wits, and will.
Kolaiah arrived in Waterdeep with little more than her greatsword, her armor, and an unshakable belief that she was meant to face whatever awaited her beneath the city. She quickly became a regular at the Yawning Portal, trading songs and stories for coin and information about the depths of Undermountain. Her determination to treat the dungeon as a labyrinth to be explored and conquered—both physically and philosophically—has made her something of a curiosity among adventurers. Some find her naive, others inspiring, but no one doubts her resolve.
Though she remains friendly with the Harpers, Kolaiah does not officially work for them. Instead, she considers herself a free agent, following the winding paths of her own destiny. Her quixotic nature often leads her to help those in need, even if it means delaying her own goals. She believes that every act of kindness or courage is another step toward unraveling the greater labyrinth of life.
Now, armed with her strength, her voice, and her unyielding spirit, Kolaiah stands ready to delve into the depths of Undermountain. To her, the dungeon is not just a place of danger and discovery—it is the proving ground for her very soul. Whatever lies at the heart of this labyrinth, Kolaiah is determined to find it, face it, and emerge triumphant.
Personality and Such:
Kolaiah is an idealistic, determined individual who approaches life with a mix of fierce resolve and boundless curiosity. Her upbringing among exiles and monstrous humanoids instilled a strong sense of community and loyalty, but her innate wanderlust drives her to seek out challenges and mysteries beyond the familiar. She views the world through a quixotic lens, seeing great purpose in what others might dismiss as coincidence or folly. To her, every obstacle is part of a grand, interconnected labyrinth that must be navigated with courage and wit.
Kolaiah’s confidence in her strength and intellect is tempered by a deep sense of responsibility for those around her. She can be fiercely protective of her companions, often throwing herself into danger to shield others, even to her own detriment. While this altruism inspires those who fight alongside her, it also stems from her Overprotective nature, which can manifest as anxiety and hesitation when she is unable to safeguard her allies. If a companion falls in battle, Kolaiah’s focus can falter, leaving her distracted and guilt-ridden until she can ensure their safety.
Despite her martial prowess and commanding presence, Kolaiah has a softer side that reveals itself in quiet moments. She is an attentive listener, a compassionate friend, and a lover of stories and songs. Her voice, both in battle and in conversation, carries a natural authority, but her sincerity and warmth prevent it from feeling overbearing.
Kolaiah’s central motivation is the pursuit of purpose and meaning in life, which she believes can be found in the exploration of challenges, both literal and metaphorical. She views Undermountain not as a simple dungeon to be plundered but as a labyrinth to be conquered, one that mirrors the struggles and triumphs of existence itself.
She is also driven by a need to protect others and prove her worth as a leader and ally. This stems from her past as a skald among her people, where she bore the dual responsibilities of preserving their history and ensuring their survival. Even now, far from home, Kolaiah feels a moral obligation to stand between danger and those who cannot defend themselves.
Her affiliation with the Harpers has further cemented her commitment to doing good in the world. Though she is not formally aligned with them, their ideals resonate deeply with her, and she often finds herself drawn to causes that align with their mission.
Speech Patterns
Kolaiah speaks with a clear, resonant voice, honed through years of storytelling and battlefield leadership. Her tone is steady and deliberate, often punctuated by moments of passionate intensity when discussing something she feels strongly about. She has a poetic way of expressing herself, favoring metaphors and analogies that tie into her view of life as a labyrinth. For example:
- “Every step we take brings us closer to the heart of the maze. The trick is not to fear the shadows along the way.”
- “A battle is like a song—every strike, every parry, is a note. Together, we make a symphony of survival.”
Kolaiah rarely raises her voice in anger, preferring to use calm authority to command attention. However, in moments of great excitement or peril, her words can take on a fiery edge, reflecting her warrior spirit.
Drawback: Overprotective
Kolaiah’s greatest weakness is her overprotective nature, which can cloud her judgment and leave her vulnerable in combat. If an ally falls unconscious or appears seriously injured, Kolaiah’s focus shifts entirely to their wellbeing, often at the expense of her own safety or tactical positioning. This behavior stems from a combination of survivor’s guilt—having seen comrades fall in her youth—and her deep-seated belief that she is responsible for the safety of those she fights alongside.
When she is more than 10 feet away from a fallen ally, her anxiety manifests as a noticeable drop in confidence and coordination, reflected in penalties to her attack rolls and skill checks. While her companions might admire her bravery, some may also find her overbearing or stubborn when she insists on intervening in situations they believe they can handle on their own.
Key Traits and Behaviors
- Idealistic and determined: Kolaiah believes in the possibility of overcoming any challenge, no matter how daunting.
- Loyal and protective: She forms deep bonds with her companions and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety.
- Poetic and reflective: Her speech and worldview are colored by metaphors and a strong sense of narrative.
- Restless and curious: She is always seeking new challenges, both to test herself and to uncover deeper truths about the world.
- Self-sacrificing: Her overprotective nature can lead her to put herself in harm’s way unnecessarily.
Kolaiah’s blend of idealism, charisma, and martial skill makes her a compelling and inspiring figure, even as her flaws and vulnerabilities ground her in relatable humanity—or, in her case, minotaur-ity. She is a steadfast ally, a determined explorer, and a storyteller whose greatest tale is still being written.
Physical Description:
Kolaiah is a towering minotaur, standing just over 7 feet tall. Her powerful frame is clad in shiny plate armor, meticulously polished to reflect the light, though it bears the marks of many battles. Her skin is a deep bronze, contrasting with the white streaks that adorn her mane of brown and white hair, which curls slightly at the tips. She wears a large earring in her left ear, a symbol of both her strength and her connection to the labyrinths she holds sacred.
Her broad, muscular arms are visible beneath the armor, and her snout is pronounced, with two large tusks protruding slightly from her lower jaw. Her eyes, keen and intelligent, are the color of polished amber, reflecting a sense of both determination and reverence for the paths she walks. The enormous greatsword she carries hangs over her shoulder, with the hilt extending above her shoulder and behind her head, the blade running straight down her back, ready for action.
Kolaiah proudly wears the emblematic badge of The Balanced Coin on her chest, signifying her membership in the adventuring group that shares her quest for exploration and discovery.
Her presence in the Yawning Portal speaks of an adventurer who has seen many lands—yet none more enticing than the winding, mysterious maze of Undermountain.