Brass Dragon

Kokip's page

31 posts. Alias of Anoirtrou.

Hello! I absolutely loved the original Dark Tower game from the early 80's and I was excited to see that a new edition with updated gameplay is on kickstarter right now. Anyone who played this game 40 years ago should definitely check this out!

Return to Dark Tower

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Our first few games with the new core set have been hilarious. I have been playing Fumbus, the new goblin alchemist, and have had good (?) luck with the beginning scenarios. On the first turn of both games, I have found a closing henchman (once on the first exploration and the second time on the second exploration) and closed the location. This has led to us describing it in our story that he is told to go 'explore' an area and so he strolls over, throws a bomb to completely destroy everything, then scurries back saying "Done!"

Our running joke is that Fumbus does not understand the difference between "explore" and "explode"!